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时间 30 分钟分数 50 分 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 每小题1 分 共 5 分 1 A look B cool C school D zoo 2 A mine B with C knife D behind 3 A teacher B great C clean D please 4 A pear B hair C here D wear 5 A what B which C white D whose 词型转换 每小题1 分 共 5 分 6 country 复数 7 open 现在分词 8 one 序数词 9 sun 形容词 10 we 形容词性物主代词 用所给单词的正确形式填空 每小题1 分 共 10 分 11 Li Ming what about 步行 to school 12 Sometimes he play basketball after school 13 Tony is much tall than her sister 14 They fly to the U K next week 15 Who are their My classmates 情景匹配 每小题1 分 共 5 分 16 Who is taller you or Yang Ling A You can take the No 3 bus 17 How can I get to the park B You can go there by bus 18 Who runs faster than Gao Shan C Yang Ling is 19 Which bus shall I take D Yang Ling does 20 Would you like to join us E Yes I d like to 单项选择 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 21 There are sheep on the hill A a B many C much D little 22 name is Ann What s name A She you B Her your C Her you D She your 23 Be quiet The babies A sleep B are sleeping C slept D sleeps 24 What day is today It s A Monday B a fine day C September 1 st D rainny 25 I want to find a good book I m going to the A cinema B library C museum D hotel 26 What did you do last night I did my homework and TV A watch B watched C will watch D am watching 27 Juice and water are healthy drinks coke isn t A and B but C or D so 28 She can t in the lake A swimming B swimming C swim D swims 29 I want to buy A something eat B something to eat C anything to eat D anything eat 30 I tired yesterday so I go shopping with her A am don t B was am not C was didn t D am am not 句型转换 每小题1 分 共 5 分 31 Lily often does her homework in the evening 改为否定句 Lily often her homework in the evening 32 I went to the cinema with Nick last Saturday 改为一般疑问句 you to the cinema with Nick last Saturday 33 We go to school from Monday to Friday 改为同义句 We go to school a week 小升初英语试卷 34 What does Kate do 改为同义句 Kate 35 He goes to school by bus 改为同义句 He a bus school 阅读理解 The following discussion 讨论 was between a father and his nine year old son It s unfair 不公平 Dad Mum wants me to make my bed but I don t know how It s time for you to learn Where are your clean sheets 床单 I don t know You don t know You need to take care of your things Where are Jack s sheets the father called to his wife Right next to ours the wife answered After a moment the father asked slowly Where are ours 36 The discussion was between A a husband and a wife B a mother and her son C a father and his son D a mother and a father 37 The son doesn t know A how to wash his sheets B how to make his bed C how to clean his sheets D how to clean his bed 38 The father doesn t know A how to wash his sheets B how to make his bed C how to clean his sheets D where his sheets are 39 The father says his son is because he doesn t know where his is A careful sheet B careless bed C careful bed D careless sheet 40 Who do you think do the housework in the family A The father B The mother C The child D No one 根据上下文完成下列对话 每空1 分 共 10 分 It is S 41 tomorrow My parents and I are g 42 to the park In the park t 43 is a r 44 I want to s 45 there because it is very h 46 in summer Swimming c 47 make me cool But you know I am not g 48 at swimming My father will teach me h 49 to swim I think I w 50 have a good time there 41 S 42 g 43 t 44 r 45 s 46 h 47 c 48 g 49 h 50 w 参考答案 一 1 5 ABBCD 二 6 countries 7 opening 8 first 9 sunny 10 our 三 11 walking 12 plays 13 taller 14 will fly 15 they 四 16 20 CBDAE 五 21 25 BBBAB 26 30 BBCBC 六 31 doesn t do 32 Did go 33 five days 34 What is 35 takes to 七 36 40 CBDDB 八 41 unday 42 oing 43 here 44 iver 45 wim 46 ot 47 an 48 ood 49 ow 50 ill
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