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Period ThreeUsing Language测试. 句型转换1What you have done does harm to the environment.What you have done _ _ _/_ _ _ the environment.2When do you think this custom began to exist?When do you think this custom _ _ ?3I study hard so that I may not fail in the examination.I study hard _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ fail in the examination.4The foreign visitors came from a country which is far away.The foreign visitors came from a _ country.5I dont know it exactly.I dont know it _ _. 语境填词1You should _(检查) the car well before you buy it.2The _(凶猛的) dog _(咬) the thief on the leg.3The movie had a happy _(结局)4A cloud of _(尘土) rose as the truck drove off.5A strange _(事件) happened yesterday.完成句子1按照老师所说,李明是一个喜欢动物的学生。_,Li Ming is a student _.2那个小男孩节省每一个硬币,为的是在母亲节为妈妈买件礼物。The little boy saved every coin _ on Mothers Day.3她向我们展示了一个可以被用来解决这个问题的方法。She showed us a way _.4不仅学生们在笑,而且他们的英语老师也在笑。_ the students _ their English teacher _.5汤姆的父亲习惯于开着窗户睡觉。Toms father is used to sleeping _.单项填空1It is said that public health officials are called in to _ the new buildings.Ainspire Binspect Cintend Dinsist2Were there any exciting _ during your journey?Aincidents Baccidents Cevents Dbusiness3I sit in the front of the classroom _ I can hear clearly.Ain order to Bso as to Cso that Das a result of4Dont eat _ meat if you are _ fat.Atoo much;much too Btoo much;too muchCmuch too;too much Dmuch too;much too5People who often stay up too late are more likely to die of heart disease,_ a study.Awith the help of Bbecause ofCaccording to Das a result6The lake has been there for many years.No one knows how and when exactly it _.Acame into fashion Bcame into beingCcame into effect Dcame into sight7It is quite _ that he will be present at the meeting.Asure Bright Ccertain Dexact8All the newspaper reporters hurried to the airport,_ that the pop star didnt turn up at all.Adisappointing to find Bdisappointed findingCdisappointing finding Ddisappointed to find9What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it.Athe way Bin the way thatCin the way Dthe way which10With a lot of difficult problems _,the manager felt worried all the time.Asettled Bto be settled Csettling Dto settle.阅读理解People realize that,although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings,they are smart enough to learn certain things.Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people.When a dog has been properly trained,he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him out of danger.For example,seeingeye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming,even if their master ordered them to do so.Horses are also able to learn many things.Horses that are used for guard or police duty must learn never to be frightened of noises,traffic,and other disturbances.Racing horses are able to run much faster than other horses,but they are also quite high stung(易紧张的)Therefore,it is necessary for those people who train them to be very patient and understanding.The moving pictures and television can use trained animals too.Some animals,such as monkeys and foxes,are easy to film.All you have to do is make_a_trail in front of the camera by dragging something that smells good to the animals over the ground,big animals,such as lions and tigers,can be photographed as they bound happily back their families and dinner,if a movie actor is nearby,the welltrained animal will pay no attention to him.However,the audience may imagine that the actor escaped a terrible death by the skin of his teeth.1Dogs which help blind people must learn _.Ato obey all ordersBto obey only safe ordersCnever to cross roadsDto cross roads when ordered to do so2Race horses are hard to train because they are _.Afaster than other horsesBsmaller than other horsesCcleverer than other horsesDmore nervous than other horses3What does the underlined phrase “make a trail” mean here in the last paragraph?APlace something to attract the animal.BGiv
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