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Book 4 Unit 2 Working the LandPeriod 4 Grammar编写:毛彦芳学习目标:1. 精通动词-ing 形式作主语和宾语的用法 2.做题应用 自主合作探究:动词ing形式作主语和宾语二、动名词形式作宾语1v.ing形式作动词的宾语。可接动名词作宾语的动词有enjoy,include,excuse,practise,advise,suggest,mind, keep,consider,miss,finish,appreciate,cant help(禁不住),risk,admit,imagine等。Mary is considering changing her job. 玛丽正在考虑换工作。Xiao Wu suggests spending the evening with the workers. 小吴提议今晚和工人们一起过。He admitted making a serious mistake. 他承认犯了一个严重错误。Can you imagine _ on a wild island?你能想像单独生活在一个荒凉野岛上是什么样子吗?2在下面的短语中,动名词常用作介词的宾语:be good at,dream of,care about,devote.to,be concerned about,look forward to,be interested in,be used to,feel like,insist on,object to,think of,give up,aim at,put off,set about,stick to,apply to,succeed in.,owing to,pay attention to等。I have never dreamed of visiting that place. 我从未幻想过要参观那个地方。I feel like _ this evening. 今晚我想去看电影。Ive been looking forward to hearing from you. 我一直盼望着能收到你的来信。3既可接v.ing,又可接动词不定式作宾语,意义差别不大的有:hate,like,prefer,begin,start,continue,intend等。Price will continue to rise/rising. 物价将持续上涨。What do you intend to do/doing next? 你下一步打算做什么?4接v.ing形式和动词不定式作宾语,但意义差别较大的词或词组有:stop to do 停下来去做 stop doing 停止做forget to do 忘记要做 forget doing 忘记做过remember to do 记得要做 remember doing 记得做过regret to do 遗憾要做 regret doing 后悔做过try to do 企图做,尽力做 try doing 试着做go on to do 继续做(另一件事)go on doing 继续做(同一件事)mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味做5下列动词可接v.ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式。need/want/require/deserve doing(need/want/require/deserve to be done)This small room needs painting.(This small room needs to be painted)这个小房间需要粉刷了。The sick woman required _.(The sick woman required _.)这位生病的妇女需要接受检查。My mother deserves _/_我妈妈值得赞扬。动名词的复合结构1在v-ing前加物主代词或名词所有格即构成-ing的复合结构。其中的物主代词或名词所有格为-ing的逻辑主语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语Her coming to help encouraged all of us. 她来帮忙鼓舞了我们所有人。Marys coming late made her teacher angry. 玛丽迟到使她的老师很生气。Janes being careless caused so much trouble. 简这么粗心惹来了不少麻烦。Whats troubling them is their not having enough food. 困扰他们的问题是食物不足。句型转换1Would you mind if I stay away from the conference?=Would you mind _ _ _ _from the conference?2Alice was ill,which made her mother worried a lot.=_ _ being ill made her mother worried a lot.2在口语中,如果动名词的复合结构作宾语,其中的物主代词常用人称代词宾格,名词所有格常用名词普通格来代替,但在句首作主语时不能这样来代替。Can you imagine him/Jack cooking at home? 你能想像他/杰克在家做饭的样子吗?Marys(不可用Mary)being ill made her mother upset. 玛丽病了,这使她妈妈很着急。His(不可用Him)smoking made his family angry. 他抽烟,这使他家人非常生气。3如果动名词的逻辑主语是无生命的事物或是有生命名词但表示泛指意义时,则要用名词的普通格或人称代词宾格。The baby was made awake by the door suddenly shutting.这个婴儿被猛烈的关门声吵醒了。The sound of desks being opened and closed could be heard out in the street.书桌的开关声在街上都能听到。Have you ever heard of women practising boxing?你听说过妇女练拳击吗?4there be的动名词的复合结构为there being。I had never dreamed of _(有) a chance to go abroad to study.Whats the chance of there being a storm tomorrow? 明天有暴风雨的可能性有多大?当堂达标:?1is a good form of exercise for young and old AThe walk? BWalking? CTo walk?DWalk?2You were brave enough to raise objections at the meetingWell, now I regret that Ato do? Bto be doing? Chave done? Dhaving done?3I dont regret even if it might have upset her? Ato tell her what I thought?Bto have told her that I thought? Ctelling what I thought?Dtelling her what I thought?4The library needs , but it will have to wait until Sunday Acleaning? Bto clean? Cclean? Dbeing cleaned?5I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in five days? Asail? Bto sail? Csailing? Dto have sailed?6I must apologize for ahead of time?Thats all right?Aletting you not know?Bnot letting you know?Cletting you know not?Dletting not you know7What do you think of the novel?Oh, its really ?A. well worth reading?Bvery good to read? Cworthy reading?Dworth to be read?8Whats troubling them is enough experienced workers Athat they having no Bthey not have Ctheir not having?Dnot their having?9She likes but she doesnt like this afternoonShed like some other day? Aswimming;swimming;to swim? Bto swim;swimming;to swim? Cswim;to swim;swimming? Dswimming;to swim;to swim?10She didnt remember him before? Ahaving met?Bhave met?Cto meet? Dto having met?11I would appreciate back this afternoon?
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