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Module 6 Unit 1 Stand up for your healthVideo Clip 12004 Oscar Academy Awards features Billy Crystals monologue (开场白): “What the stars Are Thinking”One of Crystals funniest hosting bits is the “What the Stars Are Thinking” gag(搞笑片段). “You know a lot of people want to know what the stars are thinking about during the show, and Ive done this show a number of times and I can tell you looking into everyone one of these faces, what theyre thinking,” said Crystal. As the camera zooms in(放大) on an actor in the audience, Crystal voices what their thoughts could be.Please read the minds of your dear classmates.l Brief introduction to stand-up comedyl Types of stand- up Task 1: Which type does the stand-up comedy in the four boxes belong to?A comedian puts on glasses, changes his or her voice and pretends to be someone else.A A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.aType _Type _b A comedian stands on stage and holds a banana to his ear. He says, Hello? Hello? Im sorry I cant hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone. A comedian says, My Grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. Shes 89 now, and we dont know where she is!dcType _Type _ l A famous comedianVideo Clip 2Billy Crystal Returns to the Oscars Stage Eight-time Oscar host Billy Crystal returned to his most famous stage. So where was I, Crystal joked when hitting the stage. Some things never change. The producers have asked me to tell you we are running a little long, so here are the nominees(提名) for Best Picture. The first televised Oscars was in 1953. I was five years old so for those of you who stink in math, Im 47!The host that year was Bob Hope. He hosted it 18 times. I hosted it eight, and I was pooped after two. Bob was the Oscars. He was funny, he was classy and he was what I think the Oscar host must be: a really sexy movie star.Question:What words does Billy Crystal use to describe Bob Hope?l Laugher is good for your healthListening Listen to the audio file and fill in the blank.Laughter is good for your healthNowadays, stand-up comedy is popular all over the world. Doctors have been researching what effect standup and other forms of comedy have on us, and had discovered that _ _. They say this is because when you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you. Laughing helps your body stay healthy and _. Maybe this explains the long lives of men like Bob Hope and George Burns. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying, _, may be true after all. So, go and make someone laugh it just might help them (and you) live longer.WritingQuotes about LAUGHTER:1. Laughter is the way to true love. - Author Unknown2. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. -Victor Borge3. There is little success where there is little laughter. - Andrew Carnegie4. What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. - Yiddish Proverb5. A man isnt poor if he can still laugh. - Raymond Hitchcock6. Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food. - Anna Fellows Johnston7. Seven days without laughter makes one weak. - Mort Walker8. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. - Victor Hugo9. I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. - Woody Allen10. Sometimes I laugh so hard the tears run down my leg. Author UnknownTask: work with your group members and present a report.Report:My desk mate loves the quote “_” best .However, in s opinion, he/she prefers the quote “_” better As for , he/she is in favor of the quote “_” .As far as am concerned, “_” is my favorite quoteTo sum up, .
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