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考研英语作文钟方源60分钟做完写作(20分钟小作文,40分钟大作文)大作文第一段的展开:第一句:图画描述句:As is shown above,in the middle of the picture stands a man(主系表倒装表系主),rushing(非谓语动词) to final,which is defined another new start.(独立主格结构)As is shown above,in the middle of the picture walks a man,trying to attain the goal of innovation and development with the help of the Internet and its related technologies.Step1:完全倒装(中心事物的位置)Step2:非谓;非限(中心事物的状态)Step3:独立主格P.S.:,with the caption reading that: ,with a line going like this:补充:The implications of this picture are explicit(明确的) and clear that: anyone who aspires to embrace great achievement must be the one who dares to start from small steps.The portrayal ,symbolic and metaphoric,unfold a scene to us,in which a man who wears a master gown and look knowledgeable and capable is applying for a job.第二句:图画影响句This picture has sparked a heated discussion on Wechat friend circle,the most attractive and influential social network form these day in China.This has sparked controversy(争论) on Chinas social media, with some saying that the online payment system had become a place to find “hookers.”(后面接人们对图片的观点)第三句:图画意义句(深刻)The picture,at the first glimpse,seem to be simple,but only a penetrating sight can capture its essence.If posted on the Internet,this cartoon will definitely draw much attention and arouse abundant imagination for its revealing of a trending topic.(这句相当于是把第二和第三句合并减少字数的写法,字数多的时候用)第二段的展开:第一句:提出论点(主题重要/有害)重要主题:1. The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with +重要主题 when it comes to the cultivation of individual characteristics.(个人)2. The picture tells us that 重要主题 remains to be an integral(不可或缺) part in this ever papid(快速) changing modern society.(社会)3.The presence of this improvement will make our social fabric stronger,our families healthier and safer,and our people more prosperous.有害主题:1. The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is not only harmful, but also damaging for the personal growth.(个人)2. The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is in large measure(很大程度上) detrimental(有害的) not only to the personal life,but to the further development of the whole society.补充:To sum up,it does exert a negative effect on our society if we still overvalue the importance of degress.To conclude,it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs just in one backet. 第二句:加强论点(附加句)1, 重要主题:In no country other than China,is has been said,is this phenomenon more obvious.有害主题:In no country other than China,is has been said,is this problem more urgent and serious.The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out,bringing some problems at the same time,with the above one being the foremost(首要的).加强论点时需要用到的连接词(在其它句也可以用得上):1.To be sure,2.That is to say,3.In other words,4.Put it another way,5.Obviously,6.Specifically speaking,7.Beyond any dispute,8.Doubeless,9.Undeniably,10.进一步地讲To put it strong,11.Whats more,12.Furthermore,13.By doing so,14.on the one hand,on the other hand,15.additionally,16,Form my personal perspective,17.personally speaking,18.不难想象It is not hard to imagine,19.毫不夸张地讲It would not be a stretch to say that 第三句:公众态度(社会话题都适合,而个人话题有时适合)重要主题:1. The public does attach due(适当的) attention to importance of the 重要主题有害主题2. The public fails to attach due attention to the bad effects brought by 有害主题第四句:加强公众态度(附加句)People form all over the world,governments and international organizations stress the fundamental role of 重要主题。People form all over the world,governments and international organizations fail to notice the damaging consequences of 有害主题。Individuals,enterprises,organizations and even the whole society stress the fundamental role of 重要主题。Individuals,enterprises,organizations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of 有害主题。第五句:段落展开(为一个句群)第一种展开法:平行展开法物质回报句子:1.(主题) can offer people with not only delicious food but fashionable clothes and such benefits as comfortable dwelling and handsome automobiles.2.Individuals and organizations can make money,take profits and even obtain wealth by doing(主题)。3.The industrious(勤劳) and insightful (有见地的)people will never fail to benefit from doing(主题).4.It can improve ones living standards and make an easy and conforable life.5.It can bring people fresh air,clean water,bright sunshine ,clean food and comfortable dwelling.时间角度saves time/takes up little time/occupies little time.句子(节约时间) (主题,e.g.Confidence) saves people a great deal of time by eliminating hours spent on hesitation, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their meaningful work.(浪费时间)As is well known,the days of youth should not be idled away and time should be cherished,but(主题,e.g.star worship) wastes hours,lavishes days and even squanders(浪费) years,which leads us to say it kills and even murders youngster
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