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直击中考 单项填空 D 1 安徽中考 Iamsurprisedatthenewlookofmyhometown foritalotovertheyears A changedB changesC willchangeD haschanged B 2 毕节中考 It snicetoseeyouagain Weeachothersince2016 A won tseeB haven tseenC don tseeD didn tsee D 3 黔东南中考 HowlongyouinLiping MrGreen Sincelastmonth A did comeB do comeC have comeD have been C 4 攀枝花中考 Hi Lily Whydon tyougoswimmingwiththem BecauseImyhomeworkyet A didn tfinishB won tfinishC haven tfinishedD don tfinish A 5 哈尔滨中考改编 Howmuchjuiceisthereinthefridge Let sgotothesupermarketandbuysomeaftersupper A NoneB NothingC NobodyD Noone C 6 鄂州中考 I llbeawayforalongtime Don tworry Shecanlookafteryourpet A carefulenoughB enoughcarefulC carefullyenoughD enoughcarefully B 7 巴中中考改编 Hasyoursisterfinishedreading Yes Shehasfinishedit A yet yetB yet alreadyC already yetD already already A 8 盐城中考 April1ChinaannouncedthatitwouldbuildtheXionganNewAreainHebeiProvince A OnB InC AtD To C 9 齐齐哈尔中考改编 TheweatherinQiqihariscolderthaninShanghai A thoseB itC thatD these B 10 临沂中考 Couldyoupleasetakeouttherubbish ButIwanttodrinkacupofwaterfirst A ThankyouB Sure noproblemC You rewelcomeD No Ican t 阅读理解 黔东南中考 StephenHawkingdiedattheageof76onMarch14 2018 Hawkingisknownasthemostfamousphysicist 物理学家 afterEinstein HawkingwasborninOxford England onJanuary8 1942 Duringhislife hemarriedtwice andhadthreechildren Whenhewasakid HawkingwenttoschoolinSt Albans asmallcitynearLondon Althoughhedidwell hewasnevertopofhisclass Afterleavinghighschool HawkingwentfirsttoOxfordUniversitytostudyphysics andthenhewenttoCambridgeUniversitytostudytheuniverse Attheageoftwenty Hawkingstartednoticingthatsomethingwaswrongwithhim Later hewenttothehospitalanddoctorssaidthathewoulddiebeforehewas23 ButHawkingdidn tgiveup In1988 HawkingcompletedhisbookABriefHistoryofTime Inthebook hetalkedaboutmanythings liketheuniverse thebigbang 宇宙大爆炸 andtheblackhole A 1 AtwhichuniversitydidHawkingstudyphysics A OxfordUniversity B St AlbansUniversity C CambridgeUniversity D LondonUniversity D 2 Hawkingfirstfelttherewassomethingwrongwithhisbodywhenhewas A 25B 23C 21D 20 D 3 Hawking sbookABriefHistoryofTimetalksaboutthefollowingEXCEPT A theuniverseB thebigbangC theblackholeD thehistoryofscience A 4 Thepassageismainlyabout A Hawking slifeB Hawking sstudyC whyHawkinggotillD howHawkingbecamefamous
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