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Period 4Developing ideas课时作业(四) 基础训练单词拼写1_ (数据) collected from the device could be used to recognize different participants based on how they typed, with very low error rates.答案:Data2The ship was helpless against the _ (力量) of the storm.答案:power3Fresh air cleans our _ (肺)答案:lungs4Humour is wonderful for releasing _ (紧张)答案:tension5My leg still _ (疼痛) when I sit down.答案:aches单句语法填空1Lisa watched until the train _ (appear) from view.答案:disappeared2We came home hot and _ (sweat) after the days work.答案:sweaty3Do you know an app _ (call) Running Power?答案:called4I finally managed _ (persuade) her to go out for a drink with me.答案:to persuade5I do exercise as often as I _ (possible) can.答案:possibly单句写作1我能进入前五名真是太好了。Its nice of me to get _.答案:in the top five2虽然他天生患有哮喘,但他成了一名著名的职业运动员。Although he _ asthma, he became a famous professional athlete.答案:was born with3随着生存环境变得越来越糟,地球上的很多物种正在灭绝。With the living environment becoming worse and worse, many of the earths species _.答案:are dying out4他们才是启发和引导学生的人。They are the ones _ and guide students. 答案:who inspire5干净的环境有助于城市竞标奥运会举办权,反过来,竞标奥运会举办权能促进经济发展。A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, _ will promote its economic development.答案:which in turn思维训练阅读理解I will never forget the year 1979. I was just ten years old when my father decided to take me to see a stunt (特技) show starring the famous motorcyclist, Evel Knievel. After seeing the amazing stunts, I started dreaming about riding bikes and performing stunts myself one day.My whole childhood was spent at skate parks; there was a group of us that would go there every day after school with our BMX bikes (a type of bicycle designed to ride on rough ground). After all, I would need to get some practice if I was going to be like my hero!My later teenage years were spent competing in endless BMX freestyling championships; some I won and others I lost. But it was never about the trophies (奖杯). The atmosphere was magical, with over 1,000 riders at some events. I just loved the rush of energy I got from this, and from continuously trying newer, more daring stunts.In 1995, I was chosen to compete in an important international action sports competition. For once in my life I was nervous. I landed badly on my hand and got injured. It took me out of the sport for a while, but my attitude was: “If others have suffered more and gone on, then why cant I?” I had once read that Evel Knievel suffered a total of thirtyfive broken bones.When the International Olympic Committee made BMX an Olympic sport, I couldnt have been more delighted! The way I see it, the sport finally got the recognition it deserved. Its entry into the Olympics encourages more people to take it up seriously. I have heard some people say that BMX is too dangerous for kids. The risks, though, are really no greater than, say skateboarding. With riders pushing the limits far beyond what I could ever have imagined when I first started riding professionally, BMX seems set to remain one of the most exciting sports in history.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。“因为热爱,所以坚持。”对于本文的作者来说,这句话不仅仅是一个口号而已1The author wanted to become a stunt performer _.Ain his teenage yearsBunder the influence of his fatherCbecause of a related showDwith encouragement from a famous motorcyclist答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,在爸爸带着我看了一场特技表演后,我就有了要做一名特技演员的想法。故选C。2As a teenage BMXer, the author _.Adidnt take the sport seriouslyBdidnt think a lot of winningCenjoyed attention from othersDcared too much about gain and loss答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But it was never about the trophies (奖杯). The atmosphere was magical”可知,作者并不是为了赢得比赛。故选B。3How did the author feel after his accident in 1995?AHe would continue BMX as always.BHe felt a need to change his attitude to BMX.CHe felt discouraged.DHe would never be like his hero.答案:A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“but my attitude was: If others have suffered more and gone on, then why cant I? I had once read that Evel Knievel suffered a total of thirtyfive broken bones.”可知,作者并没有被受伤所影响,而是想像其他的运动员一样在伤好了后继续比赛。故选A。4What does the author say about BMX?AIt is unsafe for kids.BIt is far beyond riders control.CIt is not as risky as people think.DIt is not dangerous at all.答案:C细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知,这项运动的风险并没有人们想象的那么大,故选C。读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。On Wednesday night, it was the closing time of the mall. But there was an hours work, at least, to get everything cleaned up. It would be 11:00 pm before I finally got home. I hadnt even had time to have dinner. I was starving. My feet ached. My whole body was filled with tiredness. I couldnt wait to go to bed. But it would be only 6 hours before the alarm went off at 5:00 am for my day job.Things
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