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湖南专版 新课标 RJ 第一篇教材过关篇 课时12Units5 6 八下 suddenly strange storm light area match against kid realize passage pupil date tower stone weak silly object tail fit couple smile silk nobody cheat whole bright ground voice gooff pickup fallasleep havealook insilence takedown atfirst alittlebit turn into onceuponatime fallinlove getmarried wooden icy western golden wives heavily truth truthful truly bravely stranger completely silence silently recently began begun beginning beat beaten rose risen fell fallen shot shot hid hidden led led leader leadership wasreading wasmaking sure whokilled whattheywere doing remembersworking insteadof moving unless turnhimselfinto sodry that Howdidthestorybegin remindv 提醒 使想起 1 remindsb ofsth 使某人想起某事ThekeyremindsmeofthemistakesImadebefore 这把钥匙使我想起了我以前犯的错误 2 remindsb todosth 提醒某人做某事Theteacherremindedmetobringmyhomeworkhere 老师提醒我把作业带到这儿来 3 remindsb that从句提醒某人 Touristsareremindedthatsmokingisnotallowedinthemuseum 游客们被提醒禁止在博物馆抽烟 针对训练 1 请提醒我寄那封信 Pleaseremindmetheletter 2 Thewomanpreferstowearyellowtoremindherselfawarmsunnyday A onB ofC from tosend post B marryv 结婚 1 marrysb 嫁 娶某人Willyoumarryme 你愿意嫁给我吗 2 be getmarriedtosb 与某人结婚JanegotmarriedtoJiminMay 简在5月份和吉姆结婚了 3 marrysb tosb 把某人嫁给某人Theoldmanmarriedherdaughtertoarichman 这位老人把他的女儿嫁给了一个有钱人 归纳拓展 1 marry与表示时间段的状语连用时 用bemarried 2 marriagen 婚姻 marriedadj 已婚的 针对训练 1 我最好的朋友去年结婚了 2 IsMary Yes SheBobforoneyear A marrying wasmarriedwithB married gotmarriedtoC married hasbeenmarriedto 3 Yesterdayheaskedhisgirlfriendtohim A marryB marrytoC bemarried Mybestfriendgotmarriedlastyear C A pickup接电话 pickup的不同含义 1 捡起 拾起IwouldhavepickeditupifIhadnoticedit 如果我看见的话 我早就把它捡起来了 2 偶然 得到 学会HepickedupFrenchwhilehewasstayinginParis 他待在巴黎时学会了法语 3 搭载 开车去接 某人 Pickmeupatthehotel 来宾馆接我 注意 pickup是动副词组 其后接代词作宾语时 代词应位于pick与up之间 Couldyoupleasepickitup 你可以把它捡起来吗 归纳拓展 其他常见的与up搭配的短语 putup举起 搭起 张贴lookup仰视 查阅giveup放弃useup用尽cutup切碎mixup弄乱makeup组成 编造stayup熬夜thinkup想出wakeup唤醒getup起床hangup挂断电话openup开阔 拓展 发展dressup乔装打扮eatup吃光fixup修理cleanup打扫cheerup使某人振奋 针对训练 1 Look What sthat Oh it smyjacket Please A pickitupB pickupitC pickthemup 2 YesterdayIsomeinformationabouthotelsinBeidaiheontheInternet A setitupB lookedupC cleanedup A B noise voice sound 归纳拓展 1 inalowvoice低声地 inaloudvoice大声地 2 sound还可作系动词 意为 听起来 后面接形容词作表语 soundlike意为 听起来像 针对训练 用sound noise或voice填空 1 Don tmakeany children Yourgrandmaissleeping 2 travelsslowerthanlight 3 Hespokeinaveryloud noise Sound voice asleep sleep sleepy 针对训练 用asleep sleep或sleepy的适当形式填空 1 IfeltveryinclassbecauseIstayeduplatelastnight 2 WhenIdidmyhomework mybrotherfellonhisdesk 3 Youmusthaveenoughsothatyoucanhaveenergytolistentoyourteachersinclass sleepy asleep sleep whole all 针对训练 根据句意 用whole或all填空 1 Sometimes aperson slifeiseasilychangedbysomethingunexpected 2 WhenIenteredtheclassroom thestudentswerealreadyintheirseats 3 Theboywipedhistoysandputtheminthebox 4 Thevillagewillbecoveredwithsnowinwinter whole all all whole with的复合结构 with 宾语 宾语补足语 结构为with的复合结构 此结构常作状语 其中宾语常常是名词 宾语补足语可以是介词短语 形容词 副词或过去分词等 Withsomebooksinhishand heenteredtheclassroom 他走进了教室 手里拿着一些书 Don tsleepwiththewindowopeninwinter 冬天不要开着窗户睡觉 归纳拓展 with的反义词是without 针对训练 1 海伦晚上经常开着灯睡觉 因为她怕黑 Helenoftenwiththelightbecauseshe safraidofthedark 2 Mr Leihassomethingwrongwithhishand Hecan twriteit A toB forC with 3 Noonecanbesuccessfulhardwork A byB withoutC with goestosleepon C B findsb sth find 宾语 宾语补足语 意为 发现某人 某物 宾语补足语可以是现在分词 副词 名词 短语 介词短语或 tobe 形容词等 Wefoundagroupofchildrenplayingontheplayground 我们发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍 Ifoundhimoutlastnight 昨晚我发现他出去了 You llfinditagoodbook 你会发现它是一本好书 Ifoundhimalreadyintheoffice 我发现他已经在办公室了 Ifoundhim tobe muchyoungerthanIhadexpected 我发现他比我原先预想的要年轻得多 注意 当find后接形容词作宾语补足语时 可改为 find that从句 或 find it 形容词 动词不定式 Ifindplayingcomputergamesfrustrating Ifindthatplayingcomputergamesisfrustrating Ifinditfrustratingtoplaycomputergames 我发现玩电脑游戏令人感到沮丧 针对训练 1 Manypeoplefindlisteningtomusiccanmakethemhappy A itB thatC tobe 2 WeallfindinterestingtowatchthisTVprogram A itB thatC tobe B A unlessconj 除非 如果不 unless是从属连词 意为 除非 如果不 引导条件状语从句 含有否定意义 相当于 if not 结构 unless引导的条件状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句都遵循 主将从现 的原则 Unlessyoulistencarefully youwon tknowtheanswer Ifyoudon tlistencarefully youwon tknowtheanswer 如果你不认真听 你将不会知道答案 归纳拓展 祈使句 肯定式 or 陈述句 与 unless条件句 主句 及 if条件句 主句 有时可以互换 Putonyourcoat oryou llcatchacold Unlessyouputonyourcoat you llcatchacold Ifyoudon tputonyourcoat you llcatchacold 把外套穿上 否则你会感冒 针对训练 1 youreadit youcan timaginehowmovingthestoryis A UnlessB BecauseC Although 2 Hurryup you llbelate A unlessB andC or 3 Learningtowriteislearningtothink Youdon tknowthingsclearlyyoucanwritethemdown A unlessB ifC since A C A havetrouble in doingsth 做某事有困难 havetrouble difficulty problemsdoing withsth 意为 做某事有困难 可与 It sdifficult hardforsb todosth 句型互换 Hehastroublespeaking withEnglish It shardforhimtospeakEnglish 他说英语有困难 针对训练 1 Theoldmanhastroubleusclearly A hearB hearingC tohear 2 Youcouldaskyourparentsforhelpwhenyouhavetroublefriends A makingB tomakeC make B A 单项选择1 2018 岳阳模拟 Theremustbesomethingwrongwiththemachine Itismakin
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