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目录 说明词句攻关 1 poet2 valuable valuethetime3 noisy makenoise4 policeman policewoman5 wolves6 energetic7 enemies 教材词块自主测 8 managed manager management managetodosth manageone sownlife9 entrance10 chose chosen choice choosetodosth makeachoice11 tinier tiniest huge12 awfully13 suitable14 regretful regrettable regrettodosth regretdoingsth 1 givesb alift2 liftsb up3 attendaconcert4 feelsleepy5 keepsb fromdoingsth 6 talkback7 shoutout8 stayout9 keepawayfrom10 moveout11 keepoff12 encouragesb todosth 13 gotoapicnic14 runafter municatewith16 puttogether17 waitfor18 asmuchaspossible19 therestof20 besimilarto21 beseriousabout22 atthesametime23 atthepicnic24 inthelaboratory25 either or 26 byone sside 1 beallowedto2 astheygetolder3 itisnotcommonfor4 getinthewayof worryabout5 asmuchastheywant6 howimportantitis7 mustbeputfirst8 Nomatterhowmany Passage11 crying2 the3 lifted4 loudly5 awful6 friends7 told8 regret tiredandhungry seven watchscarymovies belateforschool Passage21 and2 happening3 by4 noises5 policemen6 worried7 uneasy8 our 1 含情态动词的被动语态 P187 Doyouthinkwemaybeallowedtotakephotosifwedon tuseaflash 2 情态动词must might could和can t表推测 P177 1 ItmustbeCarla s Shelovesvolleyball 2 ItcouldbeMei shairband OritmightbelongtoLinda 3 I mnotsure butitcan tbeadog 考点 manage的用法 2016任务型阅读涉及 考点抢测 练讲重难点 1 Ifinallymanaged moveawaythebigstonefromthemiddleoftheroad A forB inC byD to D 2 Thestudentsmanage theproblembythemselves andtheirteachersareproudofthem A solvingB tosolveC solvedD solve3 Wedon tknowhowto thistask butwewilltryourbest A manageB stopC takeD help B A 延伸训练 4 Iwasverysleepy I tokeepmyeyesopen butIcouldn t A managedB triedC decidedD planned B 考向1 用作不及物动词 意为 做成 尤指 设法完成 其后常接不定式 managetodosth 设法做成某事 考向2 用作及物动词 意为 管理 支配 经营 达到 勉力完成 常与can could beableto连用 如 Thisway whentheystartworkingtheycanmanagetheirownlives 这样等他们开始工作了 他们可以管理好自己的生活 九 全 Unit7P52 满分点拨 拓展 managetodosth 与trytodosth 的区别 regret的用法 2015阅读A涉及 5 Iregret thatLilycan tcometothepartybecausesheisbadlyill A tosayB sayingC saidD say A 2 考点 考点抢测 6 Ifailedtheexamandregretted somuchtimeplayingcomputergames A wasteB towasteC wastingD wasted7 Heregrettedtellingalietotheteacherjustnow 英译汉 8 Ireallyregrettedw Ididyesterday Pleaseforgiveme 他后悔刚才对老师说谎 C hat 满分点拨 如 Iregrettalkingback notlisteningtoMom 我后悔和我妈妈顶嘴 没有听我妈妈的话 九 全 Unit7P51 辨析attend join joinin与takepartin 2018阅读C D涉及 2015阅读C涉及 考点抢测 9 Comealong and theballgametogether A joinB joininC takepartinD attend B 10 AbbyrefusedmyinvitationtothecityparkthisSaturday becauseshe ll animportantmeeting A joininB takepartinC joinD attend11 Couldyoutellmehowmanycountries the2018PyeongchangOlympicGames Iamwritingapassageaboutit A tookpartinB joinedC attendedD joinedin D A 12 IwouldneverforgetthedaywhenChina theWTO A joinedinB tookpartinC joinedD attended13 Theheadmasterjoinedthestudentsin plant treeslastweek C planting 满分点拨 如 I mgoingtojointheschoolvolleyballteam 我准备参加学校排球队 九 全 Unit14P108 Joininginagroupwithdifferentvaluescanhelppeopletakethefirststep 加入一个有不同价值的小组里可以帮助人们迈出第一步 notonly butalso 的用法 2015任务型阅读涉及 考点抢测 14 Notonly wecometoschoolontimeeveryday butalsowemustworkhard A didB wouldC doD will C 15 Notonlymyfriendsbutalsomyfather interestedinthenewfilm Theyreallyloveit A isB areC amD were16 Lucyisnotonly beauty butalsohelpfultoothers A beautiful 满分点拨 notonly butalso 意为 不但 而且 考向1 连词结构 相当于both and 有时可省略also 其反义短语为neither nor 考向2 连接并列主语时 谓语动词遵循 就近原则 即由butalso后的主语来决定谓语动词的形式 考向3 连接两个分句 并且当notonly位于句首时 第一个分句要用部分倒装 1 field n A 田野 场地 牧场B 专业 学科 领域 1 Farmerswereworkinginthefields 2 2018天津任务型阅读 Thoughhebecamesuccessfulinthefieldofscience hestillputgreateffortinscientificresearch A B 熟词新义 2 liftA v 举起 提高B n 电梯C v 盗用 抄袭D v 使 高兴起来E n 免费搭车 1 Wecantakealifttogoupanddown 2 2012山西阅读A Whenmymumwantstogivemealift Ialwaysrefuse asIcangettherequicklybybus B E 熟词新义 A v 举起 提高B n 电梯C v 盗用 抄袭D v 使 高兴起来E n 免费搭车 3 Heusedhisgreatsenseofhumourtoliftmyspirits 4 Mostofthearticlewasliftedfromawoman smagazine 5 Youshouldn tliftanythingheavyifyouhaveabackpain D A C 熟词新义 3 enter v A 进来 进去B 成为 的一员 加入 开始从事C 使报名 使参加D 登记 录入 输入 1 Ienteredhisfinalgradesintothecomputerandgottheresult 2 Areyougoingtoenterthatcharityorganization 3 2015贵阳完形B Ienteredthe100meters 400metersandhighjumpforolderboys 4 Someoneenteredtheroombehindme D B C A 熟词新义 4 landA n 大陆 大地B v 着陆 降落C n 涉及感情或想象 国家 地区 1 Abutterflylandedonthatbeautifulflower 2 Theelephantisthelargestlivinglandanimal 3 Shewantedtoreturntohernativeland B A C 熟词新义 5 expressA v 表达 表示B adj 快速的 特快的 快递的C n 特快列车 1 Anexpressbusdropsmeoffjustacoupleofblocksfrommyoffice 2 HegotonanexpressforWashington 3 Icanhardlyexpressmythankstoyouforyourhelp B C A 熟词新义 6 energy n A 精力 活力B 能量 能源 1 Solarenergyisveryimportantforus 2 Mymotherisfullofenergyallthetime B A 熟词新义 7 period n A 一段时间 时期B 节 学时 课C 句点 句号 1 Hiswritingskillimprovedinaveryshortperiodoftime 2 Aperiodisusedattheendofasentence 3 Wehavesixperiodsofscienceaweek A C B 熟词新义 答案呈现 1 valuable 2 3 6 regretted received smoking tiniest 4 5 7 9 10 8 11 sleepy attend picnic society in but 说明词句攻关 语篇训练1 1 field2 and3 managed4
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