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第一部分Grade 8Book 1Units 68.单项选择(C)1.They are not _ about where to go.AplanBdecideCsure(C)2.“He_ finish the homework in two hours. Could you help him? ”“Sure.”AcanBis going toCisnt able to(B)3.Amys mother told him_ eating too much meat.AstoppingBto stopCstops(C)4.Li Lei _ his aunt the day after tomorrow. He is getting ready for it now.AvisitsBvisitedCwill visit(C)5.“What would you like to drink, boys?”“_, please.”ATwo bags of applesBTwo bowls of rice CTwo cups of coffee.根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空 1The more _dangerous_(danger) it is, the more I like it.2Where do the two _foreigners_(foreign) come from?3I _finally_(final) managed to get her attention.4Lucy wants to be a _violinist_(violin) when she grows up.5He _fell_(fall) from the bike and broke his left arm.根据语境或句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句1Their children have all _grown_up_and left home now.2I didnt do it. It _has_nothing_to_do_with_ me.3The house looked as it was about to _fall_down_.4“What is Jack doing, Jim?”“Oh, Mom, he _is_looking_for_ his pens over there.”5. _At_the_beginning_of_ the story, the main character had a lot of problems.
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