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Grammar & Writing知 识 梳 理观察感悟(源于教材).倒装1. Zhou Yang forget his assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.2. I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.3. you ask many different questions you acquire all the information you need to know.4. my list of dos and donts.答案1.Never will2.Not only am3.Only if;will4.Here comes.单句语法填空1.(2010陕西)John opened the door.There (stand)a girl he had never seen before.2.(2010重庆)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River (lie) Chongqing,one of the ten largest cities in China.3.(2012重庆)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor he even give it a thought.4.(2013辽宁)At no time they actually break the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.5.(2009山东)So sudden (be) the attack that the enemy had no time to escape.6.(2013福建)Not until he went through real hardship he realize the love we have for our families is important.答案1.stood2.lies3.will4.did5.was6.did.完成句子1.Only if people of all the countries are united the existing problems in the world.只有所有国家的人们团结起来,我们才能解决世界上存在的这些问题。2.Never in my life I or seen such a thing.我一辈子没听说过也没见过这样的东西。3.On the ground a boy of less than 10, badly .在地上躺着一个不到十岁的男孩,受了重伤。4.On the wall a map of China.墙上挂着一幅中国地图。5.So much he that I could hardly recognize him.他变化如此大以至于我几乎认不出他来。答案1.can we solve2.have;heard3.lay;hurt4.hangs5.did;change倒装一 、完全倒装在英语中,把谓语动词全部放在主语之前的倒装句,称为完全倒装。常见的完全倒装有以下几种形式:1.表示方位或时间的副词或表示地点的介词短语置于句首时,用完全倒装。且主语是名词。如:here, there, now, then, up, down, in, away, out, off 等。2.把作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首时,用完全倒装。3.There be句型:其中的be动词有时可用exist,live,stand,lie,seem,appear,remain等词代替,谓语动词用就近一致原则。二、部分倒装部分倒装是把谓语的一部分(助动词、系动词、情态动词)提到句首。常见的部分倒装的情况有:1.only修饰副词、介词短语、或状语从句且放在句首。2.否定副词never,nor,not,hardly,little,seldom,scarcely,rarely及含有否定意义的介词短语at no time,in no case,by no means,on no condition,not a single等置于句首时。3.so/neither/nor助动词、系动词、情态动词主语,表示前面说的情况也适于后者时,so表肯定,neither/nor表否定。4.在so.that.和such.that句式中,如果so或such引导的部分位于句首,句子倒装。5.as/though引导的让步状语从句时,可将表语、状语、谓语动词前提,构成倒装。6.hardly.when.和no sooner.than.刚就,前一个句子倒装,后一个句子不倒装。前句用过去完成时,后句用一般过去时。写 作 点 拨.满分作文赏析假定你是你校英语报的小记者。请你根据以下提示写一篇关于四川雅安地震的新闻报道。要点如下:时间:2013年4月20日上午8:02地点:四川省雅安市芦山县事件:发生了7级大地震;重庆、湖南、陕西多地震感强烈;造成了人员伤亡、房屋倒塌;援救工作迅速展开;全国人民纷纷行动来帮助灾区人民。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.参考词汇:震级magnitude【范文“悦”读】A terrible earthquake hit YaanThe 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Lushan county,Yaan City,Sichuan Province at about 8:02 am of April 20,2013.The earthquake could obviously be felt in some other areas of China,such as Chongqing,Hunan,Shanxi,etc.It caused many deaths and serious injuries.Besides,lots of houses were torn down.Luckily,the earthquake immediately drew the great attention of our government.Rescue work started soon after the earthquake.On hearing the news,people all over China took an active role in helping the people in the quake-hit areas.点评:1.本文涵盖了新闻要点内容,语言简练,详略得当,具有新闻报道的实用性和可读性。2.文章中灵活使用衔接词如besides,luckily,使文章衔接自然。3.非谓语动词如On hearing.的使用,使文章更显生动。.作文仿写假设你是一名新华社的记者,请你根据下列所给材料,就一则交通事故给报社写一篇80词左右的报道,新闻报道的题目自拟。1.据当地交通警察报道:星期五在甘肃省西北部公路上发生连环车祸(pileup),造成8人死亡,至少23人受伤。2.下午2:35分,一辆重型卡车(a heavy-duty truck)与两辆小型公共汽车(two medium-sized buses)在312国道罗汉东路段(Luohandong Section)发生连环相撞。3.事故造成6人当场死亡,另外两名伤者因抢救无效而死亡,车上23人在事故中受伤,正在医院接受治疗。事故原因正在调查之中。交通事故类新闻报道常用句式:1. were killed and injured in accident in .2.The accident caused death while in hospital,including .3.The cause of the accident is .【参考范文】Highway pileup killed 8,injured 23 in Gansu(Xinhua)Eight people were killed and at least 23 others injured in a pileup Friday on a highway in northwest Chinas Gansu Province,the local traffic police said.A heavy-duty truck ran into the pileup with two medium-sized buses at 2:35 pm in Luohandong Section of the No.312 National Highway.The accident caused death of six people when it happened and another two died after emergency treatment at the nearby hospital.The accident also injured 23 people aboard the vehicles and they are now receiving treatment at hospital.The cause of the accident is being investigated.写作方法指导新闻也叫“消息”,是对国内外新近发生的具有一定社会价值的人和事实的简要而迅速的报道。新闻的报道一般包括四个部分:标题、导语、主体、结语。标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步展开和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结和对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者会根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。高分策略在写新闻报道时,要注意以下几点:1.内容新鲜、真实、有价值。2.报道要及时、有效、简明扼要。新闻报道常用表达交际用语约会(Making appointments) Shall we make an appointment?我们预约个时间好吗?I shall be busy at.and.but I can be free at.我忙和,但有时间。 When are you f
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