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选修八 Unit2 Cloning班级 姓名 小组_第_号【学习目标】Knowledge aims:1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit. 2. Let students learn about the procedure of cloning. 【学习重点】 1. Develop students different reading abilities.2. Enable students to talk about the procedure of cloning.【学习难点】1. Let students learn more about the cloning techonology; 2. Get students to learn different reading skills,especially the reading ability of understanding implied meaning of the author.【学情分析】Students need to improve their vocabulary ability.一 基础知识导入Unit 2 单词试读,跟读。二.自主学习 提问展示1. differ vi. 不同;相异 difference n. 不同之处 different adj. 不同的 典例1) Their house differs from mine in having no garage. 他们的房子与我的不同,区别在于他们的没有起车库。2) The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay. 双方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。重点用法A differs from B in. A与B在方面不同 A differs with B about/on/over. A与B就意见相左高手过招 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1) The two squares differ _ (介词) color but not _ (介词) size. 2) The husband differs _ (介词) the wife _ (介词) who is to take charge of the money.3)It doesn t make a _ (differ) to me whether you are going to stay.4) This is a different car _ (介词) the one I drove yesterday.2. undertake vt. (undertook; undertaken) 着手;从事;承担;同意,答应,保证(后接to do)典例1)She undertook the responsibility for these changes. 她承担了做出这些改变的责任。2) He undertook to pay the money back in one month. 他答应在一个月之内还钱。 高手过招 翻译句子。1)他答应在周五之前完成那份工作。_2)她负责整个项目的组织工作。_3. object典例1) We objected to leaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙地离开。2) I saw an object in the sky, but I didnt know what it was. 我看见天空中有个物体,可是我不知道它是什么。3) His object of studying English is to know more about England and the English people. 他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英国人民。重点用法(1) object to (sb./sth.)反对(某人/某事)object to doing sth.反对做某事(2) objection n.反对,不赞成have/take/make an objection to (doing) sth. 对表示反对raise an objection to sth. 对提出异议(3) objective adj.真实的;客观的;无偏见的注意: object表示“反对”,为不及物动词,接宾语后需加介词to;oppose表示“反对”,为及物动词,接宾语后不需加介词to。be opposed to.表示“反对;和相反”。高手过招1) I strongly object to _ (treat) like a child.2) 我反对该计划的主要理由是它费用太高。My main_ the plan is that it costs too much.4. forbid vt. (forbade or forbad; forbidden) 禁止;不准;阻止妨碍典例1)The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers. 法律禁止使用化学肥料。2) I forbid you to tell anyone. 我不准你告诉任何人。重点用法forbid sth. / doing sth. 禁止,不许(做某事) forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事高手过招 翻译句子。1) 飞机上禁止吸烟。_2)他爸爸不准他和她交谈。_3)要禁止小孩子不玩电脑游戏很难。_5. owe vt. 欠;应该把归功于;感激,感恩典例1) He owes his father 50. = He owes 50 to his father. 他欠他父亲50英镑。2) We owe this discovery to Newton. 我们的这一发现归功於牛顿。重点用法owe sb sth = owe sth to sb 欠(某人)债owe sth to sb/sth将某事物归因或归功於某人/事高手过招 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的介词。1) How much do I owe you _ the groceries?2) He owes his success more _ luck than _ ability. 3)I owe a lot _ my wife and children. 6. bother vt. 打扰 vi. 操心 n. 烦扰 典例1) I am sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the time. 对不起,打扰了,请问现在几点?2) It bothers me that he hasnt been telling me the truth.他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。 重点用法bother with/about 一为而烦恼;因操心 bother to do / doing费神做高手过招 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1) The problem has been _ (bother) me for weeks.2) 一Shall I help you with the cases? Don t _. I can manage. 3) Dont bother _ (介词) us; we will soon join you. 7. resist典例1) He is in good healthhe is able to resist diseases. 他身体健康,能抵抗疾病。 2) I couldnt resist having a look at her diary. 我忍不住看了一眼她的日记。3) There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. 这项新的法律已经遇到很多的抵制。重点用法resist vt.抵抗;忍住,多与cannot, couldnt连用,后跟动词时,常用resist doing sth. 结构。(1)be hard/impossible to resist难以拒绝resist sb./sth.抵抗/抵制某人/某物cant/couldnt resist doing sth.禁不住做某事resist doing sth.抵制做某事(2)resistant adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的be resistant to.对有抵抗力(3)resistance n.抗拒;反对高手过招 1)她到达那里时,忍不住想进去。When she got to the place, she could not _.2)人们认为上了年纪的人会抵制变革。Its believed that elderly people _change.3) The no-smoking policy was introduced with little _ (resist) from staff.三 小组讨论,提问展示 单词拼写:1. The brothers d_ widely in their tastes. 2. The question is quite s_ , while that one is much more complicated.3. She r_ from the competition after pulling a leg muscle.4. Smoking is f_ in public places.5. His suggestion sounds quite r_ to most of us.6. The film was a _ (商业的) success.7. Id like to come, too, if you have no _(反对).
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