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湖南专版 新课标 RJ 第一篇教材过关篇 课时15Units1 2 九全 conversation aloud pronunciation patient discover note chemistry increase ability create connect relative steal lay garden admire lie treat dead punish warn present warmth spread lookup bebornwith payattentionto connect with takenotes makemistakes puton layout dependon have incommon flyupto callout endup dressup intheshapeof wakeup traditional patient patiently patience impatient physical chemical wisely warmth stranger strangely wonderfully wonder busily business pronunciation memory expression discovery knowledge knowledgeable action activity active actively punishment treatment stole stolen tootounderstand Themorethefaster so that listeningto somethinginteresting secretto howtoincrease areinterestedin fortopay attentionto Evenif though unless keeppracticing are notafraidof more andmorepopular named called who patientadj 有耐心的n 病人 1 patient作名词时 意为 病人 是可数名词 Heisexaminingapatient 他正在诊断病人 2 patient作形容词时 意为 有耐心的 常用短语 bepatientwithsb 容忍某人 对某人有耐心Wemustbepatientwithchildren 我们必须对孩子有耐心 归纳拓展 patientlyadv 耐心地 patiencen 耐心 针对训练 1 Ofalltheteachersintheschool Mrs Brownisthemostpatientherstudents A toB ofC with 2 Mrs Gaooftengetsmadathernoisyson butsheisalwayshernoisypupilsinschool A angrywithB patientwithC worriedabout 3 Peoplearepayingmoreattentiontotheirhealth sotherearefewerandfewerinthehospital A patientB patientsC patience C B B bornv 出生adj 天生的 1 born作动词时 仅用于被动语态 常与was were连用 Jennywasbornonacoldwintermorning 珍妮出生在一个寒冷的冬天的早晨 2 born作形容词时 意为 天生的 常用短语 bebornwith天生具有Anniewasabornpoet 安妮是一位天生的诗人 Hewasbornwitharedmarkonhisface 他生来脸上就有一块红斑 归纳拓展 birth是born的名词形式 意为 出生 诞生 分娩 常用短语 thedayofone sbirth某人出生的日子givebirthto生出 产出atbirth出生时 针对训练 1 HewasinFrance buthehasmadeChinahishome A bornB birthC bore 2 Everyonethinksthegirlisborntheabilitytodance A aboutB forC with 3 Theladygavetoababyonacoldmorning A bornB birthC bore A C B warnv 警告 告诫 针对训练 1 Mrs Whitewarnedherhusbandafterdrinking A nevertodriveB toneverdriveC neverdriving 2 Theboycheatingintheexam buthedidn tlisten Oh theteachermustbeangrywithhim A warnedagainstB waswarnedagainstC iswarnedagainst 3 Theteachersalwayswarnthestudentsnotintheexam A tocheatB cheatingC cheat A B A treatn 款待 招待v 招待 请 客 1 treat as 意为 将 当作 Donottreatthisseriousproblemasajoke 不要把这个严肃的问题当作笑话 2 treatsb tosth 意为 用某物招待某人 Mysistertreatedmetoabottleofmilkjustnow 我姐姐刚刚请我喝了一瓶牛奶 3 treat 疾病 意为 治疗某种疾病 Adoctorisnotabletotreateverydisease 一个医生不能治疗每种病 4 treat还可作名词 意为 款待 招待 为不可数名词 It smytreattoday 今天我请客 针对训练 1 Iameighteenyearsold sodon ttreatmeachild A asB withC to 2 Iwanttotreatyouadinner Wouldyouliketocome Sure I dloveto A aboutB withC to A C mistaken 错误 失误v 误会 误解 1 makeamistake mistakes犯错It seasytomakeamistake 犯错误很容易 2 bymistake错误地 无意中Heputsaltintotheteabymistake 他把盐误放进茶里了 3 mistakeAforB把A错当成BShemistookmybookforherown 她把我的书错当成她自己的书了 针对训练 1 Sorry Itookyourpenmistake Itdoesn tmatter A forB byC as 2 Mysonissocarelessthathealwaysmakesmanyinhishomework A plansB decisionsC mistakes B C attentionn 注意 关注 attention常用在payattentionto短语中 意为 注意 关注 to为介词 后接名词 v ing形式或宾语从句 归纳拓展 动词 短语 doing 结构 enjoy practice finish minddoingsth keep on doingsth endupdoingsth bebusydoingsth havefundoingsth feellikedoingsth can thelpdoingsth lookforwardtodoingsth beusedtodoingsth 针对训练 1 It stimeforyoutopayattentionto take exercise 2 我们应该注意保护环境 Weshouldtheenvironment taking payattentiontoprotecting lookup 在词典 参考书中或通过电脑 查阅 抬头看 lookup是 动词 副词 结构的短语 若代词作宾语 需放在look和up之间 且代词需用宾格形式 Ifyoudon tknowthenewword youcanlookitupinthedictionary 如果你不认识这个新单词 你可以查一下词典 归纳拓展 针对训练 1 Couldyoutellmesomeinformationaboutthemuseumsinyourcountry WhynotontheInternet A lookforitB tolookforitC lookitup 2 Nowadays almosteveryschoolhasawebsitewhichallowsustotheinformationaboutit A lookthroughB lookafterC lookaround C A cause reason excuse 针对训练 用方框中单词的适当形式填空causereasonexcuse 1 Don tmakeanyforyourbeinglateagain 2 Nooneknowsthewhyyouhavemadesuchadecision 3 Thefiremenaretryingtheirbesttofindouttheofthebigfire excuses reason cause endup最终成为 最后处于 1 endupdoingsth 以做某事而告终Wemustplanoursparetime orwe llendupdoingnothing 我们必须规划我们的空闲时间 否则我们将会以无所事事而告终 2 endupwithsth 以某事物结束Thepartyendedupwithasong 聚会以一首歌结束 归纳拓展 1 attheend of 意为 在 的 末端 尽头 后接指地点的名词 作地点状语 Theservicecenterliesattheendofthestreet 服务中心位于这条街的尽头 2 bytheendof意为 到 结束时 到 结尾时 后接表示时间的名词 在句中作时间状语 Hehadfinishedhisworkbytheendoflastweek 到上周末 他已经完成了他的工作 3 intheend意为 最后 终于 作状语修饰整个句子 Intheendtheirteamwonthegame 最后他们队赢得了比赛 针对训练 1 theendoftheday theheadmasterwasveryhappybecausetheclassmonitorhelpedorganizeanexcellentclassmeeting A ToB InC By 2 Didyouhaveagoodtimeyesterday Ofcourse Tooursurprise thepartywiththesingingofAuldLangSyne A endedupB attheendC intheend 3 ourschoolteamsucceedinwinningthegoldmedal A EndedupB AttheendC Intheend C A C aloud loud loudly 针对训练 1 Pleasereadthetextsothatallofuscanhearyouclearly A aloudB loudC loudly 2 Thegirltoldusaninterestingstoryinavoice A aloudB loudC loudly 3 ThealarmringssothatIshutitrightaway A aloudB loudC loudly A B C create invent discover Shecreatedanewschoolrecordagain 她
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