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铜山区夹河中学2016-2017学年度第二学期高二年级英语教学案课题:M7U4 Reading 1编制人:_朱成明_审核人:_夏宝云_课时:_日期:_教学目标:1整体理解文章大意2理解文中关键词及长难句教学重难点:理解文章主旨大意教学过程:集体备课部分学生活动一阅读理解1 Which of the statements about the London Underground is wrong?A It is the most complex underground system in the world.B It is the oldest underground system in the world.C Its underground stations were once used as bomb shelters.D It is the longest underground system in the world.2 All of the following vehicles except _ were used to convey people to and around the London city center during the first half of the 19th century.A horse-drawn busesB tramsC cabs and carriagesD trains3 Which of the statements is wrong according to the passage?A The number of vehicles on the road once caused unbelievable traffic jams in London.B The first underground in London was opened in 1863.C The second section of the underground system in London was opened in 1889.D Early underground lines in London had large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals.4 Why did the old London Underground have large holes leading to the surface?A People could enjoy scenery from the holes.B Large holes were built in order that people could get fresh air and would not choke.C People could climb out of the holes in case of danger.D Because the old London Underground had no windows.5 Which of the statements about the London Underground after World War II is wrong?A Over four million people travelled on the underground everyday.B More lines were added.C The system was enlarged.D The last line added was the Jubilee Line.集体备课部分学生活动装订线二语法填空In 1854,the British government gave 1 _ (approve) to the construction of an underground railway in the center of London. However, the plan required raising a large amount of money, so the digging was 2 _ (postpone) until 1860. In 1884, the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway linked 3 _. In 1902, a wealthy American businessman 4 _ (undertake) the job of improving the system. Between 1918 and 1938, many new stations were constructed, the most famous of 5 _ were designed by an architect named Charles Holden.When London was bombed, many underground stations functioned 6 _ bomb shelters. An underground station was used as a centre for 7 _ (direct) the defense against air attacks. After World War II ended, more people travelled on the underground, so the system was enlarged and more lines were added, 8 _ (include) the Victoria Line. The last line 9 _ (add) was the Jubilee Line, which was opened in 1979 in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Elizabeth II becoming the queen.The London underground system is working 10 _ (transport) huge numbers people. Over three million people travel on the underground every day.三任务型阅读The first underground in the worldThe London UndergroundBeing the oldest and most complex underground system in the world.The 1 _ for developing itThe traffic jams 2 _ from a large number of vehicles on the road.Its development before World War IIThe construction was 3 _ by the British government in 1854.For lack of money, the digging was 4_ off.The initial tunnels were opened in 1863, while the next section was opened in 1868.In 1884, the two railway companies 5 _ and provided underground service in the middle of the city.In 1890, the first electric underground railway was opened.Over the next 25 years, six independent deep underground lines were 6 _.Many new stations were constructed, and Charles Holden 7 _ the most famous ones.Its unusual 8_ during World War IIBomb sheltersAn underground airplane factoryA centre for 9 _ the defense against air attacksMeeting rooms for the administration of governmentIts development after World War IIAfter World War II, the system was 10 _ and more lines were added.The Jubilee Line was added in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Elizabeth II becoming the queen.课后作业课堂反思
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