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4545 分语言知识运用练分语言知识运用练 五五 语言知识运用 共两节 满分 45 分 第一节 共 20 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 30 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的 A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项 2019 武汉调研 Paul looked out of the window of the classroom and sighed The driveway was still 1 and it was getting dark His dad had said that he would 2 him up by 5 30 but it was almost seven and Paul hadn t heard a word from him Paul 3 to do some of his reading homework 4 he couldn t help thinking of his dad He knew that his dad had a 5 and a life but he couldn t 6 why he was always breaking his 7 The next day at school Paul didn t 8 his math homework Paul s teacher noticed his unusually 9 performance and asked him why Paul didn t want to 10 him He knew that if he started talking a flood of 11 would pour out He just wanted to be alone with his 12 so he sat there 13 not even looking at the teacher Well Paul you can t have this thing eat you up The sooner you get it off your 14 the sooner you can 15 As Paul walked home from school he 16 the things the teacher had told him Paul knew that he hadn t 17 himself recently Maybe he stopped doing his work because he was looking for 18 from his father He knew his teacher was 19 and decided to take the teacher s advice When Paul got home by a heart to heart talk with his dad he 20 his feelings and finally understood his dad 体裁 记叙文 题材 人物故事 主题 情感转变 语篇解读 文章主要讲述了一个男孩在等他的父亲接他放学 可是他的父亲一直 都没有出现 这导致他心情郁闷 甚至不能上交他的作业 最后他的内心产生了一些改变 1 A dusty B noisy C empty D leafy 答案与解析 C 根据下文中的 His dad had said that he would him up by 5 30 but it was almost seven and Paul hadn t heard a word from him 可知 天 色已晚 车道仍然是空的 保罗的父亲还没来 empty 意为 空的 符合语境 2 A lift B pick C call D put 答案与解析 B 根据空前的 The driveway 和下文可知 保罗的父亲之前曾说会在 5 30 之前开车来接他 但是快到 7 00 了父亲仍没有来 pick up 意为 接载 搭载 符 合语境 3 A tried B seemed C preferred D pretended 答案与解析 A 根据语境可知 保罗努力做一些阅读作业 但是却总忍不住想他的父 亲 try 意为 努力 符合语境 4 A Undoubtedly B Honestly C Thus D However 答案与解析 D 设空处前的 do some of his reading homework 和设空处后的 he couldn t help thinking of his dad 为转折关系 however 意为 然而 可是 符 合语境 5 A job B problem C qualification D document 答案与解析 A 根据语境及设空处后的 and a life 可知 保罗知道父亲有自己的工 作和生活 job 意为 工作 符合语境 6 A believe B analyze C confirm D understand 答案与解析 D 根据空前的 He knew that his dad had a and a life but he couldn t 可知 保罗虽然知道父亲有自己的工作和生活 但是他不能理解为什么父亲 总是食言 understand 意为 理解 与前半句中的 knew 相呼应 符合语境 7 A records B barriers C promises D habits 答案与解析 C 根据上文可知 保罗的父亲告诉他会在 5 30 之前开车来接他 但是 快到 7 00 了他仍没有来 由此可知 父亲食言了 break one s promise 意为 食言 符 合语境 8 A turn over B turn in C complete D do 答案与解析 B 根据下文中的 Paul s teacher noticed his unusually performance and asked him why 可知 保罗第二天上学没有上交他的数学作业 turn in 意为 上交 符合语境 9 A poor B superior C memorable D strong 答案与解析 A 根据语境可知 保罗并没有上交作业 所以在老师看来 这是不寻常 的不好的表现 poor 意为 不好的 差的 符合语境 10 A disturb B interrupt C tell D track 答案与解析 C 根据下文中的 He knew that if he started talking a flood of would pour out 可知 保罗不想告诉老师原因 tell 意为 告诉 符合语境 11 A homework B revision C inquiries D emotions 答案与解析 D 根据上文可知 保罗并不想告诉老师自己表现差的原因 因为他觉得 一旦开始谈论 他就将会向老师倾诉许多情绪 emotion 意为 情绪 情感 符合语境 12 A study B pain C responsibility D sympathy 答案与解析 B 根据上文可知 保罗的父亲总是不能遵守他对保罗的承诺 所以他很 伤心 此处指保罗只想带着这种痛苦的情绪 一个人待一会儿 pain 意为 疼痛 痛苦 符合语境 13 A quietly B tentatively C voluntarily D unconditionally 答案与解析 A 根据上文中的 Paul didn t want to He knew that if he started talking a flood of He just wanted to be alone with his so he sat there 可知 保罗不想回答老师的问题 只想一个人待一会儿 所以他安静地坐在那里 quietly 意为 安静地 秘密地 平稳地 符合语境 14 A routine B plan C chest D curriculum 答案与解析 C 根据上文中的 you can t have this thing eat you up 可知 老 师在劝说保罗 此处应指老师建议保罗尽快把心中的烦恼一吐为快 get sth off one s chest 表示 倾吐心中的烦恼 符合语境 15 A heal B remember C continue D leave 答案与解析 A 根据语境可知 此处指老师建议保罗越快倾吐心中的烦恼 就能越快 地治愈 内心的痛苦 heal 意为 治愈 符合语境 16 A gave up B reflected on C heard of D dreamed about 答案与解析 B 根据文章最后一段中的 He knew his teacher and decided to take the teacher s advice 可知 保罗在放学回家的路上仔细思考老师告诉他的事情 reflect on 意为 仔细思考 符合语境 17 A persuaded B encouraged C defended D been 答案与解析 D 根据上文可知 保罗因父亲总是不信守对自己的承诺而感到难过 一 直不在状态 not be oneself 表示 不在状态 符合语境 persuade 意为 说服 劝说 encourage 意为 鼓励 支持 促进 鼓动 defend 意为 辩护 18 A freedom B expectation C guidance D attention 答案与解析 D 根据上文可知 保罗没有上交作业 再结合常识可知 他这么做的原 因可能是想在他父亲那里寻求关注 attention 意为 注意力 关心 符合语境 freedom 意为 自由 自主 expectation 意为 期待 预期 指望 guidance 意为 指导 引导 故选 D 项 19 A kind B right C objective D qualified 答案与解析 B 根据设空处后的 and decided to take the teacher s advice 可 知 保罗认为老师的建议是对的 决定接受老师的建议 right 意为 正确的 符合语境 kind 意为 善良的 友好的 objective 意为 客观的 qualified 意为 有资格的 合 格的 故选 B 项 20 A hid B strengthened C expressed D abandoned 答案与解析 C 根据上文及空后的 feelings 可知 保罗向父亲表达了自己的感受 最后理解了父亲 express 意为 表达 符合语境 hide 意为 隐藏 strengthen 意为 加强 abandon 意为 放弃 第二节 共 10 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 15 分 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 2019 贵阳期末监测 As the effects of global warming rising sea levels and natural disasters become more serious 1 before some local communities are taking action Among them is one community in Florida 2 local people and government officials are proving successful in protecting 3 coast cities from the dangers of rising sea levels The community has studied how much sea levels wil
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