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靖远四中2018-2019学年度第二学期开学检测高 二 英 语第一部分:基础知识(共20题;满分20分)一,单词1._ adj心烦意乱的;vt. 使不安;打翻; 2. _vt. 不理睬;忽视3. _ vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定 4._vi. 安家;定居vt. 使定居5._ adj.官方的;正式的;n. 官员; 6._ adj. 本国的;n. 本地人;7._n 入口 8._ n. 风格;风度;类型9._ adj. 古代的;古老的 10._ adv. 现今;现在二,短语1._ 关心;挂念 2._ 故意地;有目的地3._ 遭受;患病 4._ 对厌烦5._ 在的帮助下 6._ 与分享7._ 如此以至于 8._ 扮演一个角色;参与9._ 仿佛;好像 10._ 在某人看来第二部分:第一节 阅读理解(共7小题;满分14分)AEarthquakes are some thing that people fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly(有规律地). Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous(多山的).The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Franciso in 1906. Over 700 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska.Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was left in Portugal(葡萄牙). Around 2000 people died.In 1923, a very strong earthquake hit the Tokyo(东京) of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 1976. It killed a large number of people. The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China, in which 400, 000 people were killed or injured. This earthquake happened in 1556. Earthquakes worry people a lot. The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. People can not prepare for them. 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. People still didnt know how to tell when an earthquake will comeB. The strong earthquake always kill the most people.C. Earthquake can cause fires.D. The strongest earthquake in North America happened in San Franciso in 19642. When and where was the worst earthquake ever reported?A. 1976; China B. 1923; Japan C. 1556; China D. 1967; Alaska3. How many people died in the earthquake which happened in Portugal in 1755? A. 500 B. 140,000 C. Around 2000 D. 400,0004. We can infer from the passage that _. A. a large number of earthquakes often happen next to mountainsB. earthquakes happen only in a few places along the coast.C. people are not afraid of earthquakesD. only strong earthquakes kill a large number of people.BGetting to work by bicycle has become more popular. Governments and nations are trying to change their cities and highways to meet this demand, and in a world where green choices are the new must-have, citizens are making use of this chance to help make their streets and their bodies cleaner than ever before.Become an ETBC Member - click hereThe Edmonton Bicycle and Touring club(EBTC) is a group devoted to make cycling trip much better during spring, summer and fall, cross-country skiing trip in winter, and social events all the year around. We welcome both road bike and mountain bike cyclists. Benefits of Joining EBTC:l Chance to have the kinds of events you like, enjoy dozens of events all year around, organized by members like you.l Taking part in the local cycling communityl Use of club bicycle tools on tour and library materialsl Discounts (打折) at various bicycle shopsWhy cycle with a group?l Its more funl It encourages you to come out often and get healthy exercise without going to gyml Develop skills and gain through the experience of othersl Meet new and interesting people with a common interest in cyclingl Enjoy the outdoors experience within a groupl Group atmosphere(氛围) provide challenge to strong cyclists and support and confidences to the beginner.For more information about the EBTCPhone the club hotline at 780-424-2453E-mail:jprimeauedmontonbicycle.comMail at us: Edmonton Bicycle & Touring ClubP.O. Box 52017. Garneau Postal Str. Edmonton, AB T6G 2T5 Canada5. The aim of EBTC is to _.A. ask governments to make more bicycles. B. make cycling more popular by attracting more membersC. make money by organizing cycling trip D. look for young men for sporting events6. whats the advantage of cycling with a group?A. joining in whatever events B. Enjoy discounts in a gymC. meeting more new people D. having bicycles free of charge 7. If you want more information, you can _A. you can go to Edmonton Bicycle & Touring ClubB. you can visit the club hotlineC. you can only write an e-mail D. you can either phone or write mail or e-mail 第二节 阅读七选五(共5小题,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some people learn a second
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