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Period ThreeGrammar,Speaking & Writing观察体验1Would you like to join us in the game?Im afraid not(恐怕不行),for I have something important to attend to.2Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes,if possible(如果可能的话),Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.3Ill never forget the day we met(我们见面的那一天)4Should it be fine(要是天气好),we would go for an outing.5A man and woman(一男一女) are talking in the office.即时归纳省略是一种避免重复、保持句子简洁的语法现象。凡是缺少一个或一个以上的必要语言成分,在一定语境中能够独立存在,意义明确,并且能发挥交际功能的句子就是省略句。一般说来,只要不破坏语法结构或者引起歧义,能省略的就应省略。省略不仅使句子结构显得紧凑,而且也是分句和分句之间的承接纽带。下面讲一下一些常见省略的用法1并列句中的省略一般说来,在后一并列句中凡是与上文相同的成分通常都可省略。如:My room is on the fifth floor,and hers (is) on the eighth (floor)我的房间在五楼,而她的在八楼。I came at eight but Henry (came) at nine.我八点来的,但亨利是在九点来的。即时跟踪1用省略结构改写下列各句1I work in a factory and my brother works on a farm.I work in a factory and my brother on a farm.2Were bound to win someday.Yes,but when are we to win?Were bound to win someday.Yes,but when?2复合句中的省略(1)宾语从句的省略由which,when,where,how和why引导的宾语从句,可全部或部分省略,只保留引导词;在I think,I believe,I hope,I guess,Im afraid 等作答句时,后面可以跟so与not分别等于肯定或否定,宾语从句可以省略。如:I know he was late,but I dont know why (he was late)我知道他迟到了,但是我不知道他为什么迟到。Do you think it will rain?I hope not(notthat it will not rain)你认为会下雨吗?我希望不要下。即时跟踪2用省略结构改写下列各句1Someone has used my mobile phone,but I dont know who has used it.Someone has used my mobile phone,but I dont know who.2He will come back,but he doesnt know when he will come back.He will come back,but he doesnt know when.(2)状语从句的省略在when,while,if,as if,though,as,unless等连词引导的时间、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,若主从句主语一致或从句主语为it且从句谓语动词含有系动词be时,则可以省略从句主语和be动词。如:We shall start at eight,if (it is) convenient.如果方便的话,我们可以8:00出发。即时跟踪3用所给动词的正确形式填空1When heated(heat),a piece of ice will turn into water.2Wood gives much smoke while burning(burn)3He looked about as if searching(search) for something.4English words are easily forgotten,unless constantly repeated(repeat)5The Olympic Games,first played(play) in 776 BC,didnt include women players until 1912.(3)定语从句的省略在定语从句中关系代词作宾语或表语时可以省略;先行词way 后,in which或that可以省略。如:He is no longer the handsome boy (that) he was before.他不再是从前那个英俊潇洒的孩子了。I dont like the way (that/in which) you spoke to your mother.我不喜欢你与你妈妈说话的方式。即时跟踪4用省略形式翻译下列句子1刚才和你讲话的人是谁?Who is the man you were talking to?2中国已不是过去的中国了。China is not the country it was.3我并不是你所认为的那个疯子。Im not the mad man you thought me.4我不喜欢他对待那只小猫的方式。I didnt like the way he treated the little cat.3虚拟语气中的省略如果if引导的虚拟语气在条件句中的谓语有should,were,had时,可将if省略,should,were,had提到主语前,用部分倒装; 在表示意志(insist),建议(suggest,advise),命令(order,demand),要求(request,require)后的宾语从句中谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should 可以省略。如:Had Thomas Edison stored his money,he would have died a wealthy man.如果爱迪生生前把钱存起来,他死的时候会是一个富有的人。My English teacher suggested that we (should) study more English before going to America.英语老师建议我们去美国之前多学点英语。即时跟踪5用省略结构改写下列各句1If she were here,she would agree too.Were she here,she would agree too.2If it should rain tomorrow,we should have to put off the match.Should it rain tomorrow,we should have to put off the match.3If we had found him earlier,we could have saved him.Had we found him earlier,we could have saved him.4He ordered that we should go out at once.He ordered that we go out at once.4功能词的省略功能词指的是没有完整意义,但有语法意义的词,如冠词、介词、助动词等。英语句子结构的简洁,首先表现在功能词的省略上。(1)冠词的省略They elected John (the) monitor of the class.他们选约翰当班长。(2)代词的省略I went to the market,(I) bought something useful,and (I) returned home within an hour.我去了市场,买了点有用的东西,一小时之内就回来了。(3)助动词的省略(Does) Anyone want a drink?有谁要喝一杯吗?(4)不定式符号的省略I hope to finish my job and (to) go back home.我希望做完事回家。(当几个不定式并列时,一般只需在第一个不定式前用to)What we should do was (to) get away.我们应该做的是离开。(主语从句中含有do,那么作表语的动词不定式往往省略to)We did not dare (to) speak.我们不敢说话。(dare作行为动词用时,否定式可省略to)(5)介词的省略He went (in) that way.他往那边去了。即时跟踪61补全下列省略句中的省略部分(1)Hungry?Yes,I am.Are you hungry?Yes,I am hungry.(2)I consider him lazy.I consider him to be lazy.(3)Im really puzzled what to think or say.Im really puzzled what to think or to say.(4)They may go if they wish to.They may go if they wish to go.(5)Danny gave up smoking for a while,but soon returned to his old habit.Danny gave up smoking for a while,but he soon returned to his old habit.2单句改错(1)The boy was made go to bed early.go前加to(2)We have nothing to do now but to wait.删除第二个to(3)I came not to scold but praise you.but后加to(4)Why to talk so much about it?删除to(5)Dont go till I tell you.you后加to.把下列画线部分的省略结构补充完整1It might have saved me some trouble had I known the schedule.(2015江苏)答案if I had known2If accepted for the job,youll be informed soon.(2015北京)答案if you are accepted3Just as I got to the school gate,I realized I had left m
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