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目录 说明词句攻关 1 hungry2 bottom atthetopof 3 enjoyable enjoydoingsth 4 decision decide not todosth makeadecision5 wonderful6 waiter waitress waitfor can twaittodosth 7 died dying death dead diedown diefrom dieof dieout 教材词块自主测 8 dry9 tried trying trytodosth trydoingsth tryone sbest tryout tryon10 trader11 built building buildup beofmediumbuild 1 feellike2 goonline3 gotothedentist4 helpwithhouseworkeup6 keepadiary7 goonvacation8 seemtodosth 9 befullof10 after schoolactivity11 hardlyever12 quiteafew13 lessthan14 becauseof15 onone swayhome16 accordingto17 suchas18 morethan19 atleast 1 Wetookquiteafewphotosthere2 toreadandrelax3 inthecountryside4 sowedecidedtogotothebeachnearourhotel5 whatlifewaslikehere 6 Whatadifferenceadaymakes7 Weallknowthat8 Itisgoodtorelax thebestwaytorelax9 spendtimewithyourfriendsandfamily10 Oldhabitsdiehard Passage11 tried2 like3 bicycles4 buildings5 what6 up7 really8 wet9 below10 difference AVacation What gotobeach rodebicycle paragliding exciting gotoPenangHill wanted walktothetop gottothetop raininghard but startedraining waitedforthetrain didn thaveumbrella wetandcold badweather didn tseeanything didn tbringenoughmoney onebowloffishandrice hungry tastedgreat Whatadifferenceadaymakes firstday afternoon nextday Weather When Where Malaysia thissummer sunnyandhot Passage21 Our2 percent3 times4 And5 online6 least7 for8 watching9 Only10 Although FreeTimeActivities excercise useoftheInternet watcingTV 15 everyday 45 4 6timesaweek 20 1 3timesaweek 20 don tdoit forfun 90 everyday 10 3or4timesaweek 2 1 3timesaweek 13 4 6timesaweek 85 everyday bestwaytorelax exercise healthyforthemindandthebody 1 复合不定代词 P147 1 Didyougooutwithanyone No noonewashere Everyonewasonvacation 2 Didyoubuyanythingspecial No Iboughtnothing 2 动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化 P170 1 规则变化 asked started jumped 2 不规则变化 forgot found were 3 Howoften PX Howoftendoyougotothemovies Igotomoviesmaybeonceamonth 4 频度副词 PX 1 HehardlyeverwatchesTV 2 Ialwaysexercise 3 No Inevergoshopping 考点抢测 seem的用法 2017阅读A涉及 2015阅读C涉及 1 Thisweek thetemperatureseems everyday Onedayishot andthenextiscold A tochangeB changingC changedD change A 练讲重难点 2 Itseems Helenisveryhappytoday BecauseshegetsanAinthemathexam A whenB whichC thatD where3 Thefutureseems hope forpoorMike becausehecangotoschoolagain 4 she seems great nurse a 连词成句 C hopeful Sheseemsagreatnurse 满分点拨 注意 seemtodosth 和Itseems seemedthat asif从句 这两个句式可以互换 如 Itseemedthathewasveryangryjustnow Heseemedtobeveryangryjustnow 他刚才似乎很生气 try的用法 5 Iamsureyoucangetgoodgradesifyoutry hardfromnowon A workB toworkC workingD worked 考点抢测 B 6 Thenexttimeyoufeelstressedortired try someexerciseyouenjoy A doB doingC todoD done7 Ialwaysbelievethatnothingisdifficultifwetry we besttodoit 8 Thequestionisreallydifficultforme butIstillwanttohave try 盲填 B our a 满分点拨 如 MysisterandItriedparagliding 我的妹妹 姐姐 和我尝试了滑翔伞 八 上 Unit1P5 However hewasalwaysreadytotryhisbest 然而 他一直都在尽自己最大的努力 八 上 Unit5P37 decide的用法 9 Jackhasdecided acourseinChinesefolkmusictolearnmoreaboutChineseculture A takeB takenC takingD totake10 Peterandhisfriendshavedecided holdingaparty andIhopethey llhaveagoodtime A ofB onC toD in 考点抢测 D B 11 Summervacationiscoming Theystillhaven tdecided tohaveatriptoHainan A howB whatC whereD why 12 Itishardforthelittlegirltomakea decide byherself 延伸训练 A decision 满分点拨 如 Weallhavetherighttodecidehowtospendourownmoney 我们都有权决定如何花自己的钱 MyfatherandIdecidedtogotoPenangHilltoday 我爸和我决定今天去槟城山 八 上 Unit1P5 decide的名词形式是decision 意为 决心 决定 常用短语 makeadecisiontodosth 下定决心做某事 拓展 wonder的用法 2018阅读D涉及 2016阅读B涉及 13 I mjustwonderingwhat formybestfriendLinda Herbirthdayiscoming A buyB tobuyC boughtD buying 考点抢测 B 14 Youhavegrownup Iwonder youhavethoughtaboutyourlifeinthefuture A ifB whatC whenD who15 ThisclassisPEclass Itisnowonder thereisnostudentintheclassroom A whatB thatC ifD whether16 It s wonderthatsolittlefoodsavedsomanylivesduringthewar 盲填 A B a 如 Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast 我想知道这儿过去的生活是怎样的 八 上 Unit1P5 满分点拨 辨析because与becauseof 2018任务型阅读涉及 17 WuJing oneofChineseKungFuactors hasbecomefamous hisactionmovies A unlessB howeverC becauseD becauseof 考点抢测 D 18 MyfamilymovedfromEdinburghtoLondon myfatherstartedanewjobthere A becauseofB howeverC becauseD though19 Hemissedthebusbecausehegotuplate 英译汉 C 因为起床晚了 所以他错过了公交车 满分点拨 enough的用法 2018阅读D涉及 2017阅读C涉及 20 Mylittlebrotherisreallyanindependentboybecausehealwayssaysheisoldenough careofhimself A takeB totakeC takingD taken 考点抢测 B 21 Hedoesn tdohishomework Sohealwaysmakessomemistakes A carefulenoughB enoughcarefullyC carefullyenoughD enoughcareful22 Don tworry Wehave tofinishthetask A enoughtimeB enoughprogressC enoughspaceD enoughattention C A 23 Oh lookatthehall It s toholdhundredsofpeople A toosmallB smalltooC toobigD bigtoo 延伸训练 A 如 Myfatherdidn tbringenoughmoney soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish 我爸爸没有带足够多的钱 所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼 八 上 Unit1P5 满分点拨 enoughtodosth 常与too to 或so that 句型进行转换 如 Tomisn toldenoughtogotoschool Tomistooyoungtogotoschool Tomissoyoungthathecan tgotoschool 拓展 常见频度副词的辨析 24 WhenIgavearightanswer myEngli
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