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Section Learning about Language with be taken 我把夏天省下 罗德 麦丘恩 Rod McKuen 我把夏天省下 全都交给了你 当雪花儿初降时 让冬天的早晨停住 我把阳光省下 以供你不时之需 在那远离黑暗的地方 你的心灵会得到滋养 那年你才十九岁 我就珍藏了你的微笑 等你长大成人以后 才知道年轻勇敢的微笑的奥秘 我不知道有什么办法 帮你踏上你人生的旅程 答案也许就在某处 在白天结束的那个时辰 但是如果你需要爱 我会献上我所有的爱 它也许能帮你踏上旅程 直到你也找到属于你的爱 课后演练提能 基础题 单词拼写 1 A l is a person who is in charge of or works in a library 答案 librarian 2 They ve held the c for the past two years 答案 championship 3 She won a s to study at Oxford University 答案 scholarship 4 He was touched by the w of their welcome 答案 warmth 5 Standing on the bank the children watched the ship l with all kinds of goods 答案 loaded 选词填空 load with be appropriate for be likely to try out hold on exchange with let out by chance start with so that 1 We should opinions our parents After all they love us most in the world 答案 exchange with 2 Life is like a train passengers each man to his destination 答案 loaded with 3 The inventor is excited and he is going to his new machine 答案 try out 4 I can tell you the truth but you must promise not to the secret 答案 let out 5 He miss the first bus because he is still sleeping 答案 is likely to 6 There were many toys to choose from I was confused 答案 so that 7 If you to your dream you ll find a more successful yourself one day 答案 hold on 8 On Monday I heard that Miss Zhang was in Beijing 答案 by chance 9 You can write your composition Long time ago 答案 starting with 10 Thick woolen clothes will not a hot summer day 答案 be appropriate for 单句语法填空 1 The violin was surrounded by the audience after the performance 答案 violinist 2 Be good to each other and you will feel the warm of mankind 答案 warmth 3 He turned his head and saw a figure approaching in the dark 答案 darkness 4 Let s try the computer before we finally decide to buy it 答案 out 5 He is likely know the news for he is so excited 答案 to have known 6 Her car is very dusty and she has to get it wash 答案 washed 7 Nothing shall hold me from accomplishing my purpose 答案 up 8 The trucks load with boxes of food were sent to the stricken area 答案 loaded 9 I have to give a speech I get extremely nervous before I start 答案 Whenever 10 The boy is so young he can t look after himself 答案 that 单句写作 1 真遗憾他没有足够的钱来赞助这个项目 It is a pity that he doesn t have enough money 答案 to sponsor the project 2 由他担任这一职务是恰当的 that he the post 答案 It is appropriate should get 3 无论身在何处 他都会帮助任何需要帮助的人 he will help whoever needs help 答案 Wherever he is 4 假如她昨天邀请我参加聚会 我就去了 If she had invited me yesterday I to the party 答案 would have gone 5 你能用让我们都发笑的方式描述发生的事情吗 Can you describe what has happened 答案 in a way that which amuses us all 能力题 完形填空 2017 江苏高考 For a long time Gabriel didn t want to be involved in music at all In his first years of high school Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students 1 across the campus with their heavy instrument cases 2 at school for practice hours 3 anyone else had to be there He swore to himself to 4 music as he hated getting to school extra early 5 one day in the music class that was 6 of his school s standard curriculum he was playing idly 随意地 on the piano and found it 7 to pick out tunes With a sinking feeling he realized that he actually 8 doing it He tried to hide his 9 pleasure from the music teacher who had 10 over to listen He might not have done this particularly well 11 the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 12 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store room to see if any of the instruments there 13 him There he decided to give the cello 大提琴 a 14 When he began practicing he took it very 15 But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument and was 16 to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well This 17 of course that he arrived at school early in the morning 18 his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 19 looks of the non musicians he had left 20 篇章导读 本文是一篇记叙文 故事的主人公 Gabriel 曾经总是 用怜悯的目光看着那些学乐器的孩子背着乐器盒子步履艰难地走在校 园里 并且发誓不学乐器 后来他偶然发现自己很有音乐才华 于是 也成为琴童中的一员 接受他人怜悯的目光 1 A travelling B marching C pacing D struggling 答案 D 由前面的 look pityingly at 和后面的 with their heavy instrument cases 可知 这些学音乐的学生背着沉重的乐器盒子艰难地 走过校园 故选 struggle 表示 艰难地行进 2 A rising up B coming up C driving up D turning up 答案 D 由空格后的 at school for practice hours 可知 这里是 说他们背着沉重的乐器盒子去上课 因此用 turn up 表示 出现 3 A before B after C until D since 答案 A 由下文的 hated getting to school extra early 可知 这些 学音乐的学生比其他人早到校 故用 before 在 之前 引导时间 状语从句 4 A betray B accept C avoid D appreciate 答案 C 由本句中的 he hated getting to school extra early 可知 他发誓避开 avoid 音乐 5 A Therefore B However C Thus D Moreover 答案 B 结合上文说他逃避学音乐和下文说他发现自己喜欢音 乐可知 上下文之间为转折关系 however 然而 表转折 符合语 境 6 A part B nature C basis D spirit 答案 A the music class 与 his school s standard curriculum 是 部分与整体的关系 因此选 part 表示 部分 7 A complicated B safe C confusing D easy 答案 D 前文提到 Gabriel 对乐器存在排斥心理 此处说他随意 地弹奏钢琴 却发现分辨出曲调是一件很容易的 easy 事 8 A missed B disliked C enjoyed D denied 答案 C 文章第一段提到 Gabriel 曾对自己发誓要避免接触音乐 这里提到他有种不祥的感觉 由此可以推断出他意识到自己实际上喜 欢 enjoyed 弹钢琴 9 A transparent B obvious C false D similar 答案 B 根据上一句表述可知 他意识到他其实喜欢弹钢琴 由此可推
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