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河北省石家庄市栾城县2015 2016 学年七年级英语上学期期末考试 试题 2015 2016 学年度第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试题参考答案 卷 I 1 5 AACCC 6 10 ABBAC 11 15 BCBAC 16 20 ABCAB 21 25 BCADA 26 30 ACBDC 31 35 CCBBB 36 40 AC C B D 41 45 C A D A A 46 50 D C D A B 51 55 D D D C B 卷 II 56 60 China December sisters English taking photos 61 classmates 62 eating habit 63 他的朋友让他吃汉堡包 但是他不吃 64 Strawberries 65 He thinks China is great 66 70 Lunch third long doesn t useful 71 When is your birthday 72 Those watches are not mine 73 Thank you for your notebook 74 Come and buy your clothes at our store 75 Does Joe have a volleyball 书面表达 My name is Wang Lili and I m 13 years old My birthday is on June 1 st My favorite subjects are science and English and I like to help my classmates I like playing ping pong because it s relaxing I like having healthy food such as like fruit vegetables and milk I like doing some shopping in the supermarket with my mother
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