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Unit 1Friendship(Review)班级 姓名 小组_第_号【学习目标】1.通过自主学习复习本单元重点词汇拼写。2.通过教师讲解回顾所学拓展语法。3通过小组讨论完成本单元复习习题。【学习重点】 记住学案上的拓展语法,能完全掌握语法。.难点:能运用所学单词和语法完成习题。【考点分析】能够运用所学重点单词、短语写出完整正确的句子【学情分析】学生通过自主学习和小组讨论能够完成复习习题,但是部分拓展语法仍然掌握情况不好。【导学流程】一、回顾旧知回忆上节课所学知识,具体情况具体分析2、 自主学习单词速背1 心烦意乱的;不安的_3.不理睬;忽视_4.(使)平静。镇定的_5.关心;挂念_6.在户外;在野外_7.整个的_8.整个地_9.能力、力量_10.安家、定居_11.遭受_12.痊愈_13包扎_14确实如此_15不同意_16.感激的_17.不喜欢_三、小组讨论 单词1A_ all the money I borrowed from you.2There was a time when the girl lost the p _of speech3He was u_about not being invited.4His mother is t_ of living abroad5I said hello to her,but she i_me completely.6. I am g_ a boy in my class相处的好7.One must keep c_ in time of danger.8.I d_ with you about/on this matter9Dont c_ yourself with other peoples affairs.10Will you j_ us in playing football now?11I have gone g_ all my pockets but I cant find my keys.12E_ speaking, I cant remember what she said句型1.While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.While walking the dog补全后为whileyou werewalkingthedog;第一个and连接两个并句中。while引导的省略句,补全后为:while+主语+be+doing2 I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature,强调句itis/was+被强调部分十who/that+句子其他部分。被强调的部分指人时可用who或that,其他一律用that3,.it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to faceIt is/ was the first time that这是第一次语法1.He said, “Im very glad.” He said he was very glad.2. He said, “Can you come this afternoon, John?”He asked John could come that afternoon.3.He said, “Where is Mr. Wang?” He asked Mr. Wang was.4.Our parents told us“Learn English well!” Our parents told us English well5.“I went to the Great Wall yesterday,” Li Hua said. Li Hua said that had gone to the Great Wall the day before.6.She said to me, “Your pronunciation is better than his.”She told me that pronunciation was better than his.四、 提问展示1、自主学习之后对学生进行相关学习内容的提问,或者单词短语或者自主预习应解决的问题2、小组讨论之后由学生来讲解讨论结果及其过程中遇到的问题及其解决方法,完成相应习题五、随堂训练将下列句子中的错误找出加以改正并翻译。1. I wanted to have a word with her, but she ignores me and went away.2. Not having been cleaned for months, the books on the shelf were dust. 3. There is much chance that Bill will recover his injury in time for the race.4. I would be very grateful that if you can meet him at the airport.5.In time of great danger, its important to keep calmly.6、 整理内化1课堂小结2 本节课学习过程中的问题和疑难资
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