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六年级下毕业考试英语模拟试卷满分100分学校: 姓名: 一、选出一个不同类的词。(10分)( )1、A.grapes B.orange C.donut D.melon ( )2、A.clerk B.brother C.doctor D.cachier( )3、A.loudly B.happily C.quickly D.easy ( )4、A.basketball B.soccer C.doll D.ping-pong ( )5、A.shorts B.runners C.T-shirt D.play二、按要求写单词。(每小题2分,共20分)1.health形容词形式 2.weak反义词 3.light反义词 4.hit现在分词 5.high反义词 6.win过去式 7.teach过去式 8.play变名词 9.lose过去式 10.hour同音词 三、根据句意和所给单词的首字母填空。每空2分,共20分1.Everyong wants to be h and strong.2.He b a pair of runners yesterday.3.He plays basketball on a t .4.This flower is w ,It is sick.5.He always b his teeth twice a day.6.A breakfast,I go to school.7.Running is e .8.Sixty m make an hour.9.We n some ping-pong balls to play ping-pong.10.My favourite s is badminton.四、单选。(每空1分,共15分。)( )1.You need to eat foods that are good you. A.to B.at C.for D.about( )2. orange player has a ball.A.An B.A C.Two D.Some( )3.He plays Ping-pong on Sundays.A.fun B.to fun C.for fun D.for a fun( )4.Whats going next.A.happen B.happened C.to happen D.happening( )5.This box is heavy.A.to B.one C.too D.two( )6.Are you ready basketball,Li Ming?A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learns( )7.I taught Li Ming and catch the ball.A.throw B.throwing C.to throw D.throws( )8.They are good basketball . A.plays B.player C.players D.playing( )9.I m hitting the ball Jenny.A.for B.to C.in D.on( )10.Bob goes to school four a week.A.time B.for time C.for times D.times( )11. Do you like these shorts those shorts? A.and B.or C.but D.of( )12. Whats the score? Its seventy seventy-two. A.to B.for C.at D.on( )13.I dont have runners . A.too B.either C.and D.or( )14.You hit the ping-pong ball this paddle. A.and B.with C.on D.of( )15.Do you want strong and healthy? A.is B.are C.be D.to be五、互相搭配,填写序号。(每个2分,共20分)1. 翻译 A B( )1.catch the basketball a.早饭之前。( )2.before breakfast b.一月一次。( )3.once a month c.70美元。( )4.be good for d.对有益。( )5.seventy dollars e.接篮球2.选择答语 A B ( )6.What sports do you play? f.I went to the library.( )7.Is this heavy or light? g.Badminton.( )8.What are you going to do? h.Once a week.( )9.What did you go yesterday? i.I am going to fly kites.( )10.How often do you eat breakfast? j.This is light.六、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的在题号,错误的(每题2分,共10分) Dear Marry,How are you? Miss you very much! We stayed in a small village in Fangxian last week. We had a good time.We arrived on Monday afternoon and ate some fresh fruits. They are my favourit. On Tuesday we went fishing in a big lake. The water in the lake is clean. On Wednesday we climbed a mountain. We sang and danced on the mountain, We took many pictures on the mountain too. On Thursday and Friday we played football and basketball, We were very happy. We will be back home tomorrow. Love,Lucy( )1. Mary stayed in a small village.( )2. They arrived on Monday morning.( )3. They went fishing in a small lake.( )4. The water in the lake is clean.( )5. They played pingpong ball in the village.七、书面表达:写一篇以“ My favourite season”为题的短文,要求:1.不少于五句话。2.语法正确。(5分)
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