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题目:维护道路安全是否靠加强违章惩罚(该文在9月10日考试中获8分) Recentyearshavewitnessedaworseningtrendinroadsafety.Accordingtostatisticsfromthelocalauthority,thenumberoftrafficaccidentsin2004was20%greaterthanthatofthepreviousyear.Theissueisgainingmoreandmoreconcernofthepublic,someofwhomproposethatstricterpunishmentontrafficoffendersshouldbetheonlywaytoensureroadsafety.AsfarasIamconcerned,Iholdthatpunishmentshouldnotbeonlysolutiontotheproblem. Thereiscertainlynodenyingthatstricterpenaltiesmaytosomeextentbringdownthenumberofaccidentsonmotorwaysasadeterrenttodrivingoffences.Besides,thegovernmentmayenjoyagreaterrevenuefromsevererfines,whichcaninturnbeusedtoimproveroadconditions. However,weshallneveroverlooktheothersideofthecoin:punishmenthasitsdownsides.Fines,asthemostcommonpenaltyfordrivingviolations,tendtoinstillinpeoplethemisconceptionthatmoneycanpayofftheirguiltandresolvetheproblem.Asaresult,wecanseemanycaseswherethetrafficoffendercommitsthesameoranothermistakeevenafterhavingbeenfinedalot.Inspiteofheavierpunishment,roadsafetycannotbeenhancedunlessdriversareequippedwithsufficientdrivingskillsandknowledge.Recentlytherehaveemergedmanyirresponsibledrivingschoolsthathaveproducedahostofunqualifieddrivers,contributingtomoretrafficoffences.Thustightcontrolondrivingschoolsandthedrivingtestingsystemisneededaswelltoimproveroadsafety.Furthermore,advertisementsandcampaignsconcernedshouldbelaunchedtoraisethepublicawareness.Whenpeoplearefullyawareoftheimportanceofabidingtrafficrules,accidentsmayhopefullybeeliminated. Fromtheabovediscussion,itisclearthatonlystricterpunishmentisnotenoughtoenhanceroadsafety.Instead,itshouldgohandinhandwithclosercontrolondrivingschoolsandthetestingsystemaswellashigherpublicawareness.In recent years, increasing number of car accidents have claimed many peoples lives. The topic of whether stricter punishments is the only way to prevent accidents has triggered heated discussion. Notions on this issue vary greatly. According to the advocates, stricter punishment is the most effective way to reduce car accidents. To begin with, stricter punishment deters reckless driving behavior, like drunk driving and speeding. Drivers must learn to abide by the laws and regulations otherwise they will suffer from great loss. Furthermore, severely punished, drivers may learn a lesson and they are less likely to repeat the same behavior on the road. Last but not least, psychologically hurt and physically injured, victims of car accidents deserve the financial compensation from drivers. However, opponents are strongly against stricter punishment. Firstly, competent authorities should set up stricter requirements for drivers licence. More lectures and courses should be provided to would-be drivers. Secondly, facilities should be improved in order to reduce road hazards. For instance, electronic notice board should be set up to drivers of the danger ahead. Finally, if drivers are sentenced to jail for a longer time, more police power and money is needed to manage them. That is to say,stricter punishment will produce heavy burden on tax payers. Personally speaking, stricter punishment is by no means the best solution to car accidents. More scientific measures should be adopted so as to reduce car accidents on the road. 题目:如何解决垃圾问题(7分作文) The roads are dotted with trash, the railways are littered with decaying garbage and our cities are disgraced by plastic bags. Lately, the worsening rubbish problem has aroused peoples wide concern. Some hold the belief that it is an overstatement to claim that people have formed a “throw away” society, and that they just discard the used items, which is necessary. Others, however, firmly contend that people do develop a habit of throwing things away. Personally, I firmly side with the latter. It is no doubt that our cities are on the way towards becoming a huge landfill. To begin with, people are in the habit of littering. Nowadays, people tend to discard old items like outdated furniture and worn-out appliance, which are actually recoverable. Furthermore, due to the inadequate facilities of garbage collection, people throw away their refuse everywhere at will. In addition, rubbish is in rapid increase. In the first place the quickening tempo of modern lifestyle gives rise to peoples favor of disposable items for sake of convenience, which greatly adds the amount of rubbish. In the second place, the development of science and technology also contributes to it. It generates new product in a more frequent way, which makes the old ones cast aside as rubbish at a quicker pace. Consequently, our cities are decorated with trash. In view of the severity of the issue,
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