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吉林专版 第18课时Units7 8 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 valuable noisy noisily energetic societies social mysterious historian historical wolves safety safely medicine uneasy badly worse worst education educator educational educated entrance sleepy asleep sleeping expression management manager prevention leader misleading regretful regretted regretted choice chose chosen hugged hugged talkback makeone sowndecision goonapicnic goforapicnic belongto communicatewith haveachancetodo havenothingagainstdoing thinkbackto makeachoice attendaconcert keep awayfrom getinthewayof staybymyside givesb ahug hugsb takeatest passthetest failthetest runafter runforexercise liftsb up keepoff bestrictwithsb beseriousaboutsth atthesametime inacertainway betoostrictwithteenagers beeducatedtotakecareofthemselvesfromayoungage getinthewayofourschoolwork worryabout Nomatter mustbeput towork tolive takecareof besolved preventv 阻止 阻挠 题1 1 Thesetreescanpreventthesoilfromwhenitrains A washawayB washingawayC washedawayD beingwashedaway 2 Mysistersaidnothingcouldpreventherhangingoutwithherfriendsonweekends A fromB ofC toD against D A 题2 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Pleasepreventthestudents ride bikesontheroad It sverydangerous riding 归纳拓展 prevent可以直接带宾语 意为 阻止 preventsb from doingsth 意为 阻止某人做某事 同义短语有stopsb from doingsth 和keepsb fromdoingsth NothingcanpreventusgoingshoppingthisSunday 没有什么可以阻止我们这个星期天去购物 try manage 题3 用try或manage的适当形式填空 1 Mr Browntogetahigherpositioninthecompany butthemanagersaidhewasnottherightperson 2 Thelittlegirltogetherwithhermothertomakeamodelplane sotheyarehappy tried manages asleep sleep sleepy 题4 用sleep的适当形式填空 1 IfeelveryinclassbecauseIstayeduplatelastnight 2 WhenIdidmyhomework mybrotherfellonhisdesk 3 Youmusthaveenoughsothatyoucanhaveenergytolistentoyourteachersinclass sleepy asleep sleep Idon tthinksixteen year oldsshouldbeallowedtodrive 我认为不应该允许十六岁的青少年驾驶 题5 改为否定句Ithinkitispolitetotalkloudlyinpublic Idon tthinkitispolitetotalkloudlyinpublic 归纳拓展 1 Idon tthink 为否定前移 否定的是后面从句的内容 Idon tthinkthatheiscomingtomorrow 我认为他明天不会来 2 shouldbeallowed 是含有情态动词的被动语态 意为 应该被允许 其结构为 情态动词 be 动词的过去分词 Theworkshouldbefinishedintwodays 这项工作应该在两天内完成 句意填词根据所给句子 填入一个适当的单词 使句意完整 1 Don tmakeabecausemygrandmotherissleeping 2 IfeelbecauseIstayeduplatelastnight Ineedagoodsleepnow 3 Howmanypeoplethemeeting About2 000 It saveryimportantmeetingforourcountry sdevelopment 4 Weshouldpayattentiontotrafficwhenwegoacrossthestreet 5 Sheiswithherstudents sotheyarealittleafraidofher noise sleepy attended safety strict 6 Nothingwouldhimfromtellingthetruth 7 Iflowersfromhim butIdidn tacceptthem 8 Mikenevertellslies Heisanboy 9 Don twakethebabyup Sheisfast 10 MyparentsarealwaysaboutmewhenIleavehomealone stop prevent received honest asleep worried 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空11 How heavy itrainedinEurope SomemuseumsalongtheRiverSeinehadtobeclosed 12 Sheshouldn tbe allow togooutalone 13 The win ofthisyear sYoungStarAwardis Daniel Welldone 14 They vefoundoutsome value informationabouttheevent 15 Howdidyoumanage get totheairportintime Myfriendgavemearide Thankstohim orIwouldn tcatchtheflight heavily allowed winner valuable toget 16 TheUFOisalsooneofthegreatest mystery intheworld 17 Ourschoolpaysmuchattentiontothe safe ofusstudents 18 Thebackpackmightbe Tom Ithashisnameonit 19 Ithinkthepunishmentis fair tosuchalittlegirl 20 wolf areverydangerous Pleasekeepawayfromthem mysteries safety Tom s unfair Wolves
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