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写作技巧写作技巧1 1 写作技巧写作技巧2 2 写作技巧写作技巧3 3 写作技巧写作技巧4 4 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 并列连词用于把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来 且各个分并列连词用于把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来 且各个分 句之间存在着一定的逻辑关系 常见连词有 句之间存在着一定的逻辑关系 常见连词有 and 和 表示并列和 表示并列 或顺承关系 或顺承关系 but 但是 表示转折关系 但是 表示转折关系 or 或者 否则 表或者 否则 表 示选择或条件关系 示选择或条件关系 so 所以 表示因果关系 所以 表示因果关系 both and 两者两者 都都 not only but also 不但不但 而且而且 either or 或者或者 或者或者 neither nor 既不既不 也也 不不 写作技巧写作技巧1 1巧用并列连词巧用并列连词 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 句句式式 连连接接范范 例例 1 顺承关系 顺承关系 I cooked lunch I made a cake I cooked lunch and made a cake 2 转折关系 转折关系 I love the book The book is too expensive I love the book but it is too expensive 3 因果关系 因果关系 He got up late He missed the train He got up late so he missed the train 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 4 选择关系 选择关系 Can you play the violin Can you play the guitar Can you play the violin or the guitar 5 条件关系 条件关系 Be quiet You will be asked to go out Be quiet or you will be asked to go out 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 6 并列连词短语 并列连词短语 In her spare time she either swims or runs Both Jim and Jack are tall My uncle can not only draw but also sing I like neither sports nor music 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 小小试试牛牛刀刀 1 She made a wish She blew out the candles 2 I received an invitation I didn t accept it 3 He ate too much He became fatter She made a wish and she blew out the candles I received an invitation but I didn t accept it He ate too much so he became fatter 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 4 Will you go to school by bus Will you go to school by bike 5 Clean the room quickly You ll be punished 6 Lily is good at playing the piano Lucy is good at playing the piano too Will you go to school by bus or by bike Clean the room quickly or you will be punished Both Lily and Lucy are good at playing the piano 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 7 She is a doctor She is also a manager 8 I don t like juice I don t like tea either She is not only a doctor but also a manager I like neither juice nor tea 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 一 状语从句一 状语从句 在复合句中 修饰主句中的动词 形容词或副词等的从在复合句中 修饰主句中的动词 形容词或副词等的从 句叫状语从句 常见的从句有 时间状语从句 让步状语从句 句叫状语从句 常见的从句有 时间状语从句 让步状语从句 条件状语从句 原因状语从句 目的状语从句和结果状语从句 条件状语从句 原因状语从句 目的状语从句和结果状语从句 巧 用 并 列 连 词 写作技巧写作技巧2 2巧用三大从句巧用三大从句 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 句句式式 连连接接范范 例例 1 时间状语从句 时间状语从句 while when since before after until till as soon as 1 When I got to school it was raining 2 Don t make any noise while others are reading 3 He has been a teacher here since he graduated from university 4 My grandparents like going for a walk after they have supper 5 We need to think twice before we follow others 6 I won t fully believe it until I see it myself 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 2 让 步 状 语 从 句 让 步 状 语 从 句 though although even though if whatever whenever 1 Though Although he was ill he still came to school 2 He will not tell the secret even though if he knows it 3 He helps his parents with housework whenever he is free 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 3 条件状语从句 条件状语从句 if unless as long as 1 If you come we will be very happy 2 You will be successful as long as you work hard 3 We will not get there on time unless we set off earlier 4 原因状语从句 原因状语从句 because since Lily stayed at home because it rained heavily outside 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 5 目的状语从句 目的状语从句 so that in order that She worked hard so that she could make more money 6 结果状语从句 结果状语从句 so that such that I was so worried that I wanted to give up 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 小小试试牛牛刀刀 1 她打扫完房间之后 就离开了 她打扫完房间之后 就离开了 2 请你一到上海就给我打电话 请你一到上海就给我打电话 3 虽然外面天黑了 但是我仍然在工作 虽然外面天黑了 但是我仍然在工作 She left after she cleaned the room Please call me as soon as you arrive in Shanghai Although Though it is dark outside I am still working 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 4 他将不会按时到达 除非他早点出发 他将不会按时到达 除非他早点出发 5 我喜欢坐火车 因为火车便宜 我喜欢坐火车 因为火车便宜 6 她站起来以便可以看清楚黑板 她站起来以便可以看清楚黑板 7 他是一个如此善良的男孩以至于我们都喜欢他 他是一个如此善良的男孩以至于我们都喜欢他 He won t arrive on time unless he starts early I like taking the train because it is cheap She stands up so that she can see the blackboard clearly He is such a kind boy that we all like him 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 二二 宾语从句宾语从句 宾语从句是主从复合句的一种宾语从句是主从复合句的一种 其从句部分在整个句子中作宾语其从句部分在整个句子中作宾语 从句的语序必须是陈述句语序从句的语序必须是陈述句语序 即即 连接词 主语 谓语 其连接词 主语 谓语 其 他他 常见的连接词有 常见的连接词有 that if whether what when where how who等等 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 句句式式 连连接接范范 例例 1 It s delicious she said She said that it was delicious 2 Does Kate get up early Do you know Do you know if whether Kate gets up early 3 When did you come here she asked me She asked me when I came here 4 Where does Jane come from Can you tell me Can you tell me where Jane comes from 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 小小试试牛牛刀刀 8 The student said The club is very funny 9 Does he go to school today Do you know 10 Who will give a speech tonight She asked her teacher The student said that the club was very funny Do you know if whether he goes to school today She asked her teacher who would give a speech tonight 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 三三 定语从句定语从句 在定语从句中在定语从句中 从句在整个句子中作定语从句在整个句子中作定语 修饰先行词修饰先行词 初中阶初中阶 段需掌握简单的由段需掌握简单的由which that who引导的定语从句引导的定语从句 先行词为人先行词为人 用用who that引导 先行词为物用引导 先行词为物用which that引导引导 技巧篇技巧篇 返回目录返回目录 教 材 链 接 句句式式 连连接接范范 例例 1 先行词为人 先行词为人 I know the girl who that has curly hair A nurse is a person who looks after people s health He is the one who has
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