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第 1 页 共 1 页 Unit 3 Computers 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 共15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21 It is not enough for you just to tell me your decision The only reason is that I m interested in it A I don t agreeB I don t think so C Give me your reason D Let s have a discussion 22 The text has been by somebody because it was too difficult for children to understand at first A created B written C simplified D solved 23 Scientists in some countries have done a lot of work to the moon A cover B search C explode D explore 24 They use specially trained dogs to their sheep at night A take care B get along with C watch over D turn to 25 The of the new technology has greatly increased the production A usage B application C knowledge D research 26 I know these flowers are not natural but the ones look more beautiful and can last long 第 1 页 共 1 页 A fresh B new C true D artificial 27 It was going to be some time he would see his father again A before B after C since D when 28 She does not know the situation for she is too inexperienced A how to deal with B what to deal with C how to deal with it D what to do with it 29 I can see what you mean even though I don t share your point of view A In the way B On the way C In no way D In a way 30 Most of his mistakes out of his nervousness I am sure A rose B raised C arose D lifted 31 Susan advised me not to buy the vase but I bought it A anyhow B however C though D totally 32 He is so busy with the research he has no time left for any other activity A which B that C why D because 33 How close parents are to their children has a strong influence on the of the children A intelligence B appearance C power D character 34 When coming to the education of children we must children s reading habit as early as possible A grow B develop C increase D raise 第 1 页 共 1 页 35 Lucy has made great progress in her studies the help of the experienced teacher A with B under C to D over 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从36 55 各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 Heavy rains had flooded the rivers above our home and a small dam broke in the middle of the night As muddy 混浊的 waters 36 down the street emergency cars ran up and down the block taking away everyone It wasn t until the following morning that the 37 destruction became known 38 no one was hurt many houses were damaged and neighbors were 39 about their losses One woman stood 40 on the ankle deep mud that used to be lawn 草坪 she was getting 41 in two months and had stored her gifts and wedding dress in the basement 地下室 now 42 with four feet of water The afternoon following the flood 43 with shovels 铁铲 gathered in front of a house and began moving the thick 44 off When they were done with one home they 45 to the next Barbeques 烤肉架 were 46 and several women made runs to the grocery store to keep the workers 47 Another group dug up the trees that had been broken by the water and re planted young 48 Children dug holes in the piles of mud 49 the flood brought valuable changes to our neighborhood A group of women started a sewing circle to prepare a n 50 dress for the woman who 第 1 页 共 1 页 would get married They became 51 and started a neighborhood team that 52 and plans community projects each month The men got to know each other while shoveling mud and now one can t be working under the car or on a new roof 53 his neighbors stopping by to help Thanks to our 54 unity 团结 we have a beautiful safe and friendly block We are all happy that the neighborhood has now returned to 55 36 A flowed B flew C knocked D rolled 37 A heavy B exact C possible D general 38 A Because B Unless C If D Though 39 A disappointed B frightened C upset D annoyed 40 A laughing B crying C counting D working 41 A married B separated C crazy D angry 42 A packed B filled C suffered D survived 43 A housewives B soldiers C neighbors D children 44 A tree B flood C water D mud 45 A centered on B moved on C depended on D fixed on 46 A set up B made up C used up D lined up 47 A satisfied B interested C fed D excited 48 A grass B crops C ones D plants 49 A Happily B Surprisingly C Naturally D Unfortunately 50 A evening B wedding C dancing D performing 51 A relatives B leaders C supporters D friends 第 1 页 共 1 页 52 A organizes B meets C argues D decides 53 A except B besides C without D with 54 A new B old C traditional D future 55 A past B normal C home D block 第三部分 阅读理解 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 A A mother of a cheerful five year old just returned from a meeting of the National Organization for Women Inspired by exciting dreams for the possibilities of womanhood she asked her daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up Little Lisa quickly answered A nurse There was a time when nursing was thought of as a woman s job and the answer somehow seemed not to be satisfied She had after all just returned from a new meeting You can be anything you want to be she re minded her daughter You can be a lawyer a doctor a banker president of the country you can be any thing Anything Lisa asked An
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