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Unit 1 Our school subjects一、 单元内容分析:本单元的主要内容是讨论新学期的科目和课程表。重点是科目的名称以及与此相关的句型。教师可以引导学生根据实际情况谈论本学期有哪些科目以及自己喜爱的科目,让学生在真实的情景中进行语言交流活动。二、学生情况分析:(学生学习基础和学习状态)本单元是新学期的第一节课讨论学生的科目。联系以前学过的内容,设计多个情景,充分调动学生的感知,引导学生进行综合操练,通过模仿角色进行表演的方式让学生学的愉快而轻松。在字母发音上要让学生学会方法,自己归归类,自己总结发音规律,方便记忆。同时也要指导学生练习单词重音和句子重音,培养学生的朗读节奏和语感。三、教学目标:1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词timetable, fun, playground。3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What subjects do you like?及其回答I like.4. 能理解运用日常用语Welcome back to school. Nice to see you. Its time for. Lets go to .5. 能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。6. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。7. 培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣。 第一课时教学内容 Story time执教时间教学目标1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What subjects do you like?及其回答I like.3. 能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。4. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。教学准备单词卡片,光盘,PPT教学环节教师活动学生活动教学调整Step 1 Greeting and warm upT: Hello, boys and girls. T: Nice to meet you. (将句型出现在PPT上)T: Thank you . Hello, . How are you? T: Good. Nice to see you. (将句子出现在PPT上,与上一句同义)T: Im happy today because I see you again. Are you happy? T: Welcome back to school! (出示图片及句子,帮助学生理解该句子) 老师示范朗读,并请同学来读好句子。由于以前学过Welcome to Toy Museum. 因此同学还是能较好地朗读好该句子,还是要注意强调读准welcome。Ss: Hello, Miss Ji. Ss: Nice to meet you too. S: Im fine/good/well. S: Nice to see you too. Ss: Yes.Step 2 PresentationT: Now, lets enjoy a rhyme first. Do you remember this rhyme? (出示二年级时学过的小诗歌) Lets learnWe learn Maths, one, two, three.We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc.We learn Music , Do, re, mi.We learn Art, draw you and me.T: Who can read it? (请同学读,然后再集体读一读)1. 复习教学表示科目的单词。a. T: (出示单词Maths) Who can read it? T: Maths is a subject. 出示单词教学朗读subject 科目,课程b. T: (出示单词卡English) What subject is it? _ is a subject. T: (指数学和英语)They are _. c. 揭题T: Today well learn Unit 1 Our school subjects. (读好课题)d. Say other subjectsT: What other subjects do you know? (你还知道其他的科目吗?)2. 学习句型What subjects do you like? I like.T: Look at the blackboard, how many subjects do we have? T: Yes. We have Maths, English, Art, Chinese, Music and PE.T: I like English and PE. What subjects do you like? (出示句子)S: Maths. 请同学们读一读,并进行拼读。S: English.请同学们读一读,并进行拼读。S: Subjects.S: Art, Chinese, Music, PE (这些单词二年级都学过,可以请同学说出来之后并进行拼读,如果拼不出来,可以请其他同学进行帮助)Ss: Six.S: I like.请同学互相问一问。Step 3 Consolidation1. 学习timetable, ScienceT: Miss Li and her students are talking about school subjects too. Lets go and have a look, OK?T: (出示课文插图) Look at Miss Li, she has a timetable. T: What is the timetable? Do you know? (请同学根据图片内容猜测单词的意思)T: Youre right. 出示单词教学timetable 课程表,时间表 time+table timetableT: Look at the timetable, what subjects do they have? Lets watch the cartoon and try to find them.(观看动画片)T: What subjects do they have?T: How many subjects do they have? Ss: They have seven subjects.2. Read and finda. 自读对话完成Wang Bing likes_. (Chinese and Maths)Yang Ling likes_. (English)I think they all like_. (PE) b. T: Why does Yang Ling like English? S: Its fun.读好句子 Its fun. 它很有趣。T: How do you know they all like PE.T: Yes. They are very happy to have a PE lesson.读好句子Oh. Its time for PE. Lets go to the playgroundIts time for.=Its time to. 该是的时候了。Lets go to the playground. 让我们一起去操场上吧。3. 模仿录音朗读,要求注意语音语调,必要的时候可以一起做好标记。4. 自由朗读。5. 配音朗读。6. 根据课文主要内容完成填空,巩固课文内容。Welcome back to _, class.Nice to _you, Miss Li.Nice to _you _.This is our new _. We _ English,Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and _.What _ do you like, Wang Bing? I like_ and _. Me too. What _ you, Yang Ling? I like _. Its _. Oh! Its time _PE. Lets_ _ _ _.S: OK.S: 课程表。S: They have English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and Science.出示单词教学Science 科学 ( 注意让学生读准该单词,老师多进行个别朗读和指导)S: “Oh. Its time for PE. Lets go to the playground.”Step4 Homework1.Copy the new words four times. 2.Recite Story Time after class.板书设计Unit 1 Our school subjects Unit 1 Our school subjectsWhat subjects do you like? English Chinese ArtWe/I like Maths Music PEWhat lessons do you have? ScienceWe/I have教学反思 第二
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