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高二英语 Class _ Name _ 2017/6/12 序号:49UnitBook8 unit3Teaching period5TopicInventors and inventionsstyle单元测试Aims1. Practise the studentsreading comprehension 第一节:单词拼写1. Im sorry, but I dont know there is an _ (突然的) change of the plan.来源:学科网2. Its our _ (期望) that you will do well.来源:学科网ZXXK3. We should try our best to put the enemy in a (被动的) position.4. I have heard two _ (版本)of the accident.5. Illness is a _ (有效的) excuse for being absent from work.6. She (轻拍) me on the shoulder, but I didnt feel it.第二节:单项选择1. When I walked past the street and saw the children playing happily, their happy laughter memories of my childhood. A. called in B. called for C. called on D. called up2. Sorry,but I have to_ now. I have a train to catch.Goodbye!Wish you a pleasant journey.A. ring out B. call out C. call on D. ring off3. Can I speak to Mr. Brown,please?_Ill just see if hes here.A. Ring off B. Hold up C. Hang on D. Ring back来源:学科网ZXXK 4. Mum,it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is to o thin to _ your weight?A. carry B. bear C. catch D. take5. Listen,there is some strange noise. This machine must be_.I think so. You must have it checked.A. out of order B. out of dateC. out of sight D. out of control 来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K6. If you have to catch the first bus every day,choose this hotel. It is very_ for the stationits only a twominute walk.A. close B. certain C. convenient D. distant7. He was busy with his work but he went to see his grandmother_.A. sooner or later B. now and thenC. more or less D. over and over again8. The young girl,_ in a white uniform,showed me the way to the managers office.A. dressed B. having dressedC. dressing D. being dressed来源:Z.xx.k.Com9. Please forgive me to _you_ so late,but I have something urge nt.Thats all right. Whats the matter?A. call;by B. call;offC. call;in D. call;up10. It is difficult to_ one twin from the other. They almost dont_ from each other.A. differ;distinguish B. distinguish;differentC. distinguish;differ D. tell;differentIII、写作(共两节,满分为40分)第一节:基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)最近学校图书馆就阅览室订阅明年的英文报刊杂志向全校学生征求意见,请你就下列目录中选出你最喜爱的两种报刊或杂志。杂志名称英语周报 21世纪英文报英语辅导报 海外英语疯狂英语 中学生英语写作内容请按照以下要求用英语以书信形式给予答复。1.选择适合你的报刊杂志并说明理由;2.每位学生只能选择其中两份报刊杂志。 写作要求1.必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容2.信的开头和结尾已给出。Dear Sir or Madame, Im glad to recommend my favorite English newspaper or magazine. As a senior high school student, I like English Weekly best. Because it provide us students with sufficient exercises to master English and the background knowledge at the front page helps us further understand the passages in our textbooks. Besides, I am also fond of 21 Century. Its easy for us students to read the newspaper and we can read some fresh articles about current affairs, campus trends and so on. Whats the most important is that we can improve our reading skill and enrich our vocabulary by reading this kind of newspaper.Thank you very much. Yours truly, Li Ping
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