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第 1 页 共 15 页 中考英语 66 道动词时态单项选择专题解析 含时间标志词 1 Where did you go last weekend I to the Great Wall A go B went C will go D have gone B 解析 考查一般过去时 句意 上周末你去哪儿了 我去长城了 分析问句 上周去的地方应 用一般过去时 故选B 2 Please don t make so much noise The baby now A sleeps B slept C will sleep D is sleeping D 解析 考查现在进行时 句意 请不要那么吵 现在孩子正在睡觉呢 根据关键词now 可知本句应 用现在进行时 故选D 3 It s nice to see you again We each other since 2014 A won t see B don t see C haven t seen D didn t see C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 很高兴又见到你了 我们自从 2014年就未见过彼此 根据关键词 since 可知本句应用现在完成时 故选C 4 Last week Vivian a dress for her mother with her first month salary A buy B bought C will buy D would buy B 解析 考查一般过去时 句意 上周薇薇安用她第一个月的工资为她妈妈买了一件连衣裙 根据时 间状语 Last week 可知是一般过去时 故选B 5 My mother dinner when I got home yesterday A has cooked B was cooking 第 2 页 共 15 页 C will cook D cooks B 解析 考查过去进行时 句意 昨天当我回家时我的妈妈正在做饭 分析句子可知 when引导时间 状语从句 从句用一般过去时 主句用过去进行时 故选B 6 What a nice watch How long you it For just two weeks A will buy B have had C were having D did buy B 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 多么漂亮的手表 你买它多长时间了 仅仅两周 由答语 For just two weeks 可知本句是现在完成时 且two weeks 是一段时间 不可与瞬间性动词连用 buy 为 瞬间性动词 have 为延续性动词 指 拥有 故选 B 7 I the History Museum twice I ve learned a lot there A visit B am visiting C have visited D will visit C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 我已参观过历史博物馆两次了 并且 在那儿学到了很多 由句意 可知 过去的动作对现在造成了影响 应用现在完成时 故选C 8 I Chinese dishes for my foreign friends tomorrow evening A will cook B have cooked C cook D cooked A 解析 考查一般将来时 句意 明天晚上我要为我的外国朋友做中国菜 根据句中时间状语 tomorrow evening 可知本句描述的是将来发生的动作 故用一般将来时 故选A 9 With the development of science and technology robot cooks in our families in the future A appear B appeared C will appear D were appearing C 解析 考查一般将来时 句意 随着科技的发展 在将来我们的家庭将会出现厨师机器人 根据标 志词 in the future 可知应该用一般将来时 故选C 10 The boy misses his parents very much 第 3 页 共 15 页 So he does They the hometown for nearly two years A have left B will leave C have been away from C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 这个男孩非常想念他的父母 的确如此 他们已经离开家乡将近 两年了 由时间状语 for nearly two years 可知用现在完成时 leave 离开 为非延续性动词 可以用在现在完成时中 但是不能与时间段连用 away 离开 为延续性动词 可与时间段连用 故选 C 11 Pass the raincoat to me please It hard now Here you are A is raining B rained C will rain A 解析 考查现在进行时 句意 请把雨衣递给我 现在雨正下得大 给你 由句意及句中的now 可判断此句时态为现在进行时 故选A 12 It s a great pity that the famous football player has gone to another club Don t worry They another top star recently A buy B bought C have bought 1 C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 这位著名的足球运动员去了其他俱乐部 真是太遗憾了 不要 担心 他们最近已经买了另一个顶级明星 答语中的 recently是现在完成时的标志词 故选C 13 Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao just now Certainly In the principal s office They happily at that time A are talking B have talked C were talking 2 C 解析 考查过去进行时 句意 你可以告诉我你刚才在哪里找到高老师的吗 当然 在校长办 公室 他们那时正高兴地交谈 由句意可知那时正在高兴地谈话 用过去进行时 故选C 14 William Shakespeare for 400 years but his works still have great influence today A died B was dying C has died D has been dead 第 4 页 共 15 页 3 D 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 威廉 莎士比亚400 年了 但是他的作品如今仍有着很大的影响 力 分析语境可知本句描述的是从过去一直持续到现在的状态 故用现在完成时 die是瞬间动词 不 能和 for 400 years 搭配 故用 be 动词 dead 表示他去世的状态 故选D 15 Is that a new coat No I it for a long time A bought B have bought C have had C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 那是件新外套吗 不 我已经买了很久了 根据语境可知从过 去持续到现在的动作 用现在完成时 根据 for a long time 可知谓语动词用延续性动词 故选C 16 Did you call Jenny Oh no I forgot I her right away A called B have called C call D will call D 解析 考查一般将来时 句意 你给珍妮打电话了吗 哦 不 我忘了 我马上打给她 根据 时间状语 right away 可知动作还没发生 应用一般将来时 故选D 17 Marcus is our foreign teacher He in our school for two years A was B will be C has been C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 马库斯是我们的外教 他已经在我们学校两年了 根据 for two years 可知本句用现在完成时 故选C 18 Look the light is still on in Helen s office Maybe she her work yet A doesn t finish B won t finish C hasn t finished D didn t finish C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 看 海伦办公室的灯还亮着 也许她还没有完成她的工作 答句 中的 yet 常用于现在完成时 故选C 第 5 页 共 15 页 19 By the time I got to the cinema the movie for ten minutes A has been on B had been on C had stopped D had begun B 解析 考查过去完成时 句意 当我到电影院的时候 电影已经开始 10 分钟了 结合句中的 got to 以及 by the time常与过去完成时连用 与一段时间连用需用延续性动词 可知用 had been on 故选 B 20 How did the accident happen The girl Wechat 微信 while walking across the street A reads B is reading C was reading C 解析 考查过去进行时 句意 事故是如何发生的 那个女孩在穿越街道时微信 根据问句中 的 did 及答语中的 while 可知选 C 21 I called you at 5 00 yesterday afternoon but no one answered Sorry I football with my friends at that time A play B played C will play D was playing D 解析 考查过去进行时 句意 我昨天下午5 00 给你打电话了 但是无人接听 对不起 那个 时候我和我的朋友正在踢足球 根据句意可知是昨天下午5 00 正在做的事 故选D 22 He the city since he graduated from college A has left B left C has been away from C 解析 考查现在完成时 句意 自从大学毕业后 他已经离开了这个城市 根据时间状语since可 知用现在完成时 since 引导的时间状语从句表示一段时间 应与延续性动词连用 故选C 23 Have you watched the new movie Kung Fu Panda 3 Kelly Not yet I it with my classmate tonight A will watch B was watching C have watched A 解析 考查一般将来时 句意 凯莉 你看过新电影 功夫熊猫3 了吗 还没有 今晚 我将 第 6 页 共 15 页 会与同学一起看 根据 tonight及语境可知用一般将来时 谓语结构为 will 动词原形 故选A 24 Many scientists believe that robots able to talk like humans in 50 years A were B are C will be D have been C 解析 考查一般将来时 句意 许多科学家相信 50 年后机器人将能像人类一样说话 由时间状语 in 50 years 可知用一般将来时 故选C 25 Have you returned the book to the library yet Not yet Don t worry I it soon A re
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