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M5Unit 2 Reading(I) I . Fast reading 1. What is cloning?_2. What was the name of the first cloned mammal?_3. Is Pauline Carter for or against human cloning?_II. Write down the main idea of each part. Para1 _Para2 _Para3-5 _Para6 _III. Two letters: ( read the two letters and decide which ones are true and which ones are false,if false, correct it ) 1. We have to deal with the consequences if we toy with nature. 2. We should clone fewer babies to reduce Earths population. 3. The lady who cannot have a baby can adopt an orphan, but not have a cloned baby. 4. The news that the first human embryo has been cloned successfully is very terrible. 5. Scientists have succeeded in challenging questions of morality. 6. Human cloning is a good way to save her daughter who has died. IV. Reading comprehension 1. The passage is mainly about_.A. what cloning is B. the advantage of cloningC. arguments about cloning human embryos D. the disadvantage of cloning2. We can learn from the two letters_.A. both of the writers are pro-cloning. B. both of the writers are anti-cloning.C. neither of the writers are against cloning.D. both of the writers are not for cloning human embryos3. The announcement of successful human embryo cloning has caused much debatebecause_.A. people still have no clear idea about the results of human cloningB. valuable tissues and organs can be used to save humans C. mankind is going to produce terrible monstersD. people know that nature will punish mankind for human cloning4. The success of the cloned sheep Dolly has proved that_.A. cloning will create more diseases in animal worldB. cloned animals will die at a much younger age than normalC. man has been able to produce an exact copy from an adult cellD. man can interfere(干涉) with nature at his will5. How does a woman who cannot give a birth benefit from cloning?A. She can have a baby using another womans egg.B. She can have a baby genetically related to her.C. She can adopt someone elses child by cloning.D. She can have more children.6. What can we infer from the whole passage?A. Cloning animals is illegal in Italy.B. Chinese scientists are trying to benefit mankind by using cloning technology.C. Chinese scientists want to be the first to clone a human baby.V. Task-based reading Attitudes towardsthe first cloned human embryoPro-cloningIt can produce tissues and organs that are of great(1)_.Anti-cloningWe are (2) _ to produce a real-life Frankensteins monster.Attitudes towards the birth of Dolly the sheepPro-cloningCloning is a wonderful (3) _ breakthrough.Anti-cloningCloning would (4) _ more diseases in the animal world.RepresentativesIan WilmutHe never (5) _ to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on (6) _ diseases.Faye Wilson(7) _ to have a baby, she is (8) _ to have a child that is genetically related to her.Severino AntinoriHe wants to be the first to clone a human being.Chinese scientistsThey have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells. China has achieved great (9) _ in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways cloning can be (10) _ to mankind.VI Useful phrases 1. 在全世界引起许多辩论2. 一方面,另一方面3. 指出4. 戏弄,摆弄5. 即将做某事6. 第一个被克隆的哺乳动物7. 寿命比普通的羊短很多8. 导致更多的疾病9. 总体说来10. 因为其杰出的科学进展获得赞誉11. 考虑克隆人类12. 关注创造新的组织13. 怀着。的目的14. 对人类不尊重15. 导致许多焦虑16. 渴望做某事17. 有一个自己的小孩18. 领养别人的小孩19. 努力推进20. 成功做某事21. 使人类受益22. 处理后果23. 待售24. 耗尽地球的自然资源25. 很高兴做。26. 评论你的文章27. 完全同意28. 毕竟29. 个人而言30. 改变我的生活31. 死于心脏病32. 每一天33. 遇见34. 理解它们的意思35. 作为一个整体36. 有意义,讲的通
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