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高考题型重组练高考题型重组练 五五 阅读理解 A A 2019 济南高三模拟 The United States Congress is responsible for making and approving federal laws rules that everyone in the country must follow But exactly how do those laws get made The process is not easy and it takes a long time A law begins when someone puts forward an idea The idea can come from anyone but it has to get to a U S lawmaker who wants it to become legislation 法律 In time the idea is further developed into a written proposal called a bill Then a member of Congress officially proposes the bill After the bill is introduced it is sent to a small group of lawmakers called a committee Sometimes committee members seek more information about the proposal by holding hearings Sometimes the committee changes the bill Sometimes it decides not to take any action In that case we say lawmakers table the bill or let it die in the committee But now and then the bill is offered to lawmakers not on the committee Those lawmakers debate the bill further They might change the bill again Finally the full House or Senate votes on the bill If it does not earn the majority of votes the bill does not advance Finally the agreed upon bill is sent to the president If the president signs it the bill becomes a law If the president does nothing and Congress is officially meeting the bill becomes a law But if the president does nothing and Congress is not in session the bill does not pass Or the president can officially reject the bill If that happens the bill is not stopped Instead it is returned to both the Senate and the House If two thirds of the senators and two thirds of the House members approve the bill once again even with the president objecting they turn the bill into a law 体裁 说明文 题材 社会 主题 美国法律的制定过程 语篇解读 该文主要介绍了美国法律的制定过程 1 Who is the first to propose a bill A A lawyer B A citizen C A member of Congress D A committee member 答案与解析 C 考查细节理解 根据第三段第一句 Then a member of Congress officially proposes the bill 可知 第一个提出议案的人是国会成员 故选 C 2 When does a bill finally become a law A After it is sent to a committee B When the president signs it C After it returns to the Congress D While Congress is not in session 答案与解析 B 考查细节理解 根据最后一段第二句 If the president signs it the bill becomes a law 可知 如果总统签署了一致同意的议案 那么该议案就成了一项 法律 3 What can be inferred from the text A Not every bill can be turned into a law B Anybody can put forward a proposal C If tabled the bill has to be voted on D Once proposed the bill can t be changed 答案与解析 A 考查推理判断 根据对全文的整体理解 尤其是根据最后三段的内容 可知 一项议案最终变成一项法律需要走很多程序 在这些程序中议案有可能被搁置或被否 决 由此可推知 并不是每一项提案都会变成一项法律 B B 2019 南昌二模 Although the idea of zero emission and sustainable 可持续的 development was promoted worldwide most cities are at a loss what to do or even some have objected to it But in Liuzhou a city in southern China attitudes could not be more different The Liuzhou Municipality Urban Planning Bureau has signed up Italian architect Stefano Boeri the father of the forest city movement to build a self contained community for up to 30 000 people He is the go to man for such projects thanks to the success of his vertical forests two residential 住 宅的 towers Completed in 2014 they remove up to 17 5 tons of soot 煤烟 from the air each year and a year later one of them was named Best Tall Building Worldwide The Liuzhou project is a much more ambitious undertaking however Its homes hospitals hotels schools and offices will be built on a 340 acre site in what Boeri calls the first attempt to create an urban environment that is really trying to find a balance with nature Its 100 species of plant life are expected to absorb almost 10 000 tons of carbon dioxide and 57 tons of pollutants per year while at the same time producing 900 tons of life giving oxygen Although the architects haven t published the cost of the forest city the Milan towers cost only five percent more than traditional skyscrapers The construction of his forest city at Liuzhou is set to begin in 2020 and there is still a great deal of planning and research required before a projected completion date can be set However Boeri remains optimistic about the project and has confidence in the soundness of his vision I really think that bringing forests into the city is a way to deal with global warming 体裁 说明文 题材 环保 主题 将森林引入城市 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 为了改善环境 响应 可持续发展 的号召 柳 州市聘用了著名建造设计师 Stefano Boeri 计划在 2020 开始设计低碳环保的城市小区 难句分析 Although the idea of zero emission and sustainable 可持续 的 development was promoted worldwide most cities are at a loss what to do or even some have objected to it 分析 该句为主从复合句 句中 Although the idea of zero emission and sustainable 可持续的 development was promoted worldwide 为 Although 引导的让步 状语从句 译文 尽管 零排放 可持续发展 的理念在世界范围内得到推广 但大多数城市都 处于不知所措 的状态 甚至有些城市反对这个理念 4 What s Liuzhou s attitude towards the sustainable development A Approving B Cautious C Unfavorable D Doubtful 答案与解析 A 考查推理判断 根据第一段 Although the idea of zero emission and sustainable 可持续的 development was promoted worldwide most cities are at a loss what to do or even some have objected to it But in
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