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江西专版 第6课时Units1 3 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 hungry diaries talented less least difference differently clearly truly truth better best activity action actor actress active careful careless carefully wonderful wonderfully building builder dying won won winner competition competitor says said said death dead saying trader decision broke broken feellike careabout bringout keepadiary keepdiaries goonvacation decidetodosth getbettergrades gotothedentist share with waitfor bedifferentfrom besimilarto betalentedin thesameas becauseof atleast aslongas morethan lessthan suchas quiteafew hardlyever mostofthetime somethingspecial somewhere anywhereinteresting infact mostofthetimetoread sunnyandhotdecidedtogotothebeach Whatadifferenceadaymakes Itisgoodtorelaxthebestwaytorelaxisthroughexercise ishealthyforthebodyandthemindspendtimewithyourfriendsandfamily it snoteasyformetomakefriends aslongasthey regood reachesforyourhandtouchesyourheart seemv 好像 似乎 看来 题1 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Theyseemedthewaytothecinema find 题2 同义句转换Theyseemtobeintheclassroom thattheyareintheclassroom 归纳拓展 tofind Itseems 题3 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 这则消息似乎比我们原先预想的传播得更快 Thenewsthanwehadexpected 2 她好像是个聪明的姑娘 She seemedto be spreadfaster morequickly seems tobe aclevergirl enoughadj 充分的 地 题4 1 I llbeawayforalongtime Don tworry Shecanlookafteryourpet A carefulenoughB enoughcarefulC carefullyenoughD enoughcarefully 2 Wehave togettothebusstop soyouneedn trush A timeenoughB noenoughtimeC enoughtimeD AandC 归纳拓展 C D 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Theyoungmanisoldenough acarbyhimself drive todrive decidev 决定 选定 题6 Jack whyhaveyoudecided Chinesefolkmusicasacourse TolearnmoreaboutChineseculture A takeB takenC takingD totake 题7 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Arontellsustheimportanceofmakingagood andofbeingincontrolofone slife decide 归纳拓展 D decision 题8 根据汉语意思完成句子他还没有决定何时去上海参加这个重要的会议 HeShanghaifortheimportantmeeting hasn tdecidedwhentoleavefor tryv 努力 题9 1 Dear let stryheratanothernumber Maybewephonedthewrongnumber A tocallB callingC callD called 2 Rememberthemascarefullyasyoucanandtryanymistakes A tomakeB notmakingC nottomakeD notmake 题10 根据汉语提示完成句子Thispairofshoesisnew CanI 试穿它 归纳拓展 B C tryiton althoughconj 虽然 尽管 即使 题11 ridingsharedbikes 共享单车 isanenvironmentallyfriendlywaytotravel manyofthebikesarethrowneverywhere A AlthoughB AsC UnlessD Until 归纳拓展 although though 引导让步状语从句时 从句放在主句前后均可 若句中用了although或though 就不能再用but 但可用yet或still Although Thoughitwassnowing yet itwasnotverycold Itwassnowing butitwasnotverycold 虽然在下雪 但不是很冷 A hardly hard 题12 Itisforhimtogettoschoolontimebecauseitisraining A hard hardlyB hardly hardC hard hardD hardly hardly 题13 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Healwaysworksbuthecanmakemoney hard C hardhardly howoften howlong howsoon howfar 题14 用howoften howlong howsoon或howfar的适当形式填空 1 Thesubwaywillbeinuse Doyouknowitwilltakeyoutogettoschoolbyit Onlytenminutes It llbequickandconvenient 2 isitfromyourhometothepark It sabouttenminutes walk 3 Booksareourfriends doyoureadbooks Ireadbookseveryday 4 willyoufinishwritingthereviewoftheIndianmovieDangal Intwodays howlong Howfar Howoften Howsoon win beat lose 题15 用win beat或lose的适当形式填空 1 Peterisgoodatplayingchessandhealwaysmeinchess 2 Davepracticedsingingalldaybecausehewantedtothesingingcompetition 3 Lastweek wethestrongestteaminthefootballmatchandthefirstprize 4 TomtoLiLeiinyesterday stennismatch beats win beatwon lost Whatadifferenceadaymakes 一天的差异是多么大呀 题16 1 Itisrainingagain Wehaven tseenthesunforweeks weatheritis A WhatgoodB WhatbadC HowgoodD Howbad 2 DidyouwatchChina sMilitaryParadeonTV Yes greatitwas A HowB WhatC HowaD Whata B A TaraworksashardasTina 塔拉学习和蒂娜一样努力 题17 1 Alexbelieveshewillsoonbeabletoplaychessasasthecomputer A wellB betterC bestD thebest 2 Whatdoyouthinkoftheenvironmentinyourhometown It s Boththeairandthewaterarebadlypolluted A notbadB asgoodasbeforeC notsogoodasbeforeD muchbetterthanbefore A C 归纳拓展 as 形容词或副词原级 as 意为 和 一样 其否定形式为 notas so 形容词或副词原级 as less 形容词或副词原级 than 或形容词 副词 反义词的比较级 than 意为 不及 Heisnotastallashisbrother Heisshorterthanhisbrother 他不及 没有 他哥哥高 Mathisnotas sointerestingasEnglish Ithink MathislessinterestingthanEnglish Ithink 我认为数学不如英语有趣 单项填空1 OurclassmatesaregoingtoFantawildAdventure 方特欢乐世界 aftertheexams excitingidea A WhatB WhatanC HowanD How2 Danielishistwinbrother Theyareboth1 75metrestall A tallerthanB shorterthanC astallasD sotallas B C 解析 根据 Theyareboth1 75metrestall 可知他俩一样高 故选C 4 HowisyouroldfriendKatie Oh she smovedtoanothercity soI veeverseenhersincethen A clearlyB simplyC nearlyD hardly5 doyougototheBuddyClubinyourschool Twiceamonth A HowfarB HowlongC HowsoonD Howoften D 3 Whothetennisgameyesterday Jack Healltheothers A beat wonB won wonC beat beatD won beat 解析 前一空指 赢得 比赛 用win 后一空指 打败 其他所有的人 用beat 故选D D D 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空dieactivityenoughtalentwonderalthoughseemdecidesayingcare6 Hetobesick forhelookspale 7 Iwhoheis wherehecomesfromandwhyhecame 8 Teenagersshouldbeencouragedtomakebythemselves 9 Youmustcheckyourhomeworkbeforeyouhanditin 10 Herfatherdiedtwoweeksago Hismadeherverysad 11 We llhavelotsoftimeforafter school suchasplayingsoccerandswimming s
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