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选修6 Unit 1 Art【学习目标】1. 学习并掌握以下重点词汇的用法: aim,attempt, possession, a great deal,adopt typical2. 学生掌握重点词的变化规则及运用.【重点难点】1. 重点:本节课重点词汇及词组的记忆2. 难点:本节课词语的灵活运用【学情分析】基础单词的学习与过关,让每位学生利用小组自主学习掌握学习目标【导学流程】自主学习内容一回顾旧知:回忆上节课的知识二基础知识感知:教单词三、探究问题 : 某些单词的用法四、基础知识拓展与迁移:英汉互译 (Refer to the dictionary or book)1. _ (n.) 信任,信念 _(adj.)忠实的,守信的_(adv.) 忠实地2. _ (v.) 拥有,具有 _ (n.)(尤作复数)所有,财产3. _ (v.) 预言 _ (n.) 预言 _ (v.) 预言者4. prefer(v.)_ _(n.) 喜爱,偏爱5. 大量_ 6. 尝试_ 7. 有代表性的_ 8. 目标_ 9. 采用;收养_ 10. 抽象的_11. 明显的_ 12. 确切的_ 13. 巧合地_请及时记录自主学习过程中的疑难:五、小组讨论问题预设:1 aim n._ v._ The aim of education should be to teach students how to think. I started to learn English with the aim of becoming a teacher. He aimed to swim/ aimed at swimming a mile. The program is aimed at teenage audiences.归纳aim的相关短语:1._ 2._3._ 4._练习:1. The hunter _ (瞄准)the lion and fired. 2. I _(打算当一名医生) when I graduate from medical college.2、 attempt n._ v._He made an attempt to break the world record.I attempted to speak but was told to keep quiet.归纳attempt的相关短语:1._2._ 3. attempted murder_语法填空1 He _(attempt) to leave but was stopped. 2 He made _ attempt to cook the dinner.3、 possession n._ possess v._ He is in possession of the house.= The house is in the possession of him. At last they took possession of a house of their own in Beijing. Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when leaving the bus. She possesses some interesting pictures.汉译英: 他有一个善良的妻子和一个聪明的女儿。_2. He _ (possess)a beautiful house with sea view in Qingdao last year.3. The legal _(possess) is protected by law.4、 a great deal _ a great deal of _ Our medical team has achieved a great deal in the last few months. He learned a great deal from the book. He earned a great deal of money this year. She has a great deal of experience.两个短语的区别:_填空:1. The government has spent _ (大量的资金) on education.2. They _(谈论了很多) about this problem.回忆修饰可数名词的短语和修饰不可数名词的短语:_5、adopt v._ adoption n._ adopted adj._常见短语:adopt a child_ adopt an idea/a plan _ an adopted child _填空:1. _( adopt) a child is very common in the countryside in the 1960s.2The old came to _ (采纳意见) that the youngster can choose their marriage freely. 3. A new technique must _(adopt) to carry out the operation.6、typical 重点句型:Its typical of sb. to(be/do.)_ a typical example _翻译以下句子: It is typical of him to be late for class. Her typical way of speaking didnt change at all. This painting is typical of his early works. 5 你能为我们列举一个有代表性的例子吗?_6 课堂上活跃是他的典型特征。课堂训练问题预设:一、单句改错1.Her aim are to be a professional dancer.2.He attempt to pass the exam but failed. 3. She earned a great deal money.4 They possess three car and four houses. 5. They talked a great deal of about this problem.二、根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. The government has spent _ (大量的资金) on education.2. Because of his practice, he can run _ (快得多) than before.3. They _ (谈论了很多) about this problem.1、 课堂小结 2. 本节课学习内容中的问题和疑难资
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