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江西专版 第1课时StarterUnit1 Unit4 七上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 friendly friendship photos radios Chinese Chinese families boxes dictionaries watches libraries librarian colorful them you their your theirs yours themselves yourself yourselves I it me its mine its myself itself these saw those seen whom seeing whose had meeting had met having met has helpful found helpless found finding lost knew lost known losing knowing came thankful come thanks coming thought first thought once thinking second eighth twice ninth third thirteen better thirty best fifth well fifteen goodness fifty yourtapeplayer herIDcard ask for mygrandparents room thankyoufor histelephone phonenumber comeon aphotoof callsb at last familyname middleschool haveagoodday theirmodelplane excuseme inthefirstphoto onthesofa inEnglish undertheteacher sdesk inChina That sThoseare twonicephotosofmyfamily everywhere Mynameis I m Mytelephone phonenumber onthesofaunderthechair Acomputergameschoollibrary Imustfindit Tidyisnot comeon快点儿 归纳拓展 eon可用于以下场合 1 意为 快点儿 用来催促别人 Comeon It sgettingdark 快点儿 天要黑了 2 意为 来吧 干吧 表示请求 鼓励 劝说等 Comeon Lucy Don tbesoshy 来吧 露西 别不好意思了 题1 1 AslongasalltheChinesepeoplepulltogether ourChinaDreamwill A cometrueB comeoutC comeonD comeback 2 Mrs Black I mafraidthatI llfailtheexam dear Takeiteasy I msureyou llpassit A SorrytohearthatB ComeonC AllrightD Goodjob A B 3 意为 加油 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员 Comeon LiHua shoutedthestudentsofClassOne 李华 加油 一班的学生喊道 e的其他相关短语 comein进来comefrom来自comeout出来 出版 开花comeback回来cometrue实现 成为现实 3 I mreallytired Ihavetostoprunning Jim Youcanmakeit A ComeonB TakecareC HavefunD Goodluck 4 Thebookwon tuntiltheendoftheyear A comeoutB comeoverC cometrueD comeon A A askv 请求 要求 询问 题2 Ourteachersaskedusnotintheriverduringthesummervacation A swimB toswimC swimmingD toswimming 题3 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 Youcanaskmeanythingtheschool 2 Heoftenaskshisclassmateshelpwhenheisintrouble 归纳拓展 B about for helpv 援助 题4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 在 的帮助下 myteachers IhavemadegreatprogressinEnglishlearning 2 周末我经常帮助父母做家务 例如打扫卫生 Ioftenmyparents onweekends suchasdoingsomecleaning Withthehelpof 归纳拓展 help to dohousework 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Judy ifyouwantanotherdrink justhelp you 2 Peoplesometimescan thelpsomethingunnecessarywhenshopping buy 3 Ican thelpthemodelplane becauseit sgettingdarkandIhavetoleavenow make yourself buying to make house home family 题6 用house home或family的适当形式填空 1 MyarediscussinghowtotraveltoHangzhounextweek 2 Thearesoexpensivethathecan taffordtobuyone 3 Thenicelittledogwagged 摇 itstailhappily welcomingtheownerback B family 词义辨析 1 family作名词 意为 家 家庭 是一个集合名词 作主语时 若指家庭这一整体 谓语动词用单数形式 若指家庭成员 谓语动词用复数形式 2 home作名词 意为 家 主要指一个人出生或居住的地方 也可以指 家乡 故乡 含有感情色彩 3 house作名词 意为 房子 指建筑物 住宅 houses home one it that 题7 1 I malittlehungry Mom Therearesomeapplepiesonthetable Youmaytake A itB thisC thatD one 2 TheweatherinQiqiharinwinteriscolderthaninShanghai A thoseB itC thatD one 3 IsthisiPadyours Yes Myparentsboughtformylanguagelearning A oneB itC otherD another D C B lookfor find findout 题8 用lookfor find或findout的适当形式填空 1 Jack spenismissing Wehelphimiteverywhere 2 Theworkersaretryingtowhat swrongwiththemachine 3 Ican tmypen I miteverywhere to lookfor findout findlookingfor say speak talk tell 题9 用say speak tell或talk的适当形式填空 1 Doyouoftentoyourfriendsonthephone 2 TheradiotherewillbeanotherheavyraininJiangxi 3 outyourlove andtheworldwillbecomeanicerplacetolivein 4 PleasemesomethingaboutYangLiwei HeisagreatastronautofwhomalltheChineseareproud talk says Speak tell Whataboutthisdictionary 这本词典 是谁的 呢 题10 1 It squiteaninterestingparty Soitis joinus A HowaboutB Whydon tC Whydon tyouD Whatabout 2 Let sanoise Someoneissleeping A notmakeB notmakingC nottomakeD nottomaking C 归纳拓展 1 What Howabout 意为 怎么样 其后接名词 代词或v ing形式 常用在以下场合 1 向对方提出建议或请求 Whataboutgoingoutforawalk 出去散散步好吗 2 征询对方的看法或意见 Whataboutherplayingtheviolin 你认为 她的小提琴拉得怎么样 A 3 Whatafineday HowaboutgoingboatinginBeihaiPark A MypleasureB YouarekiddingC GoodideaD Youarewelcome C 3 询问天气或身体等情况 Whatabouttheweatherinyourhometown 你们家乡的天气如何 4 寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语 IamfromBeijing Whataboutyou 我是北京人 你呢 常用的肯定答语 OK Allright Goodidea 等 否定答语 Sorry I I mafraidnot 等 题11 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空WhatabouttotheSummerPalacethisafternoon go going 2 表示 征求建议 的句型 单项填空1 HewasborninGermany buthehasmadeChinahis A familyB addressC houseD home2 Doyouthinkacceptableforagroupofwomentodancetoloudmusiconthesquare A itB thatC thisD its3 Oh youwantapen OK I llgetforyou A itB oneC themD that4 Don tforgetto Thankyou tosomeonewhohelpsyou A tellB speakC sayD talk D A B C B find games cups photos 5 ThewatchesmadeinSwitzerlandaremuchmoreexpensivethanmadeinChina A theseB thoseC onesD them 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空gameonefinecupfindmyherfrienddictionaryphoto6 Whereismyphone Ican tit 7 Attheweekend youmayplaycomputer butyoumustn tplayformorethan30minutes 8 CanyoubelievepeopleinBritaindrinkover150millionofteaaday 9 ManyweretakenduringmylasttriptoTibet 10 Herwaysofsolvingproblemsaredifferentfrom 11 Theboygottheplaceinthesingingcompetition Hisparentswereproudofhim 12 Theredumbrelladoesn tbelongtome it s 13 IftheweatherisonSund
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