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小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 六年级上英语期末知识点分类复习与检测 Unit 6 知识梳理 一 熟记重点单词和词组 1 表示心情的形容词 angry 生气的afraid 害怕sad伤心的 难过的 worried 担心的 发愁的happy 快乐的 高兴的 2 动词词组 see a doctor看医生wear warm clothes 穿暖和衣服 take a deep breath深呼吸count to ten 数到十do more exercise 多锻炼 二 牢记重点句型 1 How do you feel 你感觉怎样 I m happy 我很高兴 2 How does Sarah feel Sarah 感觉怎样 She is sad 她很伤心 3 What should he do 他应该做什么 He should see a doctor 他应该去看病 三 知道英语句子有不同的语调 1 They are afraid of him 他们害怕它 来源 学 科网 2 The cat is angry with them 这只猫很生他们的气 3 What s wrong 怎么了 4 Your father is ill 你爸爸病了 5 He should see a doctor this morning 他今天早上应该去看病 6 Do n t be sad 别伤心 四 语法链接 1 They are afraid of him 此句中 be afraid of 意为 害怕某人 例如 I am afraid of my maths teacher 我害怕我 的数学老师 2 The cat is angry with them 此句中 be angry with 意为 对某人生气 例如 I broken the cup My mother is angry with me 我打碎了杯子 妈妈对我很生气 3 What s wrong 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 此句用于询问对方有什么问题或有什么不顺心的事情 意为 怎么啦 出什么事了 4 He should see a doctor this morning 建议某人应该做某事的句型 过关检测 Writing Part 30 分 一 听录音 圈出你所听到的单词 5 分 1 mad dad sad 2 hat cat fat 3 angry apple traffic 4 trai n afraid tail 5 worried played visited 二 听句子 连线 5 分 Amy A sad John B see a doctor 来源 Zxxk Com Wu Yifan C worried 来源 学 科 网 Robin D count to ten Oliver E afraid 三 听录音 填空 4 分 1 You should clothes 2 You should do exercise 3 You should a 4 You should take a and 四 听音 选出你听到问题的最佳答案 6 分 1 A I m sad B She is happy 2 A You should see a doctor B He should drink hot water 3 A She is angry B She is worried 五 听短文 判断句子正 T 误 F 10 分 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 1 It s a warm day 2 Amy is ill 3 Her mother is not worried 4 Amy can go to school 5 She should see a doctor Writing Part 70 分 一 看图写单词 5 分 1 a 2 h 3 w 4 a 5 s 二 Read and choose 选出不同类的一项 每题1 分 1 A feel B cold C worried D Sad 2 A do B take C wear D doctor 3 A warm B deep C cold D clothes 4 A mouse B mouth C cat D ant 5 A see B count C chase D should 三 Read and choose单项选择 每题1 分 1 A B I m ill A How do you do B What s wrong C How do you feel 2 A B Tom feels very angry A How do you feel B What s wrong with Tom C How does Tom feel 3 If you are angry you can A wear warm clothes B do more exercise 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 C take a deep breath 4 Mary is angry her sister A about B of C with 5 Xiaoming is afraid the snake A of B about C with 6 The weather is cold outside You should A see a doctor B wear warm clothes C take a deep breath 四 Make sentences 连词成句 每题2 分 1 mice afraid are the cat the of 2 a cat is our mouse chasing 3 see doctor he a should 4 do what should Amy 5 the how does girl feel 五 Read and match 为下列句子选择最佳答语 每题 2 分 1 What s wrong A She should see a doctor 2 How does Sarah feel B She is angry 来源 Z xx k Com 3 How do you feel C I feel angry 4 What should I do D I m ill 5 What should Amy do E You should do more exercise 六 Look and write 看图写句子 每题 2 分 1 How does he feel 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 2 How do they feel now 3 You should go to the hospital 来源 Z xx k Com 4 Is he happy now 七 Read and answer 阅读短文 回答问题 每题 2 分 Mike doesn t go to school on Sunday In the morning He feels sad at home In the afternoon His friends call him They are going to play foot ball together He is very happy Mike doesn t do well in the match He is worried with himself At last his team fails Mike feels angry In the evening When he gets home His mother cooks noodles for dinner It s his favorite food Sam feels happy now 1 Does Mike go to school on Sunday 2 How does he feel in the morning 3 Is he good at playing football 4 How does he feel during the mat ch 比赛期间 5 Why he is happy at the end 八 写作 5 分 假如你的好朋友生病了 他的心情如何 他应该怎样做 请你给一些建议吧 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 六年级上英语期末知识点分类复习与检测 Unit 6 参考答案 Listening Part 一 1 sad 2 cat 3 angry 4 afraid 5 wor ried 二 Amy B John A Wu Yifan D Robin C Oliver E 三 1 You should wear warm clothes 2 You should do more exercise 3 You should see a doctor 4 You should take a deep breath and count to ten 四 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 五 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T Writing Part 一 1 angry 2 happy 3 worried 4 afraid 5 sad 二 1 A 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 D 三 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B 四 1 The mice are afraid of the cat 2 Our cat is chasing a mouse 3 He should see a doctor 4 What should Amy do 5 How does the girl feel 来源 Zxxk Com 五 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 A 六 1 He is angry 2 They are happy 3 What should I do 来源 Zxxk Com 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 4 No she isn t She is sad 七 1 No he doesn t 来源 学科网 ZXXK 2 He feels sad 3 No he isn t 4 He is worried with himself 5 Because his mother cooks noodles for dinner It s his favorite food 八 My good friend is ill She doesn t go to school She is very sad I m very sad too She should go to the hospital and see a docto r She should drink hot drinks wear warm clothes and stay in bed 听力材料 一 1 sad 2 cat 3 angry 4 afraid 5 worried 二 1 Oliver is afraid of the snake 2 Don t be angry Wu Yifan Please count to ten 3 John can t play football He is sad 4 Robin is worried about the weather 5 Amy is going to see a doctor this aft ernoon 三 1 You should wear warm clothes 2 You should do more exercise 来源 学 科 网Z X X K 3 You should see a doctor 4 You should take a deep breath and count to ten 四 1 How do
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