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Period1 练习一、根据中文意思及构词法按要求写出下列单词1. n.压力vt.加压力于;使紧张_adj.产生压力的_adj. 焦虑不安的_ 2.adj.入迷的;上瘾的_n.沉溺;嗜好_adj.使上瘾的_vt.使上瘾 n.有瘾的人_3.vt.使习惯于_adj.惯常的_4. adj.无意识的;自动的_adv.无意识地_5. adj.精神的,智力的_adv.精神上地_(反义词)身体的_6. vt.加强_n.力量_adj.强壮的,加强的_7.adj.失望的;沮丧的_ adj.令人失望的_vt. 使失望_ n.失望_8. adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的_ n,羞愧_ adj.可耻的_adj.无耻的,厚颜的_9. n. 青少年_ adj. 青春期的_ n.青春期_10. adj. 尴尬的_ adj. 令人尴尬的_ vt.使局促不安,使困窘_ n. 窘迫,难看,使人为难的人或事_11. adj.气喘吁吁的,屏息的_ n.喘气,喘息_ v.呼吸,喘气_Keys:1.stress-stressful-stressed 2.addicted-addiction-addictive-addict 3.accustom-accustomed 4.automatic-automatically 5.mental-mentally-physical 6.strengthen-strength-strong 7.disappointed-disappointing-disappoint-disappointment 8.ashamed-shame-shameful-shameless二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. After a _week of work, all the employees were extremely _and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under _(stress)2.The man is _to smoking for many years, but he is now fighting with his _to smoking. (addict)3. Stealing is a _ thing to do, but he doesnt feel _. It is a _ for him.(ashamed)4. The old man was so _that he said nothing about the _ ending. But his _was obvious. (disappoint)Keys: 1.stressful stressed stress 2.addicted addiction 3.shameful ashamed shame 4.disappointed disappointing disappointment三. 根据各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式1. She was a_ of having lied to her teacher.2. Woman is physically but not m_ weaker than man.3. The reform will _(巩固,加强) our economy in a number of other ways.4. He found it difficult to a_ himself to working with Tom.5. Every time you feel s_, do some relaxation exercises.6. Most of adolescents dont know about the harmful e_ of smoking.7. A person infected with HIV usually has a very small chance of s_.8. Mistakes d_ to carelessness may have serious consequences.9. Mr. Black _(滥用)his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.10. The centre provides help for people suffering from _(精神) illness.11. At last, I found myself in an _(尴尬的)situation.12. Its _(非法的) to carry guns in our country.13. At the formal party I felt very _(局促不安的)and out of place.14. Most nations of the globe have some sort of color _(偏见)。15. He didnt feel _(绝望的), even though he faced many difficulties.Keys:1. ashamed 2.mentally 3.strengthen 4.accustom 5.stressed 6.effects 7. survival 8.due 9.abused 10. mental 11. embarrassing 12. illegal13. awkward 14.prejudice 15.desperate四、 根据中文写出以下短语,然后选用合适的短语并用其适当形式填空1. 由于_ 2.对有瘾_ 3.习惯于_4. 对作出决定_ 5. 想要做_ 6.不顾;不管_7.冒险_ 8. 陷入;染上_ 9. 处境危险;遭受危险_10. judge from _11. cause damage to _12.in the first place _13.over and over againKeys1.due to 2.be addicted to 3.be accustomed to 4.decide on 5.feel like doing 6.in spite of7.Take risks(a risk) 8.get into 9.at risk judge from decide on , feel like (doing) , due to, be accustomed to , be addicted to cause damage to , in the first place, over and over again instead of , in spite of, 1. I am a teacher _, and a writer in the next place.2. The earthquake _great _Yushu.3. How about reading more books _watching TV?4. I dont _eating anything. I am full.5. Nowadays a large number of adolescents _ computer games.6. Tom _eating seafood, because he lives near the sea.7. _ the extreme cold, the car couldnt start.8. _ the bad weather , we went fishing yesterday.9. If you want to quit smoking , _a day that is suitable.10. The matter has been discussed _.11. _ his appearance, he must be an expert.12. The disease is spreading, and all young children are_.Keys:1. in the first place 2.caused .damage to 3.instead of 4.feel like 5. are addicted to 6.is accustomed to 7. Due to 8. In spite of 9.decide on 10. over and over again 11.Judging from 12. at risk五根据提示完成下面的句子。1. As a matter of fact, I cant afford _.事实上, 我买不起像他的一样贵的小汽车。1. As far
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