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M5U3. 期末基础复习(三)一 单词1. 宣告_ 2. 现实生活的_3. 正常的 _4. 表扬_5. 突破_6. 忧虑,焦虑_7. 不顾一切的,拼命的_ 8. 收养,采纳 _9 可接受的_10.医学的 _11. 完全地_12. 结果,后果_ 13. 评论_14. 进步,前进_ 15. 道德 _16. 消极的_17. 严格的_18. 谨慎的_19. 判断_20. 可供选择的 _21. 多数_ 22. 提倡_23. 总结,下结论_24. 敦促_25. 受害者_26. 灾难_27. 十年_二 词组1. 一方面,另一方面_2. 指出_3. 干预,干涉_4. 一般说来_5. 努力推行_6.成功做_7. 从。中获益_8. 以。告终 _8. 供出售_9. 用完,耗尽_10. 准备就绪_11.在。领域_12. 隔壁的_13. 计算出,理解_14. 几天前_15.涉及_16. 对某人而言_17. 组织一个调查_18. 赞同,支持_19. 观点_20. 结果是,结果证明_21. 带着。的意图_三 单词拼写1. Recent a_ in medical science mean that this illness can be cured in the future.2. When you are on a train, you must be c_ of strangers.3. The m_ of the students have brown eyes, while the minority have blue ones.4. After the storm, the local peoples life returned to n_ quickly.5. Because of her c_(粗心), she failed in the college entrance examination.6. Our company has _(代理处) all over the country.7. The woman stated her opinion _(明确地) at the meeting.8. The doctor _(下结论) the patients disease was not heavy.9. They are _(寻求) the most reasonable diet that will do good to their health.10. The police have to take any terrorist threat _(严肃地).四 句型转换1. He left his hometown so as to fond a good job.He left his hometown _ _ _ _ 2. Is it possible for a child to start a company?Is there _ _ that a child can start a company?3. He cant focus his efforts on what he is learning.He cant _ his efforts _ what he is learning.4. We were informed that our professor agreed to the plan.We were informed that our professor was _ _ _the plan.5. We dont want beasts that are produced to replace us one day.We dont want beasts that are produced to _ _ _ _us one day.6, Tom not only spoke more correctly, but also more confidently.Not only _Tom _ more correctly, but also he spoke more confidently.7. look up the word in the dictionary=_ _ the dictionary8. care about =be _ _9. to sum up=_ _ =in _10. in reply to =_ _ _11.His work proves to be a success.=His work _ _ to be a success.五 动词填空1. _(tire) from the long speech, he found the speech was _(tire)2. I would have come on time, but I got _(catch) in the traffic jam.3. Our teacher had to raise his voice to make himself _(hear)4. They arrived home than _(expect)5. No matter how frequently _(perform), his works always many audience.6. A few days later, I received a letter _(say) “Thank you!”7. _(not receive) his letter, I then decided to write to him.8. _(face) with such problems, they will have a hard time. 9. When he woke up the _(follow) day, he found himself _(surround) by many strangers.10. Hungry and _(tire), he went home late that day.11. If you continue like this, you will end up _(lift) a stone only to have it _(drop) on your own foot,as the old saying goes.六 完成句子1, _ _ _ ,(一方面) rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions. _ _ _ _ ,(另一方面) it will speed up environmental destruction.2, 他离成为一名著名歌手已经不远了。He is _ _ _ becoming a famous singer.3, He decided to go abroad to study _ _ _ _(为了) improving English and finding a better job when he returns. 4. 他们将建更多的楼房来满足大众的要求。More buildings will be built to _ the _ of the public.5, The author writes about how art _ _ _ culture(与有关, 相联系)6, _ (虽然)English can be hard to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication.7. 地震中受损的房屋正在修理中The houses damaged in the earthquake are _ _.8, 焦虑会影响孩子在学校的表现。Anxiety can _ great _ _ childrens performance at school.9, He has hopes of _ _ _ _ of Yang Liwei (追寻杨利伟的足迹),and becoming an astronaut.10. 洪水对道路和桥梁造成了严重地损坏。11, I talked to my friend about it, and he is all _ _ _ giving up the plan. (他完全赞同放弃计划)12, To my surprise,
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