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Module 6 Unit 1 Words & Expressions1. laughter u burst into laughter=burst out laughing; burst into tears=burst out crying. roar/howl with laughter2. comedy n. 喜剧 comedies (pl.) comedian _ comic (comic strips)_ tragedy 悲剧 tragedian _ tragic _3. weekly n. English weekly _ adj. a weekly magazine _ adv. be paid weekly_4. stage n. 1) 舞台 be/go on the stage _ / The clown appeared on stage _play a leading role on the international stage 2)阶段,时期 The experiment is in/at its initial stage. _The conflict had developed into a stage _ the two countries were gathering big troops on the border. A. where B. when C. which D. that5. previous adj. 之前的 1). on the previous day _ a previous appointment_2). Your thanking is rather previous. I havent decided yet. (做表语)过早的,过急的previous to 在.以前,先于 She worked as a lawyer _ her marriage.6.variety n . u. 变化,多样性 a life full of variety c. 种种,各种各样 There are a variety of different styles of stand-up comedy.=_ _=_ various adj. She took the job for various reasons.vary v. The weather varies _(depend) on different areas. vary from to 从到之间变化 Opinions on the matter vary from person to person.7.style n. 1)文体;表现形式;语调 write in a formal style 2) 做法;样式;方式 He changed his style of living. ( lifestyle n.采取低碳的生活方式 _ ) 3) 风格;类型 He composes in the style of Mozart. 他模仿莫扎特的风格作曲 in in fashion 流行的 out of _ 不再流行的,过时的8. behave vi./vt. 1)行为举止 behave like a gentleman 2)行为检点,守规矩Behave yourself! 规矩点! behave well / badly_ a well-behaved little boy _(反:badly-behaved) behavior (u). He observes peoples _ (举止)in everyday life and acts out _(搬上舞台)9. visual adj. 视觉上的 Other comedians rely on visual humor. vision n. 视力,视觉 have poor/normal vision _ / The boy lost his vision when he was five. visible / invisible (adj._) Those stars are invisible to naked eyes.10. perform vi./vt. performance n. performer n. 1)演出,表演 perform an opera / a play /magic tricks / Id like to hear the play _(perform) 2)做,施行,履行 perform an experiment =_=_ _/ perform a ceremony_perform ones duty / promise_ / The doctor was performing a dangerous operation._ 3)运转,工作 (well / badly) The engine seems to perform badly put on performances_ /His performance in the exam was not good; he was very upset._11. academy n. an academy of music 音乐学院 / the Academy Awards =_ academic adj. academic atmosphere_/He is an academic and diligent student_12. amuse vt. 1) The film made up of three stories amused the audience greatly. 2)Children often amuse themselves by playing computer games. (amuse oneself (by) doing 以自娱) amused /amusing adj. sb be amused at (by, with)/to do. / He had an _look on his face. amusement un. She looked at me in amusement_/She is reading the novel for amusement._ 令某人非常高兴的是 _ / amusement park _ He tripped over the fence, which _ me.= _ amuses me is that he tripped over the fence.=_to my _, he.= Im _ when seeing he =The man who tripped over the fence is _. 13.participate vi. 参加,参与 participant n. 参加者,参与者 participation n. 加入,参与 Professionals cannot participate in the game. =_=_ 注: Join+ 军队、组织 / join in + 活动 / join sb. in (doing) sth. 加入某人一起 参军_ / 参加讨论_ the discussion /与某人一起跳舞 _14. strengthen v. 增强,巩固 n. stength build up ones strength/body The bridge needs _(strength)so that itll have a positive effect on the economy. v. lengthen _ widen_ broaden _ weaken _; enrich, enlarge, endanger15. positive adj. ( 反 negative ) 1) 明确的,确实的 We need more positive evidence to prove his innocence. 2) 肯定的 receive a positive answer _ 3) 积极的 hold a positive _(生活态度)/ 对有积极的影响 _ 4)阳性的 16. guarantee n. have a two-year guarantee_ /give sb a guarantee that +从句_ The air-conditioner is under guarantee._ v. 保证,担保 guarantee sb. sth. = guarantee sth. to sb. / guarantee to do sth. / that 从句 Who can _ (谁能向她的父母保证孩子的安全) ?=Who can give her parents _ the safety of? =Who can give her parents_ the danger of? Can you _ ?=Can you guarantee that _
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