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Exclamations Unit6感叹句byalice Aliceinwonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice Thewhitequeen thequeenofhearts红心皇后 thehatter疯帽匠 thequeenofhearts红心皇后 AstrangewomanSheisastrangewoman Whatastrangewomansheis 她是一个多么奇怪的人啊 AtallgirlAliceisaverytallgirl WhatatallgirlAliceis FatboysTheyarefatboys Whatfatboystheyare WhatatallgirlAliceis Whatastrangewomansheis Whatfatboystheyare What a an adj 形容词 n 名词 主语 谓语 Findouttherule 1Alicerunsfast HowfastAliceruns Thequeen shairisverywhite Howwhitethequeen shairis Therabbitiscrazy Howcrazytherabbitis HowfastAliceruns Howwhitethequeen shairis Howcrazytherabbitis How adj adv 形容词 副词 主语 谓语 Findouttherule Simpleconclusion 1What a an adj 形容词 n 名词 主语 谓语 2How adj adv 形容词 副词 主语 谓语 答题技巧 找到句子的主谓 先找谓语动词 再找主语 划去主谓后 有时主谓直接省略 剩adj 或adv 则选how 剩含有adj 的名词短语 则选what切记要看名词是可数还是不可数 以及adj 是元音音素开头还是辅音音素开头 a an区分方法 aoeiu原则 一个单词中含有这五个元音字母中的一个或多个 首先发音 U不发本音 则用an 否则用a Youarewearinganoldshirt what 2 Theboysareveryexcited how 3 Heisafunnyperson what 4 Sheisveryunlucky how 5 Wehavewatchedanexcitingsciencefictionfilm what Whatanoldshirtyou rewearing Howexcitedtheboysare Whatafunnypersonheis Howunluckysheis Whatanexcitingsciencefictionfilmwehavewatched Exercise1 引导词 What how 区别 去掉主谓部分 中心语是形容词或副词的用how 中心语是名词的用what 用What how填空 abrightboyheis brighttheboyis goodapplestheyare goodtheapplesare coldweatheritis coldtheweatheris What How What How What How howbadtheweatheris 用 what and how 改写为感叹句 Itisbadweather whatbadweatheritis Wehaddeliciousfood 用what改写为感叹句 用 what and how 改写为感叹句 whatdeliciousfoodwehad Thisisanoldwatch Whatanoldwatchitis Howoldwatchis 用 what and how 改写为感叹句 用what或how填空 goodnewstheyhave interestingthelectureis What What与how转换 Whataprettygirlsheis thegirlis Howpretty ExerciseB2 page100 101 YaoMingis2 2mtall what how 2 Thebooksareinteresting how what 3 Thefootballfansareverycrazy what how WhatatallmanYaoMingis HowtallYaoMingis Whatinterestingbookstheyare Howinterestingbooksare Whatcrazyfootballfanstheyare Howcrazyfootballfansare 4 It sahugewatermelon what how 5 Annieisabeautifulgirl how what 6 It sanexpensivepen what how ExerciseB2 page100 101 Whatahugewatermelonitis Howhugewatermelonis WhatabeautifulgirlAnniesheis HowbeautifulAnnieis Whatanexpensivepenitis Howexpensivepenis
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