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Module 1单元检测一、按正确的字母排列写出单词 二、在下列各组单词中找出不同类的一个( ) 1. A. food B. fire C. pear D. banana( ) 2. A. teacher B. worker C. farmer D. England( ) 3. A. bus B. car C. bike D. house( ) 4. A. brother B. sister C. grandchildren D. lady( ) 5. A. miss B. read C. write D. listen三、根据划线部分字母的发音分类,同类用线连起来四、选择正确答案序号( ) 1. I _ a television programme about England last night.A. watch B. watched C. watches( ) 2. An old lady talked _ her life ten years ago.A. on B. with C. about( ) 3. Many years ago my grandmother didnt have a television _ a radio,A. and B. or C. with( ) 4. There _ any buses or televisions many years ago.A. arent B. wasnt C. werent( ) 5. I hope you are _.A. good B. bad C. fine来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K五、选词填空life grandchildren any different televisionsInterviewer: How was it different?来源:学。科。网来源:Z_xx_k.ComOld lady: There werent _ buses. There werent any _. We lived in a smallhouse. We didnt have enough food.Interviewer: How about now?Old lady: There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. We have got lots of food. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I watched TV with my _六、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号1. any, buses, werent, there, ago, many, years_2. live, a, in, house, big, we, now_3. was, life, different, very, China, in, years, ago, five_4. I, yesterday, TV, watched, my, with, grandchildren_5. food, didnt, have, we, enough_七、用动词的适当形式填空1. Look! Shes _ (come).2. Now there _ (be) lots of planes.3. There _ (be) no televisions many years ago.4. I _ (talk) to my friend last night.5. She _ (work) in the fields yesterday.6. My grandmother _ (live) in a small house 2 years ago, but now she (live) in a big house.来源:Zxxk.Com7. Thank you for _ (help) us.8. She could _ (read) and _ (write).八、阅读短文,判断下面的句子是()否()正确,并回答下面的问题We watched a television programme about China last night. An old lady talked about her life many years ago. She cooked on a fire. She didnt have a television or a radio. She didnt have a telephone. She worked in the fields. She couldnt read or write.来源:Z|xx|k.Com( ) 1. We watched TV yesterday.( ) 2. There is an old lady in television programme.( ) 3. She talked about her family.( ) 4. She couldnt listen to the radio.( ) 5. She worked in the fields.问题:1 .What did we do last night?2. Who talked about her life many years ago?3. Where did she cook?4. Did she have a television or a radio?5. Could she read or write?参考答案、略二、1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. A三、1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-2, 5-1四、1. B. 2. C 3. B. 4. C 5. C五、略六、略.七、1. coming 2. are 3. were 4. talked 5. worked 6. 1ived is living 7. helping8. read,write八、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 问题答案略
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