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招聘说明1、 劳动合同:拟招聘人员与辽河石油装备制造总公司下属油田多种经营企业盘锦辽河油田凯特石油设备有限公司签订劳动合同,合同期限1年,合同期满后可续签,试用期30天;2、 工资待遇:与中石油招聘应届毕业生待遇一致;3、 专业需求:机械设计(25人)、电气自动化(25人);4、 工作去向:大功率风力发电机组设计、调试;陆地、海洋石油装备设计、调试等;5、 联系方式:0427-7288735 E-Mail:pjmxj163.com;6、 公司简介:(辽河石油装备制造总公司、盘锦辽河油田凯特石油设备有限公司简介见下页)。辽河石油装备制造总公司简介辽河石油装备制造总公司(CPLEC)隶属于中国石油天然气集团公司辽河油田公司,是中国石油装备制造骨干企业之一。产品以陆地、海洋石油装备为核心,以电气、吊机制造为两翼,主要从事海洋工程装备(海洋平台、工程船舶)、陆上石油装备、风力发电设备、港口及海洋工程装备用吊机、电气控制设备的设计开发和制造,同时提供装备的租赁和技术服务。公司产品远销美国、委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔、乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、伊朗、叙利亚、阿曼、泰国、苏丹、阿尔及利亚、乍得、尼日尔、肯尼亚近20多个国家。公司现有员工4000余人,工程技术人员625人,其中高级职称68人(含教授级高级工程师2人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家1人),中级职称354人,初级职称203人。拥有各类专业技术工人3000余人,其中高级技师20人,技师200余人。公司占地面积达263万平方米,拥有各类生产设备1000余台套,装备精良,工艺先进,测试手段齐全,具有年生产大中型钻机70余部,海洋平台4座,船舶10余艘,修井采油设备400余台的能力。拥有世界最大的陆地钻机成套中心。公司以优质、诚信、一流的服务理念,精心打造辽河石油装备品牌,不断提升内部管理水平,公司产品已通过了API及ISO9001质量体系认证。秉承中国石油集团公司“爱国、创业、求实、奉献”的企业精神和“奉献能源、创造和谐”的企业宗旨,坚持以“辽河装备、装备能源”的发展方向,按照“质量求生存,持续改进促提高,造中国最好石油装备,向顾客提供满意服务”的方针,不断做精核心业务、持续提升产品品质,为用户提供最优质的服务。China Petroleum Liaohe Equipment Company (CPLEC) is a subsidiary company of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and it is one of the main equipment manufacturers of CNPC. The core business of CPLEC is land & offshore petroleum equipment manufacture and engineering solutions. CPLEC mainly engages in designing and manufacturing of offshore engineering equipment, land petroleum equipment, wind power generation equipment, cranes and electrical control system. CPLEC also provides technical service and equipment leasing. The products of CPLEC have been sold to nearly 20 countries, such as USA, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Oman, Thailand, Sudan, Algeria, Chad, Niger and Kenya. Today, CPLEC has more than 4,000 staff members. Totally 625 engineering technicians, including 68 of senior technical title (2 with title of engineering professor, 1 professor with government subsidy from State Council), 354 of middle technical title, 203 of junior technical title. CPLEC also has more than 3,000 professional workers with various techniques, including 20 senior technicians, and 200 more technicians.CPLEC covers 2,630,000sqm, with most advanced equipments, technique and complete testing units, more than 1000 sets of equipments. Annually manufacture capacity of CPLEC can be more than 70 sets heavy duty heavy duty drilling rigs, 4 sets offshore platforms, 10 vessels, and 400 sets equipment for workover & oil production. CPLEC has the largest rig assembly center around the world.With the principle of High quality, Good faith and First-class service, the company continuously promotes the interior management level. Now, CPLEC products have gained API authentication and the certification of ISO 9001 quality system.The company keeps on developing the core business, keeps on improving product quality and keeps on providing the global first-class service.盘锦辽河油田凯特石油设备有限公司简介盘锦辽河油田凯特石油设备有限公司是辽河石油装备制造总公司下属的一家多种经营企业,于2005年8月11日在盘锦市工商行政管理局登记注册。2006年5月取得货物进出口经营权。公司主要经营范围包括石油钻采设备制造、销售;金属结构件预制;机电设备销售;货物进出口等。主要产品:大型石油钻机及其动力系统配套设备、固控系统配套设备、游梁式抽油机,卡特(KAT)柴油发电机组等关键配套设备进口,是一家行业性较强,具有发展潜力的外贸型企业。公司自主研发设计的钻机动力系统配套设备在布局、人性化设计等方面居国内同行业前列,产品得到中外用户好评,被誉为优秀产品。公司已出口阿塞拜疆70D钻机2部、出口印度尼西亚70D钻机5部,为人工岛模块钻机等国内、国外多部大型钻机生产了配套设备。我公司生产的各种型号的游梁式抽油机,已出口到美国、伊朗、阿根廷等国家。 公司现有员工近280人,拥有生产场地47000平方米,大小设备共计113台(套),公司始终以“为中国最好石油钻机提供最优质服务”为目标,努力提高产品质量和打造自有品牌,在较短的时间里,取得了较快的发展,被盘锦市政府誉为最具发展潜力的外贸型企业、辽宁省机电产品出口理事会会员单位。Panjin Liaohe Oilfield Kyte Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd. is registered in Panjin Administration for Industry and Commerce on August 11, 2005 as a subsidiary diversified company of Liaohe Petroleum Equipment Company., CNPC(CPLEC) and gains import and export rights in May 2006. The main business includes manufacture & sale of oil drilling equipments, prefabrication of metal structural parts, sale of mechanical & electrical equipments and goods import and export. The main products include large-scale drill rigs, auxiliary equipments as power unit for rigs, solid control system for rigs, walking beam pumping unit and some important equipments like Caterpillar diesel generator imports; it is professional foreign trade enterprise with great development potential.The company has exported two sets of ZJ70/4500D drill rigs to Azerbaijan, five sets of ZJ70/4500D drill rigs to Indonesia, and supply a lot of auxiliary equipments for large-scale module rigs. Walking beam pumping units havebeen exported to the United States, Iran, Argentina, India, Brazil, Canada and other countries.The company occupies production area 47000 square meters and total 113 sets equipments; the company has taken “Manufacture the best drill rigs in China and supply the optimum auxiliary equipments for rigs” as the goal, and strives to improve product quality and create its own brand; by achieving rapid development in a short period, the company has been reputed to be the trade enterprise with the most potential for development by the government of Panjin city and been
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