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中考英语介词知识点归纳总结(附加练习题及解析)一、介词的定义:介词是一种虚词,用来表示名词或相当于名词的其他词语与句中其他词的关系,不能单独使用。介词可以与名词或相当于名词的其他词构成介词短语。on the desk在桌上in Shanghai 在上海by accident 偶然的on purpose 故意的drop out of school 辍学in front of school 在学校前二、介词的分类(一)简单介词。例如:out,at,over,on,under,past,to(二)复合介词。例如:without,onto,outside,within,into(三)短语介词。例如:because of,in front of,instead of三、常见介词的用法(一)表示“在何时”常用介词at,on,in。早午晚要用in , 年月季周in在前;将来时态in 以后。in the morning(afternoon, evening)在早上(下午,晚上)in summer在夏天in 2008在2008年in May在5月in five years 五年以后At :黎明午夜时与分,几岁之前用at;at dawn ,黎明,破晓at noon, 正午,中午at night; 在夜里at seven, 在七点钟at eight thirty 在八点半at half past ten.在十点半at the age of ten 十岁的时候at the beginning of 在开始的时候。on:日子、节日、年月日,星期加上早、午、晚,年、月、日加早、午、晚,of之前on代in.on Sunday在星期日on Childrens Day. 在儿童节On August eighth, 2011. 在2011年八月八日on Sunday morning 在星期日的早上on the morning of June 1 在6月1日的早上on a cold winter night 在一个寒冷的冬夜during在期间fromto 从到during the summer holiday 在暑假during the night 在晚上from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五from 7 o clock to 9 o clock 从7点到9点Since 接点,for 接段,现在完成里面见。句子词组since 后,绝对不与for相连。I have lived in Beijing since 2005。(时间点)我自从2005年就开始居住在北京。I have already learned English for seven years.我已经学习英语七年了。 (一段时间)I have learned English since I was eight years old我自从8岁以来就学习英语了。(后面接句子)I have lived in Beijing since 6 years ago.我六年前开始居住在北京的。 (后接词组)before之前用完成,ago 之前用过去She said that she had married him five years before.他说他们五年前已经结婚了。I have never been to Los Angeles before.我之前从没有去过洛杉矶。He will come back before eleven oclock.他将在十一点前回来。His father died ten years ago.他的父亲十年前死了after, in, later 表以后,In 接段时表将来,after 接点将来用;After 段点皆可表过去。Later 段时后面表过将。He will reach here in two days.他两天后到达这里。I think he will come here after three oclock.我认为他将三点钟之后来这。He started to go after three days rest.他休息了三天之后又走了。Three days later, he appeared before all the people who thought him dead.三天后,他出现在所有认为他已经死的人面前。I will call again later.我晚点再打来。till until 直到,not until 直到才。肯定句延续词till/until ; 否定句延续瞬间not until.He will wait for me till/until 11 oclock.他将等我到11点。He didnt arrived at home until 11 oclock yesterday.他昨晚直到11点钟才到家。He didnt do his homework until 7 oclock.他直到7点钟才开始做作业。by“到前;截至”,常用于完成时。例如:He had finished his homework by 5 o clock yesterday afternoon他昨天下午5点前就做完作业了。We had learned eight hundred words by the end of last week截止到上周末,我们已经学了800个单词了。past & toPast “表超过”To “表差几分”ten past two 2:10ten to two 1:50注意:在this,that,last,next,every等词前不加介词。例如:last night 昨天晚上this morning 今天早上基础过关1. Do you often get up early _ the morning,Lingling?Aat Bon Cin DOf【解析】早午晚要用in at 用在时分前。on 到天时。这道题考查的是时间介词的用法。in the morning只在of 后面有天时on 代in2. The kids are going to have a party _ Childrens DayA. in Bon Cat DOf【解析】 日子,节日,年月日,星期前面都用on , 日子,节日,年月日,星期加上早,午,晚也要用on . 答案为B3. When did you leave home this morning?_half past sevenAAt BOn CIn DTo【解析】at 用在黎明,午,夜,时与分;at dawn, at noon, at night, at 7:00 时间的表达可以直接写出数字8:30;另外一种就是由介词to, past 连接分与时的表达。Half past eight =8:30 ten to ten =9:50 等。答案为A4. What did you do _ Sunday morning?we just stayed at home and watched TVAon Bin C at D for【解析】 看到morning,很多同学会想到早午晚要用in 而选择。其实咱们还有另外一句话,就是日期,节日,星期,年月日前要用on代替in5. They will have a math test two days.A. for B. at C. in D. after解析:三天之内应用in,而不要受中文影响用after, after three days 是个不定的时间范围,即没有一个准确的时间。5天、6天、10天全是after three days。答案:C(二)表示方位地点的介词In 接大,at 接小He arrived in Shanghai three days ago.三天后他到达了上海。I usually arrive at school at 8:15 every morning.我通常8:15到校。at the gate在大门口at the end of the road在路的尽头There is a boy on the building .一个男孩在大厦顶层。The sun is shinning over the building.正午的太阳在大厦的上空直射着。The snow white cloud is flying above the building.天空偶尔飘过雪白的云。The football was buried under the building.有个足球被埋在大厦下面。The red cross is below the building.红十字符号在大楼的斜下方。Some children are playing basketball in front of / before the building.有些孩子在大厦前面打篮球。There is a dark window and a lot of light windows in the front of the building.有一个黑暗的窗子和很多光亮的窗子在大楼的前部。Some children are playing hide-and-seek behind the building.一些孩子在大厦的后面玩捉迷藏的游戏。There are a lot of families living inside the building.有很多家庭居住在这座楼里。There are a lot of body builders outside the building.大楼的外面有很多健身器材。There is a swimming pool between Building A and Building B.在大厦AB之间有个游泳池。(两者之间)There is a dustbin among building A, building B and Building C.在大厦A,B, C之间有个垃圾桶。A red mark is in the middle of the wall of Building C.大厦C的中间有颗红心。There is a big tree near building A and beside the tree sits a cute cat. = a cute cat is sitting by the tree.A 号大楼附近有棵大树。树的附近卧了一只可爱的猫。There is some grass around the cat.猫藏在草丛中。基础过关1. Look the map China the wall, please.Aafter, of, in B. at, of, inC. after, in, on D. at, of, on【解析】 look at 为“看”,而on the wall为“在墙表面挂着”,而in the wall 则是“在墙内”,如:There is
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