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第一部分Grade 7Book 1Units 59.单项选择(B)1.“Mike,give me two_. I want to make some vegetable salad.”“OK,Mom, here you are.”AorangesBtomatoesCtomato(C)2.“Which month do you like best in a year, Linda?”“I have to say its _, because we usually have a nice Christmas party in my parents house.”ASeptemberBJanuaryCDecember (C)3.Its not always _ to learn a foreign language well in a short time. I hope you can put in more effort.ApossibleBearlyCeasy(A)4.The cartoon we watched was not _ at all. We all felt sleepy when watching it.AinterestingBboringCdifficult(B)5.Sometimes ads on TV may _ good but they cant tell us everything about the products. So we can ask people who have used these products.AsmellBsoundCfeel.根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空1_Tomatoes_(tomato) are good for our health.2Its _difficult_(difficulty) for me to do the math problem.3Today is my _twentieth_(twenty) birthday. My mother bought a new mobile phone for me.4Lets build green cities to make our mother earth _healthy_(health) and clean.5There is an _interesting_(interest)program on TV tonight.根据语境或句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句1Every night when he lies down in the bed, he usually _thinks_about_ what he will do the next day.2There are many scarves _on_sale_ in the store. Come and help me to choose one for my mother.3We will do our best to _make_sure_ you enjoy your trip.4I need _a_pair_of_ sunglasses for the coming summer. We are going to the beach for holiday.5My parents _are_busy_with_ their work during the weekdays,so we only spend time together on weekends.
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