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湖南专版 新课标 RJ 第一篇教材过关篇 课时03Units1 4 七下 guitar dance join people usually never dress best either afraid hundred minute like leave important bring quiet strict remember keep playchess begoodat speakEnglish followtherules bestrict withsb playthepiano makefriends makeone sbed getup getdressed takeashower be ontime takeawalk cometrue stories brushes teeth buses lives villager dishes central lucky unlucky luckily unluckily halves sang sung singer swam swum swimmer dancer drew drawn spoke spoken speaker speech wrote written ran writer taught taught teacher run running runner cleaner rode ridden drove driven driver fought fought wore worn brought brought felt felt feeling kept kept learner across funnier funniest quickly truth quietly truth quietly When Whattimedoyouusuallygetup eitheror tohave abridge Howfarisit I mnotsure doesittake togettoschool tohelpwith it seasyto Don tbelateforclass shown 演出 节目v 给 看 展示 showsb sth 与showsth tosb 同义 意为 把某物给某人看 send give pass也可用于这两种结构 注意 当sth 是代词时 则只能用 show send give passsth tosb 结构 Pleaseshowmeyournewpen Pleaseshowyournewpentome 请让我看一看你的新钢笔吧 归纳拓展 showoff炫耀show around带领 参观beonshow展览showup出现 针对训练 1 你能把你的贵宾卡给我看一下吗 2 ThegeographyteacherisshowingusthemapofChina 改为同义句 3 Thefamousartist sworksare A onshowB showingoutC showingoff CanyoushowmeyourVIPcard ThegeographyteacherisshowingthemapofChinatous A rememberv 记住 记起 remember forgettodosth 记得 忘记去做某事 表示事情未做 remember forgetdoingsth 记得 忘记做过某事 表示事情已做 针对训练 1 Rememberoffthelightswhenyouleave A toturnB turnC turning 2 Irememberoffthelights butwhyaretheystillon A toturnB turnC turning A C finisheitherpron 两者中的 任何一个adv 也 either既可作代词 也可作副词 1 either作代词 意为 两者中的 任何一个 either作主语时 句中谓语动词用单数形式 either作定语时 只能修饰单数可数名词 Eitherofthesweatersismuchtoodear 这两件毛衣随便哪一件都相当昂贵 Youcanparkoneithersideofthestreet 你可以在街道的两边停车 定语 2 either作副词 意为 也 用于否定句句末 Heisnottallandhisfatherisnottall either 他个子不高 他父亲也不高 归纳拓展 1 either or 意为 或者 或者 要么 要么 在句中连接两个并列成分 若连接两个并列主语 谓语动词的数遵循就近原则 它的反义词组为neither nor 意为 既不 也不 Eitheryouoryoursisterisgoingtothecinematomorrow 要么你要么你姐姐明天去看电影 2 also either too 针对训练 1 I dlikeyoutotellmesomethingabouttheDisneylandinShanghai I msorry butneitherJimnorIthere A havebeenB hadbeenC hasbeen 2 Whatwouldyouliketodrink coffeeortea isOK Thanksalot A NeitherB EitherC Both 3 Youcantakeofthetwotoycarsandleavetheotherformyson A bothB neitherC either A B C keepv 保持 保留 1 keep adj 保持 某种状态 Pleasekeepquiet 请保持安静 2 keepsb sth doingsth 让某人 某物继续做某事 让某人 某物不断进行一个动作 I msorrytokeepyouwaitingforlong 很抱歉让你久等了 3 keep on doingsth 不断做某事 不断进行同一个动作 Ifyoukeep on practicing you llgetgoodgradesintheoralEnglishtest 如果你坚持练习 你将会在英语口语测试中取得好成绩 4 keepsb sth fromdoingsth 阻止某人 某物做某事Theheavyraindidn tkeepthemfromwatchingtheconcert 大雨没能阻止他们看演唱会 5 keepsth 保存 保管某物Youcankeepthebookfortwoweeks 这本书你可以借两周 针对训练 1 Thebossaskedhertoclosethedoortokeeptheroom 温暖的 2 It simpolitetokeepothersfortoolong A waitingB waitC towait 3 Thebadweatherkeptusfromoutofthehouse A goB togoC going warm A C stopn 车站 停止 Thereisabusstopnearourschool 我们学校附近有一个公共汽车站 归纳拓展 stop还可作动词 其用法如下 Afterworkingforalongtime hestoppedtohavearest 长时间工作后 他停下来休息了一会儿 Mybrotherstoppedworkingwhenheheardthenoiseoutside 当听到外面的噪声时 我哥哥停止了工作 Noonecanstopmefromrealizingmydream 没有人能阻止我实现我的梦想 针对训练 1 驾驶员必须每两小时停下来休息一下 2 Thestudentsstoppedwhentheysawtheteacher A talkB talkingC totalk 3 Thefirefighterstoppedthefirefrommoreserious A beingB beC tobe Driversmuststoptohavearesteverytwohours B A strictadj 严格的 严厉的 bestrictwithsb 对某人严格要求bestrictinsth 对某事要求严格Sheisstrictwithherchildrenandinherwork 她对她的孩子严格要求 对工作要求也很严格 针对训练 1 作为学生 我们应该严格要求自己 2 Mr GreenisverystricthisdaughterherChinese A with onB to inC with in 3 Thecoachwasstricttrainingsotheydidverywellinthisseason A inB withC at Asstudents weshouldbestrictwithourselves C A between among between一般指在两者之间 常与and连用 among一般指在三者或三者以上的人或物之间 针对训练 1 TheboysitsLucyandme A betweenB amongC in 2 It snotdifficulttofindmysisterthestudents becausesheisthemostoutgoingone A betweenB amongC in 3 你应该在家庭和工作之间保持平衡 A B Youshouldkeepabalancebetweenfamilyandwork wear puton dress bein 针对训练 1 She 穿上 hersweaterandwenttoschool 2 Thegirlpinkismysister A onB inC dresses 3 Ourmanageralwayssunglassesinsummer A wearsB putsonC dresses puton B A arrive get reach 针对训练 用arrive get或reach的适当形式填空 1 TheSmithswillChangshatomorrow 2 Iusuallytoschoolinmyfather scar 3 Finally theyinNewYorksafely reach get arrived across through over past cross across作介词 意为 从 表面穿过 横穿 acrossfrom意为 在 对面 through作介词 意为 从 内部穿过 往往指穿过沙漠 森林 光线 透过窗户等 over作介词 意为 翻越 表示到达高的障碍物 如树 墙 篱笆和山脉等 的另一侧 past作介词 意为 走过 经过 指从某物或某人旁边经过 常用短语 walk gopast pass cross作动词 意为 穿过 相当于goacross 针对训练 1 过马路的时候当心 2 ChairmanMaocouldswimXiangRiverwhenhewasyoung A acrossB throughC over 3 Theriverrunsthewholecity A acrossB throughC over 4 Thedogjumpedthefence 围栏 tocatchthecat A acrossB throughC over Lookoutwhencrossingtheroad A B C spend pay cost take 针对训练 1 吉姆花了两个小时读那本书 2 HowmuchdoestheTV Nottoomuch It sjustasecond handone A costB spendC take 3 Eightydollarsshouldbeforthenewdress A costB spentC paid IttookJimtwohourstoreadthebook Ji
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