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重点单词 重点词汇夯实练 1 active adj 积极的 活跃的 As a student John is very active in his class For example he is always the first to answer the teachers questions You should actively active encourage your children to make use of the opportunity to join sports teams Please take an active part in after class activities which will not only make your school life colorful but also improve your learning active 2 devote vt 与 to 连用 献身 专心于 The old teacher devoted all his life to educating his devoted students and he was highly thought of for his devotion to the education cause devote The man is determined to devote his life to helping help the people in trouble 3 guidance n 指导 领导 Under the guidance of our teacher we finished our task ahead of time He offered guidance guide to the poor people on their legal rights 4 vote vt lose heart 2 他 第一次 偷东西时就被抓住了 the first time 3 他 被判处 三年监禁 be sentenced to 4 他 求助于 一位朋友 turn to 5 事实上 这位朋友是去年才当权 的 as a matter of fact come to power 6 这位朋友答应过他 当他有困难 时就去找他 in trouble 7 但是 当他 求 他的朋友帮助他时 他的朋友说法律面前人人平等 beg equal 8 直到那时 他才意识到没人能帮助他 only then 9 这是 他第一次 感到后悔 This is was the first time that 10 从监狱被释放出来以后 他在一家小公司专心 工作 devote to 11 作为 奖赏 老板帮他 建立 了自己的公司 reward set up 12 在我看来 只有努力才能成功 in one s opinion One possible version After John was out of work he lost heart and began to steal but was caught the first time he stole As a result he was sentenced to three years in prison so he turned to a friend for help As a matter of fact his friend came to power last year His friend had ever promised that he could turn to him when he was in trouble but his friend said that everyone was equal before law when he begged him for help Only then did he realize that nobody could help him This was the first time that he had felt regretful After being released from prison he devoted himself to working in a small company whose boss helped him set up his own company in reward for him In my opinion only by working hard can you pay off
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