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人教板丨八年级下册英语第2单元测试卷Section A(1a2d)I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语1.推迟 _2.分发;散发 _3.照顾;非常喜欢 _4.打扫(或清除)干净 _5.打电话给(某人);征召 _6. (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 _7. handout _8. come up with _9. make a plan _10. an old peoples home _II.完成句子,明确本课重点句型1. 我希望去外面工作。I _ _ _ outside.你可以帮着清洁城市公园。You could_ _ _ _ the city parks.2.这个女孩可以自愿在课后学习中心辅导孩子们学习。The girl could_in an after-school study program_ _ kids.3.他们要求你帮助做什么?What did they ask you_ _ _ _?4.他们给我讲了往事和过去的生活。They told me stories about the past and how things_ _ _.参考答案I. 1. put off2. give out3. care for4. clean up5 call up6. cheer up7. 分发8. 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)9. 制订计划10. 养老院II 1. hope to work; help to clean up2. volunteer; to teach3. to help out with4. used to beSection A(3a4c)I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语1. get a strong feeling of satisfaction _2. the look of joy _3.在.岁时 _4.参加.选拔;试用 _5.为.捐钱 _II.阅读教材3a部分并判断正(T)误(F),了解文章大意( )1. Mario would like to be an animal doctor.( )2. Mario volunteers at a child hospital because he wants to learn more about how to care for children.( )3. Mary decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program last year.( )4. Mary still volunteers there once a month to help kids learn to read.( )5. Mary thinks that volunteering for the after school reading program is a dream job for her.参考答案I. 1. 有一种强烈的满足感2. 高兴的样子3. at the age of4. try out5. raise money for.II. 1-5 TFTFTSection B(1a1e)I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语1.run out of _2.take after _3.fix up _4.赠送;捐赠 _5.与相似 _II. 从方框中选短语并用其正确形式填空give away, clean up, run out, fix up, put up1. Its your turn to _ the classroom.2. He is a kind-hearted man and _ lots of his money to the poor every year.3. Lets _ a notice to find the owner of the dog.4. If something is wrong with my bike, I can_ it_ by myself.5. The sugar _ . Lets buy some.参考答案I.1. 用完;耗尽2. (外貌或行为)像3. 修理;装饰4. give away5. be similar to.1. clean up 2. gives away 3. put up 4. fix; up 5. runs outSection B(1a1e)I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语1.run out of _2.take after _3.fix up _4.赠送;捐赠 _5.与相似 _II. 从方框中选短语并用其正确形式填空give away, clean up, run out, fix up, put up1. Its your turn to _ the classroom.2. He is a kind-hearted man and _ lots of his money to the poor every year.3. Lets _ a notice to find the owner of the dog.4. If something is wrong with my bike, I can_ it_ by myself.5. The sugar _ . Lets buy some.参考答案I.1. 用完;耗尽2. (外貌或行为)像3. 修理;装饰4. give away5. be similar to.1. clean up 2. gives away 3. put up 4. fix; up 5. runs outSection B(2a2e)I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语1. set up _2. make a difference _3. a friend of mine _4. help sb. out _5.发出指令 _6.不能做某事 be_sth.7.改变某人的生活 _II.根据短文内容,选择正确答案,了解文章大意1. Miss Li sent money to_.A. a schoolB. a hospitalC. Animal HelpersD. homeless children2. It is_for Ben Smith to answer the telephone.A. difficultB. easyC. interestingD. relaxing3. How long did Ben train with the dog Lucky?A. For one year.B. For six weeks.C. For six years.D. For six months.4.The dog Lucky can_.A. sing and danceB. get things for BenC. read booksD. play ping-pong参考答案I. 1. 建起;建设2. 影响;有作用3. 我的一个朋友4. 帮助某人摆脱困境5. give orders6. unable to do7. change ones lifeII. 14 CADBSection B(3aSelf Check). 英汉互译,掌握本课重点短语1. 对感兴趣 _2. 擅长 _3. interests and hobbies _4. work out fine _5. set up a call-in center _. 完成句子,明确本课重点句型1.上个星期每个人都设法让单车男孩吉米高兴起来。Last week, everyone was_ _ _ _ Jimmy, the Bike Boy.2.他张贴了一些海报求购旧自行车。He put up some signs_ _ old bikes.3.他打电话给所有的朋友告诉他们这个问题。He called up all his friends on the phone_ _ them_ the problem.4.他想出的主意效果非常好。The ideas that he came up with_ _ fine.参考答案. 1. be interested in2. be strong in3. 兴趣和爱好4. 解决得很好5. 成立一个呼入中心.1. trying to do sth.2. asking for3. to tell; about4. worked out
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