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现在完成时和现在完成进行时专项练习主备人:冯辉 使用时间:2016年1月I.用正确的时态填空1. Its said that Titanic is an exciting film. I _(not see) it yet. I hope to see it soon.2. _ you _ (work) with a tape recorder? Yes, I _(use ) it a lot when I was studying French in school.3. I _ (have) violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I will make it every week from next month.4. Where on earth _you _ (be)?We _ (expect) you to be back much earlier.5. Look! Someone has drunk all the beer. Its not me. I _(not do)that.6. What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday? I _(finish) my homework and was starting to have a bath.7. In this experiment, they were wakened several times during the night, and were asked to report what they_(dream).8. He works in a factory now, and he _(work)there for 10 years.9. Susan married Jason last Sunday. Really? How long _ they _(know) each other?10. Why did you come by taxi? My bike broke down last night and I_(not have) it repaired.II. 单句改错1. We had been good friends since our middle school days. _2. We have studied English in six years. _3. He has gone back to his hometown last month. _4. It was the first time I have been here. _5. So far I didnt finished the work. _6. Have you been seeing her parents these days? _7. It was 6 years since they graduated from that middle school. _8. My father has been worked in that company for 20 years. _9. A number of party members has spoken at the meeting. _10. So far, we built more than 15 bridges over the Yangtze River. _III.单项选择1.Theirrelationship_upsanddownsoverthepastcentury.A. willseeB.seesC.hasseenD.hadseen 2.-Isyourdadathome? -No,he_out.A. goes B.hasgone C.willgoD.isgoing 3.Wewontstarttheworkuntilallthepreparations_.A. arebeingmadeB.willbemadeC.havebeenmadeD.hadbeenmade 4.Duringthelastthreedecades,thenumberofpeopleparticipatinginphysicalfitnessprograms_sharply.A. wasincreasingB.hasincreasedC.hadincreasedD.willbeincreasing 5.ShakespearesplayHamlet_intoatleasttendifferentfilmsoverthepastyearsA. hadbeenmadeB.wasmadeC.hasbeenmadeD.wouldbemade 6.-Haveyouheardabouttherecentelection? -Sure,it_theonlythingonthenewsforthelastthreedays. A. wouldbeB.isC.hasbeen D.will be7.-Ohno!Weretoolate.Thetrain_. -ThatsOK.WellcatchthenexttraintoLondon. A.wasleavingB.hadleftC.hasleftD.hasbeenleaving 8.When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I _ my mind.A.have changedB.changeC.had changedD.would change9.-Irememberyouwereatalentedpianistatcollege.Canyouplaythepianoforme?-Sorry,I_thepianoforyears. A.dontplayB.wasntplayingC.haventplayedD.hadntplayed10.”Look! Somebody _ thesofa.”Well,itwasntme. Ididntdoit.A.iscleaningB.wascleaningC.hascleanedD.hadcleaned11.-Alvin,areyoucomingwithus?-Idloveto,butsomethingunexpected_.A.hascomeupB.wascomingupC.hadcomeupD.wouldcomeup12.Weshallnotstarttheprojectuntilit_bythecommittee.A.willbeapprovedB.approvesC.hasbeenapprovedD.istoapprove13.-Tony,whyareyoureyesred? -I_uppeppersforthelastfiveminutes. A.cutB.wascuttingC.hadcutD.havebeencutting 14.-ImsureAndrewwillwinthefirstprizeinthefinal. -Ithinkso.He_foritformonths. A.ispreparingB.waspreparingC.hadbeenpreparingD.hasbeenpreparing15.Kate_onhernewnovel,whichissupposedtocomeoutnextmonth.A.hasbeenworkingB.hadworkedC.willbeworkingD.wasworking16.Sincethetimehumankindstartedgardening,we_tomakeourenvironmentmorebeautiful.A.tryB.havebeentryingC.aretryingD.willtry17.Thegirlhasagreatinterestinsportand_badmintonclassestwiceaweekoverthelastthreeyears.A.tookB.istakingC.takesD.hasbeentaking18.Inordertofindthemissingchild,villagers_alltheycanoverthepastfivehours.A.didB.doC.haddoneD.havebeendoing19.Mygrandpahasbeenenjoyinggoodhealtheversincehe_smoking.A .stopsB.stoppedC.hasstoppedD.hadstopped20.I ordered pizza for dinner. It should be here any minute now. Pizza again? We_ pizza every night for a week now!A. had
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