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专业 引领 共成长闵行区2016学年第二学期期中考试六年级英语测试卷-答案Part 2 Phonetics , Vocabulary and Grammar 26-30:CABDD 31-35 ACCAD 36-41 BDCADC 42-47 DFGEBC 48-52 possibly; dangerous; tourists; twelfth; singing 53-57 Has, yet; How often; like, best; Why, did ; How farPart 3 Reading and Writing A 58-63:ADBDAC B 64-69: DBADBD C 70-75 exercise, shopping, presents, restaurants, enjoy, waiting D 76. At 5:30 a.m. 77. An hour 78.Fifteen 79. Yes, he does 80. Because he doesnt have time to spend with them. 81.He is good at driving and taking good care of pets.X.writingA. 82. Which city is the capital of China. 83. It takes two hours to travel by plane from Beijing to Shanghai. 84. I have learnt to how to make sick people better.85. People have dragon boat races that day every year to remember him.B. 作文:略第 1 页/ 共1页
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