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第一课时一、学习目标 (1) To master some key words, phrases and sentences in the text; (2) To get the main idea of the passage and improve the ability to read.(3) To know something about Australia.二、重点领悟1. Learn and master the following wordsabandoned ;expert; passenger; product; scenery; supply; train; not any more ; look like ;get off; get on ; be short for.2. To know something about traveling to the central part of Australia.三、自主梳理Pre-task Brainstorming Try to bring out as many words about transportation as possible. 来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KTask-cycle Learn different verbs and nouns about traveling. Activity 1 Matching ( 1 ) Activity 2 Put me in the right place! A: Draw a picture with road, rails, water and clouds on the blackboard. Put different vehicles in the right position on the picture. B: Ask and answer Qs in (2) according the picture.四、学法引领 Task 2: Describe Australia ( 25m )Reading & vocabularyPre-task: Search information about Australia before classTask-cycle: Australia Activity 1 Brain-storming (words about Australia)Activity 2 Talking ( 1 ) A: Talk about the pictures on P22 + things about the country brought by SsB: Get questions in (1) solved C: Dialogue between “Australians” and “tourists” Report to all Activity 3 Vocabulary ( Part ) A: Choose the words which you think can be used to describe a train trip to Australia from the list shown on the screen (a dictionary is recommended) B: Match the words with pictures (camels, cassette, desert, diamonds, sand, soil) C: Choose a word in the blanket to match the underlined part in a passage (2) Not long ago, I had a wonderful trip to Hainan. Its not an area of dry land, because its surrounded by sea. There you can always enjoy the beautiful sunshine, green trees and blue water. On the beaches, you cant find any valuable stones, but you can always touch the soft sand instead. On my way back, I made friends with some of the people traveling on the train.五、探究提升1.in the distance 在远方,在远处 at a distance 稍远处 from a distance 从远方 来源:学科网at a distance of 在远的地方 keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离,不接近某人 distant adj.遥远的;(指人)远亲的,冷淡的2. refer to 指的是,提到;谈到;涉及 Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. (教材P21)一些动词不只是指一种交通方式。Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary.在不查词典的情况下完成作业。3.take up 占去,占据(时间、地位等)take down 记下,拆卸 take on呈现 take over 接管,接任六、巩固训练1.完成句子 你从远处就可以看到这个大楼。来源:学科网ZXXKYou can see the building . 我可以望见远处的高塔。I could see the tower . (谚)远火能照亮,近火要烧人。The fire which lights us will burn us when near. 【答案】from a distancein the distanceat a distance 2.写出下列句中refer to的含义 In his speech, he didnt refer to the problem at all. If you dont know what this word means,refer to the dictionary. Excuse me, what do these words in brackets refer to.来源:学科网ZXXK 【答案】涉及,提到查阅指的是3.翻译句子 My plane takes off at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. I didnt recognize him until he took off his glasses. 来源:学科网Id like to take next Friday off. 【答案】明天我乘坐的飞机将在上午十点起飞。 直到他摘下眼镜我才认出他来。我想下星期五请假。
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