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徐开高 高一英语 限时练 7第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Hello, Milly. Jackson cant come to the lecture because of bad weather._ The lecture is really interesting.A. What a surprise! B. What a pity!C. Whats up? D. What for?22. Lisa, dont drink such kind of drink.Dont worry. This drink doesnt _ any alcohol, so I wont get drunk.A. include B. coverC. contain D. add23. I think its too difficult to break the habits of a lifetime, _?A. isnt it B. is itC. dont I D. do I24. Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults, of whom only about one fourth were reported to run _.A. personally B. properlyC. approximately D. regularly25. Mary, its necessary for us to _ how much food well need for the coming party.A. let out B. leave outC. work out D. make out26. My teacher keeps telling me that chances _ those who are always well prepared.A. belong to B. are belonging toC. are belonged toD. will be belonged to27. How beautiful the library is, Betty!Yes. I _ here for four years when I was at university.A. have studied B. studiedC. will study D. had studied28. Peter, don t mention in public that Jane is overweight as it may make her feel _.A. embarrassing B. embarrassedC. confusing D. confused29. My elder sister hasnt received any reply from the company yet, so she wants to give up.I suggest she _ till next week.A. will wait B. has been waitingC. wait D. waits30. I bought three pairs of shoes, but none of _ are comfortable.A. which B. themC. what D. that31. The fourteen-year-old boy was reported to have achieved a high score in the National College Entrance Examination._, but its really hard to believe.A. So was it B. So it wasC. So did he D. So he did32. It is uncertain what _ the new medicine will have on children, though it has been tested on adults.A. effects B. influencesC. functions D. abilities33. May I smoke here, madam?If you _, please go outside.A. may B. shouldC. could D. must34. It was in the late 1940s, _ he was already in his fifties, _ he designed his first invention.A. when; when B. when; thatC. that; when D. that; that35. What? You failed the math test again?_, please. I dont want anyone else to know.A. Look out B. Stay calmC. Keep quiet D. Forget it第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A farmer always complained that his fish pond wasnt good for him to raise fish. The steep hills made it more 36 for him to build a fence to protect his cows. Sometimes he couldnt even see his cows 37 there was so much land. At night it was so 38 and it was rather hard to walk from the barn (牲口棚) back to his house.He decided to 39 the place and move to somewhere that was really 40 . He called a real estate agent (房地产经纪) and made plans to sell his property (地产). A few days later, the agent 41 him a local paper, from which he could 42 a new place to live in. What caught his eye was an ad for a beautiful country house in an ideal 43 that was quiet and peaceful. It had 44 hills, a beautiful fish pond with all kinds of fish in it, surrounded (包围) by flowers and grass. It was just 45 enough to a small town which is convenient and quiet and far from city traffic and 46 . He read the ad a secondand then a third time 47 he realized that the real estate agent had given him a description of a place he currently (目前) 48 , so he called her and said, “Ive 49 my mind. I wont sell it. Ive been looking for a nice 50 like it all my life.”Its easy for you to 51 about your current 52 , but what would your present life look like to others? Is your job really that bad? Are your kids that annoying? We sometimes, just like the farmer, need a new 53 of our situations to 54 that ourlives arent as bad as we sometimes believe. We should express our 55 for what we have and enjoy each day.36. A. difficult B. important C. doubtful D. meaningful37. A. though B. so C. if D. because38. A. long B. strange C. dark D. noisy39. A. accept B. sell C. exchange D. improve40. A. nice B. safe C. faraway D. simple41. A. read B. prepared C. left D. offered42. A. look after B. look up C. look for D.
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